webmatrix sample - asp.net-mvc

Can someone suggest me a good webmatrix book/website/blogs that provide me with step by step sample for bussiness application.
This app sample should start from empty website? Or CRUD or Data Access sample
new to the webmatrix!!

Mike's Dot Netting has some great articles, check out the archives, he has been blogging about using web matrix for about two years, some good stuff a little ways back.

The last five chapters of Steve Lydford's book "Building ASP.NET Web Pages with Microsoft WebMatrix" explain the building of a realistic e-commerce application from the Empty Site template.
Nevertheless, you must take in consideration that this book was written before that the WebMatrix 2 release has shipped and thus doesn't mention its improvements.
Another important generic WebMatrix tutorial that introduces to its main functionalities is located at http://www.asp.net/web-pages/tutorials.

Simple tutorial for combining webmatrix and mvc 4.


Need advice on E commerce development in MVC

I have to create a eCommerce store in ASP.NET MVC having some custom features.
After through R&D I have sort listed three major eCommerce frameworks available-
smartstoreNet ( SSNet)
MVC Music Store
Later after more R&D I have selected smartstoreNet as a base for further customization.
After R&D for weeks still I have many doubts & confusion about smartstoreNet (SSNet), would be more than happy if some one guide me in right direction.
Please take a look at my questionnaires:-
I did not found many review of SSNet on web & on Stack overflow, Please share your experience if you have work with the SSNet. How fast & flexible it is?
2.custom Theme creation or Updation document is not in detail, so how to integrate custom or designer's html/css in its theme
suppose I have added some custom functionality in the framework how it would be affected when I update the SSNet framework to newer versions, should I use custom plugins or keep track of my custom development & re -implement everything after version updation.
How efficient the system to handle medium load eCommerce shop having 500-1000 products, speed can't be compromised.
There is a ongoing legal battle between NopCommerce Vs SSNET, how it could affect SSNET users in future in case they lose the case.
I don't expect you to answer all questions :) still pointing me to right direction would be a great help.
I would also select an e-commerce framework/store that is based on the ASP.NET MVC framework.
I have worked through the MVC music store code a while back while learning ASP.NET MVC. I do not know where you stand with ASP.NET MVC but if you are looking to go e-commerce and looking to up your programming skills by using this framework then MVC music store might be a route for you to take. It will put you well on the path of learning this framework. It is really a basic e-commerce store.
If you already have some basic ASP.NET MVC knowledge and looking for something more advanced then I would look at nopCommerce. It is a well thought out e-commerce store and it can easily be customised and extended. You can create your own modules or have them developed for you. It is also easy to setup even if you don't have ASP.NET MVC knowledge - just follow the on screen instructions. It sounds easy right?
I don't have any experience regarding smartstoreNet. If I were to choose one out of the three that you have listed then it would be nopCommerce.
I wouldn't worry to much about any legal battles at the moment - don't let it affect your decision.
Don't know much about SSNet but here's my take on the other two (that i can remember on top of my head :)
nopcommerce - this is very easy to setup. it's extensible bec of support for adding pluggable components/features.
MVC music store - might be too basic for your needs.
Again these are just my thoughts as well based on what you describe for your requirements. Hope it helps. Good luck!
Use MVC, reasons are :
1- Easy to develop, optimize, maintain and make modifications.
2- its scalable and provide everything that a website needs. Dont just look at mvc music store, MVC is highly scalble
3- You can find support while developing mvc on many websites and stakeoverflow also.
Good luck :)
ASP.NET MVC based site is a good choice if you want to control the logic and behavior of the site at a low level. It will take a lot of time/skill/experience to do your own customizations though.
A couple of other out of the box solutions you may want to look at are Magento and Prestashop. These are fully functional ecommerce systems that you can extend with plugins, so quite different to the approach of coding the site yourself. But you may save a lot of time by going with an out of the box solution.
I'm not familiar with SmartStore.Net other than when previously researching this topic myself I was leaning more towards Magento and Prestashop since they had better ease of use.

how to use breezeJS in asp.net webforms

i have been lately read some articles about BreezeJS. But till now i can't get my head around it.
What exactly BreezeJS is used for in details with examples not just words?
Can i use it in asp.net WebForms(most of tutorials target MVC projects), and if so how can i use it ?
Is there any concerns i need to take in consideration before i use it ?
I'm going to break your first question into two pieces:
Do you want to build a JavaScript / Single Page Application?
If you want a cross-platform application with a more fluid user experience, or have a need for offline operation, then Single Page Applications may be a good fit for you.
Why should I use Breeze in a Single Page Application? Can you cite examples?
John Papa has a great post about this that includes a few examples:
You can use WebForms, MVC, or any number of other technologies to build a Single Page Application. For ASP.NET, people typically use MVC4 though. Here is StackOverflow post on that topic that might help:
webforms vs asp.net mvc for single page application - which to choose?

New MVC project

I just need some guidance. I'm fairly new to MVC3 and to web development in general. I want to create my own project that will involve data storage/access (SQL server db) and user log in functionality. I'm not sure were to start, there seem to be so many ways for this and following tutorials doesn't really give the experience of setting up real life project (or its just my impression). Would you guys suggest starting from an empty MVC3 project, or perhaps use the scaffolding feature and build on top of it and use the membership provider built into it ? Some tutorials (by Scott Hanselman) actually explain how to copy and paste the membership feature into a new project. Is this approach suggested ? Any suggestions will help! Thanks!
Here are some tutorials
MVC 3 with razor
ASP.Net website
MVC Music Store
Strongly typed helpers in mvc
Brad Wilson's Blog
MVC Subdomain routing
MVC Partial Views
Some javascript for MVC
MVC Javascript frameworks
Form update using JSON in MVC
I'm just starting too, I found this very helpful, especially the videos on the left.
But what I found extremely helpful is the MVC Music Store and the Contoso University site (I recommend to download as PDF; you can see a button to do so at the top).
The NerdDinner tutorial is a great way to start with ASP.NET MVC, although the online version is slightly out of date. However, I can strongly recommend the book that this tutorial (in its updated version) is the first chapter of: Professional ASP.NET MVC 3.

How can i use asp.net mvc

I need to know how to use the asp.net mvc? i am new to this technology and i decided to use it and i have downloaded MVC release 1.0 so i need to know the steps needed fro setup the framework as after setting up the framework do i need to do any configurations in VS? i need a tutorial for creating mvc project and an example with code for accessing database through mvc. and which version or release of mvc u advice me to use release 1 or 2 ?
And with respect to posting back i knew that mvc don't do post back like web forms instead it call controller so is this means that each view (.asox file) don't have a related .cs file or the .cs file is shared with many .aspx files ?
I know that my question is not clear but i got confused from articles about mvc when i ask any question or seatch about mvc many articles without practical example or direct answer to my questions in my mind
Thanks in advance
Asp.net have some good basic tutorials here http://www.asp.net/learn/mvc-videos/ and here http://www.asp.net/mvc/learn/. Hope they help you.
you dont need to do any configuration in VS at all. after you installed ASP.NET MVC you got a new project type called ASP.NET MVC Web Application thats where your journey begins :)
a good place to start would be this little sample app http://www.asp.net/learn/mvc/#MVC_SampleApp
after this you should understand the basic concept of how ASP.NET MVC works
You could start out reading ScottGu's "Nerddinner" tutorial. It was originally published as part of the book titled "Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0", but has later been released freely on his blog. I believe the tutorial covers all the basics needed to get up and running.
If you feel you need more insight, I would suggest you look to Steven Sanderson's "Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework", rather than the aforementioned book. Sanderson's book seems to cover more detail on how stuff work, and he does a great job trying to promote best practices.
Pick up a good book, e.g.- http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2009/03/10/free-asp-net-mvc-ebook-tutorial.aspx, or go to http://www.asp.net for tutorials.

Is there an official ASP.NET MVC reference/example app?

I'm struggling to find a good reference application for ASP.NET MVC. By "reference", I specifically mean an application that flexes all of the framework's features in the Microsoft-sanctioned manner, such as:
Master pages
Partial views
Strongly-typed models
Custom routes
The open source examples that are out there (CodeCampServer, SutekiShop) either add significantly to the base framework or don't use all of the baked-in features.
Have you seen Rob Connery's MVC Storefront Webcast Series?
Source Code:
I asked more or less the same question here: What are some projects which are examples of best practices for ASP.NET MVC?
As for official, the closest would be Rob Connery's which was mentioned.
This isn't official but you could check out Kigg:
It's a sizable Asp.net MVC Digg-clone with some decent code in it. Used on dotnetshoutout.com
I would consider the Nerd Dinner MVC reference app: http://nerddinner.codeplex.com/ for people just starting
While this might be a little late to the show, I believe that the ASP.net team would like people to start using the MVC Music Store as the official mvc reference example. The Music Store application is using the Razor view engine with Entity Framework's code first approach (also demonstrates database first) along with examples of dependency injection, test driven development, jQuery integration and getting and using NuGet packages.
A second reference example seems to be more on the cutting edge of things and is provided by the Patterns and Practices people. This is called the Silk Project and takes advantage of the latest web standards like HTML5, CSS3 and ECMAScript 5 along with modern web technologies such as jQuery, Internet Explorer 9, and ASP.NET MVC3.
These together would probably show you the newest in ASP.net MVC development along with some pretty neat ideas and examples.
