Batch - Is it possible to create a batch file thats check if a website / url redirect to another site [closed] - url

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Is it possible to create a batch file thats check if a website / url redirect to another site?
for example check if redirect to and i would be great if it could do a status like: Redirects to
for example with echo and some varible like:
echo %Google1% Redirects to %Google2%
And that would look like this Redirects to

There are no built-in tools in Windows, but if you download a Windows compatible version of curl, you can use that to print the headers. This blog article seems a good place to start.
For example:
curl -sL --head | find "301" OR
curl -sL --head | find "302"
If found, the %ERRORLEVEL% variable will be greater than 0, so you can check that.

Under Linux, curl -I You just need the first line, so start maybe with curl -I | head -n 1


Google Coral : hide kernel boot messages [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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How to hide kernel boot message on the Google Coral ?
# cat /etc/debian_version
but i can't find the grub file (i tried, like for debian, /etc/default/grub ... nothing) to edit and add "quiet" (like for a regular Ubuntu/Debian), then regenerate grub :(
embeded linux usually uses uboot instead of grub as it is too large. Specifics on how to customizing kernel should take more researches, however, you can add loglevel=0 to the kernel command line to eliminate some kernel messages.
Download boot.txt:
$ curl\?format\=TEXT | base64 --decode | tee boot.txt > /dev/null
Install mkimage:
$ sudo apt install u-boot-tools
Make your necessary changes in the cmdline="" line, for this example, we need to add "quiet loglevel=0":
cmdline=<preexsisting> + quiet loglevel=0
compile to boot.scr:
$ mkimage -A arm -T script -O linux -d boot.txt boot.scr
replace old boot image file
$ mv boot.scr > /boot
Reboot and the new kernel params should be loaded.
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Installing "en_US" in RHEL container [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm testing an ansible role using molecule. The role install a corporate binary over which I've no insight, I'm just mean to ./binary --silent and that's it. Over RedHat.
It work for a RedHat 6.9 VM. But it doesn't work over the docker container
The error message says:
"Operating system bad language (en_US not found)".
What could be missing from the container that would be on the VM? Some localedef ...? I wasn't able to find a doc about this, but is there some RedHat description about the delta between their "minimal install from ISO" VMs and containers?
Thanks for any help
If you run locale -a on the Docker image you're using, you'll get the following output:
Run the same command in your VM and compare output. If it contains line en_US (without utf-8 suffix), try adding the following lines dicrectly below FROM directive in your Dockerfile:
RUN localedef -v -c -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US; exit 0
RUN sed -i 's/en_US.UTF-8/en_US/g' /etc/sysconfig/i18n && source /etc/sysconfig/i18n
This will generate locale en_US with encoding UTF-8 named en_US (without any suffix).

Is there a startup file (like .bashrc) for i3 where i can set environmet variables? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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It would help me to setup my system-wide proxy. I'm using latest Ubuntu and tried /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc and ~/.xsession,
export HTTP_PROXY=http://....
But that did not work.
Apparently i3 uses sh to launch stuff, and does not source $PATH from ~/.bashrc :
cat ~/.xsession-errors
/bin/sh: 1: mycommand: not found
So, just create a ~/.xsessionrc file and put your statements in it :
export HTTP_PROXY=http://....
Then logout and back in ; It should work now.
System-wide environment can be setup by placing a script in /etc/profile.d/
For example, you may create /etc/profile.d/proxy with your
export HTTP_PROXY=http:// # enter your proxy settings here
Then chmod +x this file, then reboot :
chmod +x /etc/profile.d/proxy
systemctl reboot
After reopening your session you could check the variables are there :
env | grep HTTP
You should see the variables set with the values you entered in the profile script.
In order to set system wide proxy settings you can add the following:
export http_proxy=''
export https_proxy=''
export ftp_proxy=''
export no_proxy='localhost,,::1
to your bash.bashrc file which is located in /etc folder. Of course, you should replace addresses with your ones. It works at least for Debian.

why the cygWin grep gives error? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am trying to recursively search for the below string in all my C# files. Why am I gettig this error? Took me a lontime to install CygWin and I have been using Unix forever, but this is not acting like Unix's grep. Noteworthy that I am using Cygwin for my WIndows7. Thanks
grep -R 'new IIntf' *.*
grep: *.*: No such file or directory
grep -R 'new IIntf' *.cs
grep: *.cs: No such file or directory
There may be no files matching *.* in the current directory. Perhaps you mean grep -R 'new IIntf' .

Where do I find the "cd" command? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I need to know to know the full path of the command "cd" in ubuntu 10.04. Can anyone please help me find it. For example the full path of the command "dir" is "File System/bin/dir".
-Thanks in advance
cd is one of the builtin commands of bash (or similar shells).
/usr/bin/which screws up on shell builtins; type is a better alternative:
$ type cd
cd is a shell builtin
