Jquery's ajax request fails in remote, not in local - url

I am using an ajax request which works in local, not in remote, because of an url problem. It looks like :
type: "POST",
url: "../classes/file_to_process.php",
data: "my data"
success: function(msg){...}
I keep on having an error message : "The requested URL /classes/file_to_process.php {without the double dots behind it} was not found on this server"
My working directory is in a folder /prod, in which there is the index.php. The /classes folder is at the same level as /prod. So to fetch it from an jquery request, I use ../classes/file_to_process
I tried an absolute path by using pwd to fetch the correct path on the remote server, but I have the same message
Anybody has an idea ?

'classes' folder is on the same level as 'public', then you can't access it directly from the client (AJAX, JavaScript, etc). You need to either put it in the 'public' or map it to /classes virtual path. Or you can have a trusted .php file in your 'public' folder that accesses the 'classes' on the server side.
From the client side you cannot access a file that is not being served to the client.


Javascript reading server file GET http://localhost:3000/public/uploads/goodj.json 404 (Not Found)

I am trying to read server file in javascript in ruby on rails project.
url: "/public/uploads/goodj.json",
success: function (file_content) {
And this causes error
GET http://localhost:3000/public/uploads/goodj.json 404 (Not Found)
I think server is recognizing this request as action of controller.
What can I do to make server to understand this is request for reading file?
From Rails guides:
config.public_file_server.enabled configures Rails to serve static
files from the public directory. This option defaults to true, but in
the production environment it is set to false because the server
software (e.g. NGINX or Apache) used to run the application should
serve static files instead. If you are running or testing your app in
production mode using WEBrick (it is not recommended to use WEBrick in
production) set the option to true. Otherwise, you won't be able to
use page caching and request for files that exist under the public
And the URL should be /uploads/goodj.json, not /public/uploads/goodj.json. So the code snippet should look like that:
url: "/uploads/goodj.json",
success: function (file_content) {

angular2 & lite server dot in url leads to 404 not found

I'm using Angular2 Beta 14 and calling a URL with a "dot" in it leads to a 404 not found error from the lite server which is 2.2.0.
This is the URL I'm calling:
The router path in app.component.ts looks like this:
{path: '/confirmuser/token/:token', name: 'ConfirmUser', component: ConfirmUserComponent}
The Chrome console shows this:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Ant the Lite Server:
[1] 16.04.13 15:57:13 404 GET /confirmuser/token/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOjYsInVzZXJOYW1lIjoiYXNkZmFzQGNlZC5saSJ9.PMzNWp8mbUKbSAiOqhOqjhZUYNejXY3pIQueBkc8_2E
When ever I call the url without a "dot", the page gets loaded correctly.
My aim here is, to confirm a user sign up. He receives an email with an URL he has to confirm. Using a JWT in this (and other cases) is habit I've been using.
Now I doubt this is an Angular issue, I believe this is a lite server issue.
Anyone experience with this?
I found a suitable workaround for this issue.
Basically I'm getting rid of the path parameter ":token" and replacing it by a query parameter
In the app.component.ts the new path now looks like this:
{path: '/confirmuser', name: 'ConfirmUser', component: ConfirmUserComponent}
An the URL like this:
In the component that handles this request I can continue to call route params as I was used to. So nothing to change there:
constructor(params: RouteParams){
this.token = params.get('token')
This question has been answered in https://stackoverflow.com/a/36283859/1465640#
But it can be summarized with dots doesn't work in urls unless you do some work on the lite-server config.
If you are using webpack then you need to change the config to make it working.
Please make the change in webpack dev server config file
historyApiFallback: {
disableDotRule: true

How to get the correct proxy URL in Apigee?

In my Apigee API Proxy, I need to get the environment URL that is defined in my configuration, so that I can send it as part of the response.
For example: http://myorg-test.apigee.net/pricing
However, when I try to get it using proxy.url, I get an aliased path, like http://rrt18apigee.us-ea.4.apigee.com/pricing
Currently, I'm trying to get it like:
var response = {
proxyUrl : context.getVariable("proxy.url"),
Here is a work around. You can try to get the following variables and create the entire URL
Get the request scheme (http or https) from request.Headers.X-Forwarded-Proto (if you are using cloud version) or client.scheme if you are using on-prem
Get the host name from request.host
Get the entire request path from request.path
Entire list of URL query params and list from message.querystring
You can then construct the entire request URL.
( I know this should not be this painful. Please log a bug in case proxy.url is really broken. )

ajax request to public folder?

I have a JavaScript file making an ajax request to a file containing json data. The json data file is located in the public folder of Rails, however, the ajax request is returning a 404 not found error.
GET http://localhost:3000/public/data/album1.json 404 (Not Found)
Can anyone make a suggestion about what url to set for the ajax request, or where to put the json file if not in the public folder? Note, in addition to the url shown in the code below, I also tried url: 'data/album1.json' but it gave me the same result.
if (this._index === null){
url: 'public/data/album1.json',
dataType: 'json',
data: {},
Try not including the public in the url, but including the slash:

Jquery-upload-progress cross domain issue. Suspected GET request problem

I am doing a site which submits a form to a different server. For upload progress tracking I use: for server side the NginxHttpUploadProgressModule und for client side - jquery-upload-progress. I have tested the setup by submitting the form to the same server and everything worked fine. Submitting to another server doesn't show the progress tracking(cross domain scripting). After hours of investigating this matter I came to the conclusion that the GET request generated by JQuery is at fault.
The query looks like this:
From the NginxHttpUploadProgressModule site:
The HTTP request to this location must have either an X-Progress-ID parameter or X-Progress-ID HTTP header containing the unique identifier as specified in your upload/POST request to the relevant tracked zone. If you are using the X-Progress-ID as a query-string parameter, ensure it is the LAST argument in the URL.
So, my question is how do I append the X-Progress-ID parameter to the end of the jquery GET request or set the X-Progress-ID header?
This doesn't work with jsonp(code from jquery.uploadProgress.js):
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Progress-ID", options.uuid);
Currently the request is generated this way(code from jquery.uploadProgress.js):
jQuery.uploadProgress = function(e, options) {
type: "GET",
url: options.progressUrl + "?X-Progress-ID=" + options.uuid,
dataType: options.dataType,
success: function(upload) {
I solved the GET parameter problem(code from jquery.uploadProgress.js):
jQuery.uploadProgress = function(e, options) {
type: "GET",
url: options.progressUrl,
dataType: options.dataType,
data: "X-Progress-ID=" + options.uuid,
success: function(upload) {
Modified GET request looks like this:
The nginx webserver is now correctly responding.
However as Ron Evans pointed out the client side progress tracking part won't work unless NginxHttpUploadProgressModule is modified.
You simply cannot fire an XmlHttpRequest from a webpage, to a domain different from the page's domain. It violates security definitions that are default on all browsers.
the only thing that I can think of that you can do is to use Flash or Silverlight to initiate the progress calls (Flash and Silverlight can, given the correct crossdomain.xml setup, send async requests from the browser to preset list of domains)
or, setup a browser addin (say Firefox plugin, or IE ActiveX, or Embedded WinForm control) that can initiate calls without the same-domain restriction (as the request will not originate from the webpage, but from the browser itself)
You need to install the Apache module for upload status as well, just using the jQuery plugin will not work.
To respond to Ken, I suggest you familiarize yourself with JSONP spec, since JSONP was created specifically to handle cross-domain Javascript calls.
Anyhow, this code works great in Passenger/Apache WITH my modified Apache module. Without modifying the extension for Nginx it will not work with a JSONP call.
I made a minor modification that solved the problem for me, you can check it out here:
