In the above link…..
Code block Foreach
<h3>Team Members</h3> string[] teamMembers = {"Matt", "Joanne", "Robert", "Nancy"};
foreach (var person in teamMembers)
why the h3 tag "Team Members" is not throwing the C# error saying not declared? This is inside the code block which says it is a C# code.
All the HTML tags are ignored inside the code block?
Similarly, why # sign in #person? Is it not this code is also inside the code block?
Thank you,
The # symbol is the heart of the Razor syntax, the character that Razor uses to differentiate code from markup. The # symbol marks a point at which the developer intends to switch from markup to code. In simple cases, no additional characters are needed to indicate when the code stops and the markup resumes. Razor’s intelligent parser determines which parts of the template are code and which are markup. What makes a valid code statement? Razor uses the following algorithm to find the end of a code statement once it reads the # symbol trigger:
Read to the end of a valid identifier (i.e., a C# or VB keyword) or variable name.
If the next character is an opening bracket ( ( or [ )…
a. Keep parsing until the corresponding closing bracket is located. Nested brackets
are also tracked to avoid premature closing of a block.
b. Loop back to #2.
If the next character is a . (period) and precedes a valid identifier, jump to #1.
Complete the code statement and continue processing the rest of the markup.
The reason the #person is there is to tell the Razor view engine that their is a transition between markup and code
Here the a suggested pattern for using Intl.message I have seen everywhere:
final String learnMoreLabel = _learnMoreLabel; String get
_learnMoreLabel => Intl.message('Learn more',
name: 'HelpContentBase__learnMoreLabel',
desc: 'The label for a link or button which takes the user to the '
'Google Help Center to read more information on a topic.');
Why can't I just write:
final String learnMoreLabel = Intl.message('Learn more',
name: 'HelpContentBase__learnMoreLabel',
desc: 'The label for a link or button which takes the user to the '
'Google Help Center to read more information on a topic.');
Why does it need to be wrapped in the getter? I found this in the docs:
Use this for a message that will be translated for different locales.
The expected usage is that this is inside an enclosing function that
only returns the value of this call and provides a scope for the
variables that will be substituted in the message.
but it doesn't say why.
The short answer is that for that example it probably could be written that way, but it breaks down when there are parameters to the message.
What happens with Intl messages is that the a preprocessor runs over the program and finds all the occurrences of Intl.message and writes them to a file. That file gets sent for translation, and then the translations are run through another program and generate Dart code for each language, which is reachable via the messages_all.dart import.
When you call Intl.message at runtime it looks up the current locale (using the name as a key) and delegates to the appropriate translation, passing along any parameters (via the "args" argument).
When the comment says "provides a scope" it really means that the only things that are allowed to be used in the message are the variables that are provided as arguments to the enclosing function. When there aren't any arguments we could allow the enclosing function to be omitted. It would mean making the parser smart enough to recognize that pattern as well.
As an aside: I don't love the pattern of calling the method once and assigning to a final variable. It sets up a potential race condition between locale initialization and variable initialization and it means the locale can't change at runtime. However, I understand when we have frameworks like Angular that are calling it and comparing the result on every frame that it gets expensive to actually call the function every time.
Another aside: When there are no parameters you can omit the name. It will use the text as a name. When there are parameters the text is an interpolation so it can't use that as the name.
I am creating a template in Wikipedia to link articles to an external website which is a book archive called I am generating a url to link to a specific author page. Part of the url is the author's name which contains one or more spaces. For example, the url for the author "Ian Fleming" is:, Ian. My template call structure is {{FadedPage|id=Fleming, Ian|name=Ian Fleming|author=yes}}.
For my template I am replicating an existing template which uses a script coded in lua to parse the template arguments. I have been able to generate all of the url except for the space character between the last and first name.
I could code the template call as: {{FadedPage|id=Fleming,%20Ian|name=Ian Fleming|author=yes}} which works OK but I would rather have the call format as it looks on the fadedpage website, ie. with the embedded space. So I need a way in lua to find the space character within the string and substitute it for the string "%20". So far I haven't figured out how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
I often have Javascript on my JSF XHTML pages that has && in it, which I end up having to encode as &&
For example, when I place the following in my JSF XHTML page file:
I am an & sign
I get the error:
The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference
One wayto fix this appears to be to change the '&' to & which I find undesirable to just writing '&'.
It also appears that for cases where I use the '&' in Javascript, I can wrap the Javascript in CDATA tags; when wrapped in CDATA tags, I can then write '&' without having to escape it as &, which is a good workaround to be able to have more readable Javascript code on my page.
But what happens when I want to use the literal '&' elsewhere on the page when it is not within <script> tags and therefore cannot as easily wrap the code in CDATA tags? Must I always escape '&' as & for these cases?
Note trying to use 's ability to escape values and do not seem to be able to fix the issue
Facelets is a XML based view technology. Any characters which have special treatment by the XML parser needs to be XML-escaped when the intent is to present them literally. That covers among others < and &. The < indicates the start of a XML tag like so <foo> and the & indicates the start of a XML entity like so &. The < must be escaped as < and the & as &.
Not escaping them in Facelets would result in the following exception for <
javax.faces.view.facelets.FaceletException: Error Parsing /test.xhtml: Error Traced[line: 42] The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.
and the following one for &
javax.faces.view.facelets.FaceletException: Error Parsing /test.xhtml: Error Traced[line: 42] The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.
This is not specifically related to JavaScript, this applies to the entire view, including "plain text". Those characters just happen to be JavaScript operators as well. There's no way to go around this, that's just how XML is specified. In JavaScript, there's however one more way to avoid escaping or using CDATA blocks: just put that JS code in its own .js file which you load by <script> or <h:outputScript>.
In EL, there is also the && operator which also needs to be escaped as && as well, but fortunately there's an alias for this operator, the and operator.
See also:
Mozilla Developer Network - Writing JavaScript for XHTML
It's because & is special characters in XML :
FYI, I tried to write the (c) character in my JSF page.
An error was raised when I wrote © : "copy is referenced but not declared"
When I wrote © I got the raw string back.
I could display the special character using the unicode notation : ©
This code worked for me :
<h:outputText value="©" escape="false" />
I'm currently modifying my regex for this:
Extracting email addresses in an html block in ruby/rails
basically, im making another obfuscator that uses ROT13 by parsing a block of text for all links that contain a mailto referrer(using hpricot). One use case this doesn't catch is that if the user just typed in an email address(without turning it into a link via tinymce)
So here's the basic flow of my method:
1. parse a block of text for all tags with href="mailto:..."
2. replace each tag with a javascript function that changes this into ROT13 (using this script:
3. once all links are obfuscated, pass the resulting block of text into another function that parses for all emails(this one has an email regex that reverses the email address and then adds a span to that email - to reverse it back)
step 3 is supposed to clean the block of text for remaining emails that AREN'T in a href tags(meaning it wasn't parsed by hpricot). Problem with this is that the emails that were converted to ROT13 are still found by my regex. What i want to catch are just emails that WEREN'T CONVERTED to ROT13.
How do i do this? well all emails the WERE CONVERTED have a trailing "'.replace" in them. meaning, i need to get all emails WITHOUT that string. so far i have this regex:
but this gets all the emails with the trailing '.replace i want to get the opposite and I'm currently stumped with this. any help from regex gurus out there?
Here's the regex + the block of text im parsing:
as you can see, the first two 'email addresses' are already obfuscated using ROT13. I need a regex that gets the emails and
On negative lookaheads
You can use a negative lookahead to assert that a pattern doesn't match.
For example, the following regex matches all strings that doesn't end with ".replace" string:
As another example, this regex matches all a*b*, except aabb:
See also and anchors
Flavor comparison - unfortunately, Ruby doesn't support lookbehinds
Specific solution
The following regex works in this scenario: (see on
is there any danger if the rails html_escape function would stop escaping '&'? I tested a few cases and it doesn't seem to create any problems. Can you give me a contrary an example? Thanks.
If you put an unescaped "&" into an HTML attribute, it would make your page invalid. For example:
The page is now invalid as the & indicates an entity. This is true for any usage of an & on a page (for example, view source and hopefully you'll notice that Stack Overflow escapes the & signs in this post!)
The following would make the above example valid:
Additional Note
& characters do need to be escaped in URLs if you want to validate your markup against the W3C validator. Example:
Line 9, Column 38: & did not start a character reference.
(& probably should have been escaped as &.)
change an url with adding some argument