iOS 6 Autolayout not resizing properly - ios

So all I'm trying to do is put an imageview at the foot of the screen. Before iOS6 autolayout I could just hit the bottom "I" and it would hold it to the bottom and push it up if the screen got short (i.e. if the screen size went from 568 to 480 points tall). But now I have been trying to add a bottom spacing to Superview at 0 but I can't seem to do anything to get rid of the the top spacing constraint to stop messing me up. If I convert the top spacing to a user constraint and then delete it then (thinking that the vertical constraint would be handled by the bottom spacing) but it auto re-creates that contraint... any ideas?
Update It seems it was due to the fact that I was having it be a subview of a scrollview (was going to use it for scrolling horizontally, not vertically). Anyone know why it wont let me do that? Seems like you should still be able to constraint to the bottom of a scroll view.

It could be that the Button's constraints are somehow wrong. Having the height, width, bottom distance and horizontal centering should be enough to define its position. Try deleting the button and centering the image view on the super view instead, and see if tha allows you to delete that top constraint.


UIStackView within UIScrollView is cut off

I'm trying to use a UIStackView within a UIScrollView and I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction in creating the right constraints because I can't figure out what the problem is.
These are my constraints and ViewController structure.
So DestCont is a UIView that has a fixed height and ContentCont should take up the rest of the space, which could be (and is) larger than the screen so it should be able to scroll.
When I test it out in the simulator, I have the following problem. (Resized it so it would fit in the 2MB cap)
The green is the Root View and the black color is the ScrollView, as you can see, it cuts off the bottom portion of the ContentCont view.
I changed the constraints, removed the fixed UIStackView height, but now, it doesn't show the bottom UIView that's in the UIStackView:
From your screenshot we know that you have set the StackView's height constraint equals to the self.view's height. Then the height is fixed(equal to one screen's height), even though its content view's height may be larger than the screen.
And UIScrollView will calculate its contentSize depending on its content, so in your case its contentSize's height will always be one screen heigt.
Delete this height constraint, let the ContentCont's content decide the height of it. Also please make sure your constrains in your ContentCont are correct.
I ended up with being fine that just my "ContentCont" UIContainerView will scroll and fixed the switching by using the following tutorial:

Bottom Constraint with UIScrollView

Im trying to make a dynamic UIScrollView, using this answer I could make it work Calculating contentSize for UIScrollView when using Auto Layout
These are my label constraints:
The scroll is working, but since I have the bottom constraint the view will always have the huge space in the bottom. But if I remove the bottom constraint the scroll will not work. How can I keep the constraint but at the same time don't have all this huge space? Is this possible?
The solution was to make the view inside the scroll view to have the same height as the label so i don't have that huge bottom constrain, doing that solved my problem since the new bottom constrain is now 8 instead of 595.
To get the same size and location of the picture, I suggest to
delete the "595" Bottom Space constraint and instead set a height constraint on the UILabel. This will get rid of all that huge space.

Swift - UIScrollView Scrolls Partially

My problem is slightly different from other's 'Swift UIScrollView' problems when using auto layout:
Unlike others, when I run my app, it scrolls. My problem is that the scroll cuts off the bottom 20-30% of the content. I can pull to see the buttons did build and are down there, but when I let it go the scroll snaps back to a false bottom which cuts off my content!!! I've been trying, for days, to fix it to scroll the entire height but it continues to cut off!!
Description of app:
I used auto layout to layout 6 buttons and labels. Each button a rectangular image, with a label directly beneath it. (sorry, the site won't let me post pictures!)
I have my views arranged like this:
MainView > ScrollView > ContentView > Buttons & Labels
I have my contentView pinned to my ScrollView and my ScrollView pinned to my MainView. My buttons and labels all have constraints that are building correctly, to create a list that looks like:
Rectangular button
Label beneath it
Rectangular button
Label beneath it
Can anyone tell me why I can't scroll the full length of the view?
Your description of how your items are constrained is vague, so I'm going to list all of the constraints you need to make this work. Then you can compare what you have to what you need and adjust accordingly.
Your ScrollView should be pinned on all 4 sides to the MainView. (This isn't absolutely necessary. You can constrain your ScrollView however you want, but make sure it can grow as the device and/or orientation changes).
Your ContentView should be pinned on all 4 sides to the ScrollView with offsets of 0.
Since you want your ScrollView to scroll vertically only, constrain the width of the ContentView to the width of the ScrollView using an Equal Widths constraint. To do this, in the Document Outline view, Control-drag from your ContentView to your ScrollView and select Equal Widths from the pop up.
The height of ContentView will be set by the sum total height of everything in it. In order for this to work, your topmost button needs to be pinned to the top of the ContentView, all of your buttons and labels should be pinned to their nearest neighbors, and the bottommost label should be pinned to the bottom of the ContentView. In addition, all of your buttons and labels should have constraints for their widths and heights. I would suggest setting an explicit width constraint and explicit height constraint for your buttons and centering them horizontally in the ContentView. For your labels, set an explicit height constraint and pin the left and right edges to the ContentView.
If you have these constraints and no other ones, your ContentView will be properly sized.
Using contentView, like you said, usually fixes the issue. So chances are you need to take a second look at your contraints. Maybe try this solution in a clean/new project to see that it works. (it does work). My guess would be that some of your constraints conflict each other.
Otherwise I think it would be a good idea to setContentSize of your scrollView in your viewDidLoad.
Another hack would be to place 2 UI objects with their alphas set to zero on the right top corner and left bottom corner. This would hint scrollView to set its contentSize.

Autolayout - anchoring to bottom right

I'm developing an app targetting iOS6/7, and I've lost two hours staring at a storyboard, trying to understand why autolayout doesn't do what I want it to do.
Basically, I have a scene containing a scroll view and in it, I want to have a UIIMage anchored at the bottom right. Therefore, I set four constraints for the image:
Width equals
Height equals
Bottom space to superview and
Trailing space to superview
XCode does not complain about the positioning, so I run my app with confidence, only to find that it is not shown in any orientation. It's just nowhere to be found!
I know that to find how autolayout implemented the constraints and did its magic, I have to inspect the view.bounds rect. I checked at the viewDidAppear event, to find its value to be as expected though:
Image pos is: 0.000000,0.000000 106.000000x103.000000
The frame is of course at the actual position in the storyboard which I guess is to be expected.
Here is a screen cap of my Storyboard:
Any ideas?
Some more info:
If I remove all constraints and run the app, the image view is shown at the bottom right of my view in portrait, but when rotating, as expected, it is not shown.
Update 2:
This all should fall in the dreaded UIScrollView and AutoLayout threads. In the end I reverted to using a UIView, inside of which is a UIScrollView containing all the content I wanted to scroll (so that no text fields are hidden by the keyboard in landscape mode). The image I wanted anchored at the bottom was left at the container UIView and it all worked as intended.
If you want to anchor to bottom right, Programmatic autoresizingMask has been far more consistent for me.
It's slightly opposite of IB so if you want to anchor bottom right, you want the left margin flexible and the top margin flexible
yourView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin;
This means that bottom margin, right margin, height and width will all remain the same, keeping it in the lower right of your view.

Aling UIView to a UIToolbar using autolayout

I trying to align an UIView to the bottom of a container view(UIScroolView) and above a tool bar.
It works perfectly when design to the iphone 3.5 display but when a change my layout to the 4.0 display, my view doesn't get alined to the bottom instead it stays in the same position with a gap from the UIToolbar.
I checked and i realized the i have a constraint Vertical Space with a constant and i think thats why my view always stays in the same place, the problem is i can't get rid of this constraint, i'd like to know if someone could help me with this one.
I think you need to add a height constraint to the toolbar. If you have that and a zero length vertical spacing constraint between the toolbar and scroll view, you should be able to delete that constraint to the top of the super view.
