I'm looking for a way to check if certain object is included in polymorphic association.
My example is
language.rb (this is essentially a list of available languages)
has_many :user_languages
belongs_to :language
belongs_to :speakable, :polymorphic => true
has_many :languages, :class_name => 'UserLanguage', :as => :speakable
Now i want to check is user has certain language. The idea I had is to use include? method in a form of
u = User.find(1)
l = Language.find(1)
but it always returns false although u.languages gives
#<UserLanguage id: 1, language_id: 1, speakable_id: 1, speakable_type: "User">
What would be the proper way to arrange this check?
Thank you!
It looks like your problems lies right here
has_many :languages, :class_name => 'UserLanguage', :as => :speakable
Because you set class_name to UserLanguage, u.languages is giving you a set of UserLanguage objects not Language objects.
If you change your user.rb associations, as below, u.languages should give you what you're looking for.
has_many :user_languages, :as => :speakable
has_many :languages, :through => :user_languages
I have this relation in my Product model:
has_many :features, :class_name => 'ProductFeature', :source => :product_feature, :include => :feature
So I can do Product.features
which works fine. But I want to be able to filter that by fields in the feature table, when and if necessary. For example in pseudo code:
find all product features where feature is comparable
compare is a bool field on the feature.
I have been trying for 2 hours solid and cannot figure it out (without writing a new query completely). I can't figure out how to access the feature table's fields from the Product.features relation, as it seems it can only filter on product_features fields.
This is what I have come up with so far:
def features_compare
features.feature.where(:compare => true)
But it just says feature is not a valid method, which I understand.
I have updated my model so the relationships are clearer:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :company
belongs_to :insurance_type
has_many :product_features
has_many :reviews
attr_accessible :description, :name, :company
class ProductFeature < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :feature
delegate :name, :to => :feature
attr_accessible :value
class Feature < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :compare
I want to be able to query the product_features that belong to a product and feature where Feature.compare is true. Something like this:
def features_compare
product_features.where(:compare => true)
This throws an error because compare in in the Feature model, not ProductFeature. I have tried the following in product_feature.rb:
delegate :compare, :to => :feature
but I didn't help.
I will adding a bounty to this in a few hours so please please help me!
find all product features where feature is comparable is just
ProductFeature.joins(:feature).where(:feature => {:compare => true})
You can make that a bit more reusable by introducing a scope:
#in product_feature.rb
scope :with_feature_like, lambda do |filter|
joins(:feature).where(:feature => filter)
ProductFeature.with_feature_like(:compare => true)
#all the product features of a certain product with at comparable features
some_product.product_features.with_feature_like(:compare => true)
Finally, if you want all products with product features with comparable features, you want something like:
Product.joins(:product_features => :feature).where(:feature => {:compare => true})
which of course you can also turn into a scope on Product.
This seems like a has_many :through relationship. Try changing this:
has_many :features, :class_name => 'ProductFeature', :source => :product_feature, :include => :feature
to this:
has_many :product_features
has_many :features, :through => :product_features
As long as your ProductFeature model has this:
belongs_to :product
belongs_to :feature
And you have the appropriate columns on product_features (product_id, feature_id), then you should be able to access that product's features and all the attributes on both Product and ProductFeature.
See here:
EDIT: Here's how to filter by feature fields.
Product.joins(:features).where(:features => {:name => "Size"})
#product.each |p| { p.features.where(:comparable => true) } is probably your best bet here, but I'm open to being enlightened.
I've been using the association_collection method "other_ids" throughout my Rails app with no issues. However whenever I try to access it from within the model defining the association, Rails has no idea what I'm taking about. For example:
class Membership < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :course, :touch => true
belongs_to :person, :touch => true
class Day < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :course, :touch => true, :counter_cache => true
has_many :presents, :dependent => :delete_all
has_many :people, :through => :presents
before_destroy :clear_attendance
def clear_attendance
mems = Membership.where(:course_id => course.id, :person_id => person_ids)
mems.update_all(["attendance = attendance - ?", (1 / course.days.size.to_f)])
In this case, person_ids is always null. I've tried self.person_ids, people.ids, etc. All nothing. I have used day.person_ids elsewhere with no issues, so why can't I use it here?
I am using Ruby 1.9.1 and Rails 3.0.3. Here is the SQL call from my log:
[1m[36mAREL (0.0ms)[0m [1mUPDATE "memberships" SET attendance = attendance - 0.3333333333333333 WHERE ("memberships"."course_id" = 4) AND ("memberships"."person_id" IN (NULL))[0m
edit: added more code to clarify question
What you really want there is:
def a_method
But to answer your question, person_ids is the correct method, and it should return an empty array, not nil. I just tried an association like that out in 2.3.10. Maybe you can post some more of your code, rails version, etc.
Thanks for your help - I figured it out myself. The problem was the order of my callbacks. I was trying to call person_ids after the association had been deleted. Changing the order to this solved my issues.
class Day < ActiveRecord::Base
before_destroy :clear_attendance
belongs_to :course, :touch => true, :counter_cache => true
has_many :presents, :dependent => :delete_all
has_many :people, :through => :presents
I have a table with entries, and each entries can have different account-types. I'm trying to define and return the account based on the value of cindof
Each account type has one table, account_site and account_page. So a regular belongs_to won't do.
So is there any way to return something like:
belongs_to :account, :class_name => "AccountSite", :foreign_key => "account_id" if cindof = 1
belongs_to :account, :class_name => "AccountPage", :foreign_key => "account_id" if cindof = 2
Have tried to do that in a method allso, but no luck. Really want to have just one accountand not different belongs_to names.
Anyone that can figure out what I want? Hard to explain in English.
You should be able to do what you want with a polymorphic association. This won't switch on cindof by default, but that may not be a problem.
class ObjectWithAccount < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :account, :polymorphic => true
class AccountSite < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :objects_with_accounts,
:as => :account,
:class_name => 'ObjectWithAccount'
class AccountPage < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :objects_with_accounts,
:as => :account,
:class_name => 'ObjectWithAccount'
You will need both an account_id column and a account_type column. The type of the account object is then stored in the extra type column.
This will let you do:
obj.account = AccountPage.new
obj.account = AccountSite.new
I would look into Single Table Inheritance. Not 100% sure, but I think it would solve your problem http://code.alexreisner.com/articles/single-table-inheritance-in-rails.html
If that isn't good, this isn't too hard to implement yourself.
def account
case self.cindof
when 1 then AccountSite.find self.account_id
when 2 then AccountPage.find self.account_id
Hi i have these classes:
class Core < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :resource, :polymorphic => true
belongs_to :image, :class_name => 'Multimedia', :foreign_key => 'image_id'
class Place < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :core, :as => :resource
If i try do launch this:
a = Place.find(5)
a.name ="a"
a.core.image_id = 24
name is saved. image_id no
i want save automatically all changes in records in relationship with place class at a.save command. is possible?
Use :autosave => true
See section titled One-to-many Example for ActiveRecord::AutosaveAssociation.
You'll want something like:
class Place
has_one :core, :as => :resource, :autosave => true
The :autosave => true should be used on the "parent" Object. It works great with has_one and has_many, but I've run into great difficulty attempting to use it on a belongs_to. relationship.
I think that you can use the build_association method to do that. For example,
a = Place.find(5)
a.name = "a"
a.build_core(:image_id => 24)
But it might only work if the place object was created before hand.
I've got the following models:
has_many :tasks
belongs_to :project
has_many :assignments
has_many :users, :through => :assignments
has_many :assignments
has_many :tasks, :through => :assignments
belongs_to :task
belongs_to :user
So for example:
Project.first.title #=> "Manhattan"
Project.first.tasks.map(&:name) # => ['Find Scientists', 'Find Money', 'Find Location']
Project.first.tasks.first.users.map(&:full_name) #=> ['James Maxwell', 'Evariste Galois', 'Jules Verne']
My first question is:
How can I find all the persons' names possibly with symbol to proc in one shot, I tried:
Project.first.tasks.users.full_name #=> AND FAILED
Project.first.tasks.map(&:users).full_name #=> AND FAILED
Project.first.tasks.map(&:users).map(&:full_name) #=> AND FAILED
Any ideas?
And I think this following question might be in the same ball park:
How can I do a find of Project with conditions that search the 'full_name' attribute of the users its tasks?
Project.all(:include => {:tasks => :users}, :conditions => ['tasks.users.full_name LIKE ?', query]) #this failed
I think the problem is at the 'tasks.users'.
Thanks everyone, have a happy thanksgiving!
For the first one you'll want to do something like this:
Project.first.tasks.map { |t| t.users.map(&:full_name) }.flatten
The reason for this is that you want to iterate through all the tasks, then all the users in each task. Without the flatten this would give you a 2-dimensional array.
And for the second one your find should be:
Project.all(:include => {:tasks => :users}, :conditions => ['users.full_name LIKE ?', query])
Writing users.full_name implies to the SQL engine that you're looking for the full_name field on the users table.