Accessing session from a helper spec in rspec - ruby-on-rails

I have a method in my ApplicationHelper that checks to see if there are any items in my basket
module ApplicationHelper
def has_basket_items?
basket = Basket.find(session[:basket_id])
basket ? !basket.basket_items.empty? : false
Here is my helper spec that I have to test this:
require 'spec_helper'
describe ApplicationHelper do
describe 'has_basket_items?' do
describe 'with no basket' do
it "should return false" do
helper.has_basket_items?.should be_false
however when I run the test i get
SystemStackError: stack level too deep
From debugging this i see that session is being accessed in ActionDispatch::TestProcess from #request.session, and #request is nil. When i access the session from my request specs #request is an instance of ActionController::TestRequest.
My question is can I access the session object from a helper spec? If I can, how? And if I cant what is the best practice to test this method?
This was down to having include ActionDispatch::TestProcess in my factories. Removing this include sorts the problem.

can I access the session object from a helper spec?
module ApplicationHelper
def has_basket_items?
raise session.inspect
basket = Basket.find(session[:basket_id])
basket ? !basket.basket_items.empty? : false
$ rspec spec/helpers/application_helper.rb
Failure/Error: helper.has_basket_items?.should be_false
The session object is there and returns an empty hash.
Try reviewing the backtrace in more detail to find the error. stack level too deep usually indicates recursion gone awry.

You are testing has_basket_items? action in ApplicationHelper, which check a specfic basket with a basket_id in the baskets table, so you should have some basket objects in your test which you can create using Factory_Girl gem.
Hers's an example :-
basket1 = Factory(:basket, :name => 'basket_1')
basket2 = Factory(:basket, :name => 'basket_2')
You can get more details on How to use factory_girl from this screen cast
It will create a Factory object in your test database. So, basically you can create some factory objects and then set a basket_id in session to check for its existence like this :
session[:basket_id] =
So, your test should be like this :-
require 'spec_helper'
describe ApplicationHelper do
describe 'has_basket_items?' do
describe 'with no basket' do
it "should return false" do
basket1 = Factory(:basket, :name => 'basket_1')
basket2 = Factory(:basket, :name => 'basket_2')
session[:basket_id] = 1234 # a random basket_id
helper.has_basket_items?.should be_false
Alternatively, you can check for a basket_id which is being created by factory_girl to be_true by using :
session[:basket_id] =
helper.has_basket_items?.should be_true


Mocks or factories in unit tests for a Rails controller?

I have a DashboardController with an index method that interacts with my User model along these lines:
def index
user = User.first
log_data = user.logs
# more controller code here that uses the log_data
I'm writing controller specs for this index method. I have a FactoryGirl factory defined for my user model. In the unit test for this, should I be mocking out the user here with an instance_double of some sort, or should I instead create a User object with FactoryGirl? Is there a convention/standard/tendency on how to test a controller?
I would say that there is no need to be mocking a user object - it only takes your specs further from the reality. You can happily set up your specs like so:
describe DashboardController, :type => :controller do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
describe "#index" do
it "your test here" do
In another instance where you are accessing the current_user object you may seek to utilise the following however:
let(:user) { create :user }
before do
allow(controller).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user)

Reset Password testing with Rspec

i am using rails and want to write a test for password reset in Rspec. i am quite new to testing.
this is what i have done so far:
require 'rails_helper'
describe UsersController, type: :controller do
describe 'post #reset_password' do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
context "reset password" do
def do_request
patch :update_password
before { do_request }
it { expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count(1) }
every time i run this it gives ma an syntax error in
"it { expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count(1) } ".
i want to check whether the email successfully sent of not and if the user have key in the email.
1) you miss ) at last here so got syntax error
it { expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count(1) }
it { expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count(1)) }
If you want to check total deliveries. you can try
it 'should send an email' do
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.count.should == 1
also check sender
it 'renders the sender email' do
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.from.should == ['']
Also check subject line
it 'should set the subject to the correct subject' do
ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.subject.should == 'Here Is Your Story!'
The problems you're having will most likely be fixed by writing better tests.
Here's generally how you would write tests for something like this.
Lets suppose in your routes file you have a post route that looks something like this
# config/routes.rb
post "/user/:id/reset_password", to: "users#reset_password"
And your User controller looks something like this
# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
class UsersController
def reset_password
user = User.find(params[:id])
and your User.rb model looks something like this
# app/models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def reset_password!
update!(password: nil) # or whatever way you want/need to reset the password
and you have some type of mailing class to send your email
# app/models/some_mail_class.rb
class SomeMailClass
def self.email_reset_instructions(user)
# do something to send email...
The way you would go about testing this in the controller would be
# spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'
describe UsersController, type: :controller do
it "#reset_password" do
user_id = double(:user_id)
user = double(:user)
expect(User).to receive(:find).with(user_id).and_return(user)
expect(user).to receive(:reset_password!).and_return(true)
expect(SomeMailClass).to receive(:email_reset_instructions).with(user)
post :reset_password, id: user_id
But you shouldn't stop there. Because the implementation of the newly made method reset_password! and the SomeMailClass has yet to be tested. So you would write model/unit tests like this for them
# spec/models/user_spec.rb
require "rails_helper"
describe User do
it ".reset_password!" do
user = User.create(password: "foo")
expect(user.password).to eq "foo"
expect(user.password).to eq nil
Then you might install vcr and factory_girl gems and use them like so to test your mailer
# spec/models/some_mail_class_spec.rb
require "rails_helper"
describe SomeMailClass do
VCR.use_cassette "email_reset_instructions" do |cassette|
it ".email_reset_instructions" do
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
# you can write some expectations on the cassette obj to test.
# or you can write whatever expectations you need/desire
And in the end if there was something happening on the front end that a user would click that made this post request you would write a feature test for it as well.
Hope this helps!

RSpec - How to create helper method available to tests that will automatically embed "it" tests

I am new to ruby/rails/rspec etc.
Using rspec 2.13.1, I want to create a module with a method that can be called from my tests resulting to subsequent calls of the "it" method of the RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup.
My module:
require 'spec_helper'
module TestHelper
def invalid_without(symbols)
symbols = symbols.is_a?(Array) ? symbols : [symbols]
symbols.each do |symbol|
it "should not be valid without #{symbol.to_s.humanize}" do
# Gonna nullify the subject's 'symbol' attribute here
# and expect to have error on it
The code above was added to:
and in my spec_helper.rb, in the RSpec.configure block, I added the following:
config.include TestHelper
Now, in a test, I do the following:
describe Foo
context "when invalid" do
invalid_without [:name, :surname]
Running this, I get:
undefined method `invalid_without' for #<Class:0x007fdaf1821030> (NoMethodError)
Any help appreciated..
Use shared example group.
shared_examples_for "a valid array" do |symbols|
symbols = symbols.is_a?(Array) ? symbols : [symbols]
symbols.each do |symbol|
it "should not be valid without #{symbol.to_s.humanize}" do
# Gonna nullify the subject's 'symbol' attribute here
# and expect to have error on it
describe Foo do
it_should_behave_like "a valid array", [:name, :surname]

Unable to stub helper method with rspec

I am trying to stub a method on a helper that is defined in my controller. For example:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def current_user
#current_user ||= authenticated_user_method
helper_method :current_user
module SomeHelper
def do_something
In my Rspec:
describe SomeHelper
it "why cant i stub a helper method?!" do
helper.respond_to?(:current_user).should be_true # Fails
helper.do_something # Fails 'no method current_user'
In spec/support/authentication.rb
module RspecAuthentication
def sign_in(user)
helper.stub(:current_user).and_return(user) if respond_to?(:helper)
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include RspecAuthentication, :type => :controller
config.include RspecAuthentication, :type => :view
config.include RspecAuthentication, :type => :helper
I asked a similar question here, but settled on a work around. This strange behavior has creeped up again and I would like to understand why this doesnt work.
UPDATE: I have found that calling controller.stub!(:current_user).and_return(#user) before helper.stub!(...) is what is causing this behavior. This is easy enough to fix in spec/support/authentication.rb, but is this a bug in Rspec? I dont see why it would be expected to not be able to stub a method on a helper if it was already stubbed on a controller.
Update to Matthew Ratzloff's answer: You don't need the instance object and stub! has been deprecated
it "why can't I stub a helper method?!" do
helper.stub(:current_user) { user }
expect(helper.do_something).to eq 'something'
Edit. The RSpec 3 way to stub! would be:
allow(helper).to receive(:current_user) { user }
In RSpec 3.5 RSpec, it seems like helper is no longer accessible from an it block. (It will give you the following message:
helper is not available from within an example (e.g. an it block) or from constructs that run in the scope of an example (e.g. before, let, etc). It is only available on an example group (e.g. a describe or context block).
(I can't seem to find any documentation on this change, this is all knowledge gained experimentally).
The key to solving this is knowing that helper methods are instance methods, and that for your own helper methods it's easy to do this:
allow_any_instance_of( SomeHelper ).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user)
This is what finally worked for me
Footnotes/Credit Where Credit Due:
Super Props to a blog entry by Johnny Ji about their struggles stubbing helper/instance methods
Try this, it worked for me:
describe SomeHelper
before :each do
#helper = SomeHelper
it "why cant i stub a helper method?!" do
# ...
The first part is based on this reply by the author of RSpec, and the second part is based on this Stack Overflow answer.
Rspec 3
user = double(image: urlurl)
allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user)
expect(helper.get_user_header).to eq("/uploads/user/1/logo.png")
This worked for me in the case of RSpec 3:
let(:user) { create :user }
helper do
def current_user; end
before do
allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return user
As of RSpec 3.10, this technique will work:
before do
without_partial_double_verification {
allow(view).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user)
The without_partial_double_verification wrapper is needed to avoid a MockExpectationError unless you have that turned off globally.

Rspec - Accessing Sorcery methods/variables

Trying to write some tests for code I've already written, with a view to extending my code using test-driven development.
I have a controller whose index action calls a 'user_info' method, which just collects together some instance variables relying on Sorcery's current_user variable. For example:
def user_info
#current_A = current_user.a
#current_B = current_user.b
def index
// rest of the method goes here
I started writing some tests using rspec, just to get a feel for testing this code base. My controller spec is very basic and looks like this:
describe MyController do
describe "GET 'index'" do
get 'index'
response.should be_success
However, I get the following error when I try to run this spec:
NoMethodError: undefined method 'a' for false:FalseClass
First of all, how do I get my spec to recognize the Sorcery method current_user? And, out of curiosity, why is current_user being flagged as an instance of FalseClass? If it's not calling the Sorcery method, (and I haven't defined current_user anywhere else in my code), should it not appear as nil?
To use Sorcery test helpers you need the following lines in your spec_helper.rb.
The following needs to be in the Rspec.configure block:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Sorcery::TestHelpers::Rails
After you have this in place you can use the Sorcery test helpers. For a Controller test you would add the following to your test.
#user = either a fixture or a factory to define the user
If you don't want to specify #user you can pass an argument.
login_user(fixture or factory definition)
Once you login the current_user should be available to your tests.
logout_user is also available.
See the Sorcery Wiki for information on setting up a user fixture to work with the login_user helper.
Richard, the problem is likely that you don't have a current_user.
To do that, you need to simulate the login process.
You can do that with a controller spec, but I don't have a good example here. I was writing specs on existing code, like you, and it made sense to use request specs instead.
I also don't have one for Sorcery (I should!!) and I am here using Capybara for filling in forms,. Still, here is how my spec looked:
(Here :account is the same as :user would be)
context "when logged in" do
before :each do
#account = Factory.create(:account)
#current_game = Factory(:game_stat)
visit login_path
fill_in 'Username or Email Address', :with =>
fill_in 'Password', :with => #account.password
click_button('Log in')
So factories are another matter, mine looked like this:
Factory.define :account do |f|
f.sequence(:username) { |n| "ecj#{n}" }
f.sequence(:email) { |n| "ecj#{n}" }
f.password "secret"
f.password_confirmation {|u| u.password }
You don't have to use factories, but you do need to get that session and current_user established.
On important bit is to ensure the user is activated after creation if you're using the :user_activation submodule of Sorcery.
So, if you're using the fabrication gem, that would look like,
Fabricator(:properly_activated_user, :from => :user) do
after_create { |user| user.activate! }
As #nmott mentioned you need to do two things:
1) Register text helper methods using:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Sorcery::TestHelpers::Rails
2) In your example access current_user through controller.current_user like that:
expect(controller.current_user).to be_present
