listview trigger('create') performance issue - jqm enhancement - jquery-mobile

I have JQM application where when user clicks listview item i fetch dynamic checkbox markup and append to it. Then i call $('#listViewItemID').trigger('create') which is taking around 6 seconds to enhance.
I have replicated this problem here:
Once you click the button it takes around 1.4secs to just do JQM enhance. This call is making browser un-responsive. I must be missing something and really appreciate any feedback\input.
Thanks for your time.


jQuery Mobile + FullCalendar - need to refresh page to see it with multiple page divs

Please see this jsbin test page that illustrates the issue
I have a simple jqm page with two page divs. The only initialization is being done inside a $(document).on('pageshow', function(){}); block. Inside the block, I initialize a fullcalendar.js calendar.
If I load the page as an external page (the first link in the menu) it loads without a hitch (but it's not using ajax, so the page flickers and there's no transition).
If I load the page using the jqm convention of linking to the id of the second page div with an anchor tag, it loads the calendar div as a page with no data.
If I then refresh the page, the data is displayed. Subsequent use of the menu displays both page divs as pages without issue.
I've seen a lot of discussion about which event of the pagecontainer widget to use, and I'm aware that document.ready() is not the way to go. I've tried all the possibilities, I think (pagebeforeshow, pageshow, pageinit, etc.) There's more detail in the demo, where you can see all the code. If I need to post it here, too, I can do that, but it's easier to see the issue if you load the test at jsbin. I suggest running it in a separate window, so you can refresh the page.
If anyone else has solved this or has an idea what I'm doing wrong, I'd really appreciate the help and / or suggestions.
I put all of the pagecontainer events into my test jsbin code and stepped through them. (Thanks to Gajotres for providing useful documentation on the various pagecontainer hooks). It turns out that the one I needed was 'pagecontainerhide' instead of pageshow, pageinit, or any of the others. Once I modified the code to use that event, the calendar displayed properly on the page div, with transition, and I no longer had to click on refresh to see load the "page".
Since I have all the events there, perhaps others with page change issues can benefit from the test page....

Button Highlighting and Scroll Issue in Phonegap

I am New to Phonegap Development, I am Using jQuery mobile to create my UI. I have two Issues here,
Response of button for touch event is very slow. Why..?
I have Created a form with some elements like 2 Inputs text type, 2 Button one after another.
M problem is when I click on input, the keyboard popup makes the page move up, that's OK but when I press the keyboard resign button, the page stay little up.
Can you please help me out..!
and how to Optimize the responsiveness of JQuery mobile UI. I have completely avoided the images.
First, you can follow this link to remove the delay (300ms) from the click event.
And for the second one, i hope you are facing this issue for android. if so, then you need some changes to be done on the AndroidManifest.xml
Use below android property in application tag,
Will look something like
<application android:icon="#drawable/icon" android:label="#string/app_name"
This should resolve your issue.

Using Jquery Mobile dynamically generated dialog box opens multiple times

In a multi page template,I have three category pages (comedy, action, drama) that you can swipe between each containing rows of images (Seinfeld, Modern Family, Family Guy, Big Bang). Clicking on an individual image should open a dialog box (Seinfeld summary), close when you click the close button, and stay close. Initially it works, then what happens is based on the number images click after two, it opens and closes n -1 (clicking the 3rd image, opens the dialog box twice).
what could be the reason behind this?
Without your code I can be sure but I think I understand what is happening to you.
You have a problem with multiple event binding. Because of jQuery Mobile architecture it is possible to bind an event numerous time to some object.
I have an blog ARTICLE on jQuery Mobile page events handling and there's a chapter dedicated to this problem, just search for the chapter Prevent multiple event triggering. Or it can be found HERE.
In few words always unbind event before you bind it to some object to prevent this from happening:
$('#test-button').die('click').live('click', function(e) {
alert('Button click');

ios Cordova: tableview-like html

I currently focus on an iOS web app using Apache Cordova and JQuery Mobile.I want to implement a tableview-like style page (it is called listview in JQuery Mobile). I implement a initial list view in html and I'd like to: when I click the different rows, the html will send message to the iOS, and then I create a request with native code. After that, I return the successful result to js and js will update the list view which looks like you click a row in a tableview and a new page is pushed in.
The problem here is:
how to add the click event?
in the click event, how can I know which row is clicked?
how the tableview-like pushing animation is implemented when I use JQuery Mobile to update the list view?
I'm fresh to the web app and it costs several hours to implement dynamicly creating a list with the request result. And I totally do not know how to go further.
thanks for your help.
I. and II. Here's an example for your first and second question:
This is a code example:
$('ul.listview-example[data-role="listview"] li').bind('click',function(event, ui){
First code line will bind a click event on every listview li element. $(this) is a selected li element.
If you are using never version of jQuery us .on( instead of .bind(, in older version you can also use .live( .
III. I think this should cover your third question:

Jquery mobile - Delay auto hiding address bar

I've happily developed a mobile website using JQuery Mobile, and everything works beautifully except for a noticeable delay hiding the browser address bar on the homepage (around 5 seconds on iOS Safari).
AJAX transitions mean it's always hidden from that point on, but on the opening page the site logo is hidden for up to 5 seconds after the page has loaded, giving it a very unbranded and confusing feel for the user.
Can anyone think of any reasons for the delay / ways to speed it up? There are no large images loading on the page, putting an alert in the window load event fires way before the address bar is hidden and the setTimeout delays on the code firing in the JQuery Mobile code are only of the order of 20 ms.
Thanks in advance, Ted
I use Mobile Boilerplate's MBP.hideUrlBarOnLoad() and am not experiencing a five second delay.
Hide URL Bar
MBP.hideUrlBarOnLoad is used to hide the URL bar at the top of mobile
Safari on your iOS. Mobile space is limited and this helps to leverage
every pixel on the screen to maximize display area.
Sadly I've had to resort to a pretty hacky solution to this.
I've added a dummy 60px high spacer div at the top of the page, which pushes down the title, so it is visible at all times. This is then hidden by Javascript after 5 second setTimeout call, which is roughly equivalent to the delay we get on the url bar being auto-hidden by JQuery mobile.
This is only necessary on the start page, and other ones that we've had to load on rel="external" links, due to us making the error of mixing an site that requires postback with JQuery mobile, but that's another story...
I've seen this happen when the content is Safari "Reader" compatible (when you see the "Reader" label next to the url on the url bar). I'm not sure but if this is the case maybe you could try to make your content less Reader compatible.
