How to play iOS system sounds from Adobe Air - ios

Is it possible to play the iOS default sounds from an Adobe Air app?
Of course I could always find the sound files (somehow) and import them into the Air app, but that's not what I'm asking.
I have been investigating into native extensions, but couldn't find any that does just that.


Adobe AIR dynamic sound and recording delay issue

I'm writing mobile application with Adobe AIR. The application use AIR Microphone API to record sound to file and later replay it.
The problem manifest only on mobile devices, not simulator. Specifically only on iOS devices, android devices seem to work OK.
Sometimes the recorded sound is missing samples. I know this because I use iFunBox to copy the recorded file to another application that replay it. The dropped frame manifest during playback as very fast audio because only part of the samples were recorded.
Sometime the playback is to slow which manifest as very slow audio. I know this because when the recording is fine and the other application play the sound right or when I take a file I recorded in the simulator (which run on my MacBook) and it only play slow on the mobile device.
How can I make sure the sound is good even when the application is a bit busy?
I've built the application as ad-hoc package and install it on iPad using TestFlight and now everything seem to work just fine.
I guess during debug Adobe AIR did not manage to fill the sound buffer fast enough and cause the distortion.

Streaming AAC+ (inside FLV) on iOS using AIR

For a streaming radio station, I have an AAC+ audio stream, inside an FLV container, delivered via HTTP. An example URL is I wrote a simple AIR app (using the latest AIR and Flex SDK's) to play this stream, and it works fine on PC and Android, but doesn't play anything when deployed to the iOS simulator or a device (i.e., the bytes are loaded but there is no sound).
This is similar to Can FLV AAC stream be played in Android, but for iOS.
I wanted to use AIR in this scenario, since I need to listen for the Cue Points in the FLV - and this is easy to do if you're playing Flash in a web browser, so AIR seems like the natural choice. I have also looked at and but they all seem to use the same basic idea (parse the FLV using Netstream in "data generation mode" and feed the AAC+ data to a Video object) - and so they all hit the same wall on iOS.
I also came across this post which seems possibly related although it's not quite the same situation (e.g., it's not FLV).
Is AIR on iOS supposed to support this scenario- namely, streaming AAC+/FLV audio via HTTP?
EDIT: This post also appears to hit the same obstacle - so a lot of people are asking about this situation. Anyone from Adobe have any insight?
After much further research I've concluded that AIR on iOS just doesn't support this, and you have to build a native app (or at least use framework other than AIR) instead.

Can I use an AIR Component/Library for developing iOS App using Xcode?

I want to develop a Flash Live Stream Player on iOS. As you known, Flash does not supported on iOS platform. I searched Google, but all results are about the ANE (Air Native Extensions).
Is there any way that building Xcode usable component/control/library/framework from Flash/Flex/AIR? Or any other solutions that playing flash on iOS?
Any advice would be grateful, thanks.

Capturing Video on Mobile device using Adobe AIR

I am tasked with creating a video recording app for mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android) where the users are asked to record a short clip using their phones/tablets.
The video is then uploded to a server (either within the same app or a secondary app/site or via email)
Is it possible for an AIR app to record and save quality video and audio to the camera roll/gallery, or alternatively open the built-in video recorder app from the AIR app?
I am stuck between attempting this using Flash CS5.5 and deploy to iOS and Android using one code base, or building native apps and possibly duplicating my workload.
If I attempt the AIR route, will I hit problems with quality/resolution/usability etc? Or should I stick to building a native app? Time is of the essence too :)
I've done lots of research and not really found anything to swing my decision.
Thank in advance.

How to Make Adobe Air Extension for iOS native app

I searched over Internet but didn't find any answer.
Question 1# is it possible to use Adobe air application in a native iOS app.??
Let me explain I am going to develop an iOS application in which I have to play flv files. I created a application in adobe air which plays flv files in iOS but I want to play flv within my native app without leaving that native app.
I just want to inform you that if you play adobe AIR FLV file in IOS, it will not play, because IOS not supports FLV, i'm not sure about that if you put FLV in IOS native app and play it, but standalone it will not play, so first test it without native then try to implement it in native.
