Does anyone know wether the (german or any other langauge specific) "Most recent" Feed for a Category ("News & Politics") updates in realtime or how to get the most-recent videos in this category? It seems like it does not include all videos uploaded in this category...
Unfortunately, we don't provide a true "fire hose" feed for newly updated videos in given categories. The "most recent" feed is updated on a delayed basis, and the actual interval at which it's updated varies.
I am looking for a way to get top-50 most popular videos from Explore Tab for a specific date or a period of time for a specific country. Can't find a way how to do it in YouTube API Documentation. Is there a way? If not, maybe you know some workarounds for getting a historical data?
For example, I could build a web scraper that would collect trending videos from Wayback Machine but it shows trending videos in the U.S. only.
Also, found YouTube Charts website, but it shows only music.
As far as I know, there is no such public endpoint or public resource to get these results - besides Wayback Machine and the public/official YouTube channels you can find on their website.
However, since you mentioned using Wayback Machine, you could follow these steps:
Enter to Wayback Machine and search for results about the Pouplar on YouTube channel - see example of extract from Jun 15, 20211.
Retrieve the videos shown in the search results from step 1.
That being said, I recommend you to start creating a database for record trending videos everyday - not sure how you can do this by region, though (this is due there are trending videos by "main countries" like UK, India, some parts of Asia, France, but, as I searched, trending applies for ALL countries) - if I'm wrong in this, please, let me know.
Another possible way to get close results to your expectations could be:
Enter to Popular on YouTube channel and check the Popular now playlist.2
Retrieve those results and organize the results - with this, I mean: check the publication date, check the channel's country/location, etc. It's up to you to check how to organize the available data.
1 Please check that probably there is no data/snapshot on a given day you require - using Wayback Machine -.
2 According to the updated date, this playlist is updated everyday, so, you have to make the same procedure mentioned above (create a database that store results everyday, etc.).
Not sure if with an VPN you can set the VPN and try to get the "Popular now" videos from the selected VPN country, might worth give it a try.
Try also contact with YouTube - probably you might get some sort of answer, ask them if they can provide information about trending videos from a specific region - in a specific time.
I'm working on a personal project to retrieve YouTube videos on a particular subject very quickly after they are posted. Using the "Sort By" filter works well, however, I've noticed that some videos that fit the search query do not appear in the HTML. So, I was wondering if it is possible to also sort by Upload date, similar to the YouTube feature which allows for filtering videos based on if they were posted in the last hour, today, this week, etc. I believe that if I could include a filter for videos posted in the last hour, that would improve the accuracy of my project.
Any help is very much appreciated.
Check out the "order" parameter in this API (can set it to "date").
I am wondering if it is possible to get a list of videos that have been updated after a specified date? I am writing an application that helps users manage their videos titles, thumbnails, tags, descriptions, etc. This app really targets content creators that put out episodic content on a set schedule but also includes data of past videos. I am currently able to retrieve videos but I don't want to have to retrieve every video at the start of the application. It's both costly as far as the quota is concerned and time consuming. What I would like to do, is retrieve every video when the application starts up for the first time and store the data (done) and then any time after that, retrieve only new videos and/or videos that have been updated since the last date checked. If this is possible please let me know how I would go about this.
If not and a Google engineer happens to see this, this functionality would make for a very useful feature.
Maybe you want to use publishedAfter and publishedBefore from ressource search.list.
The publishedAfter parameter indicates that the API response should
only contain resources created after the specified time. The value is
an RFC 3339 formatted date-time value (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). (string)
The publishedBefore parameter indicates that the API response should
only contain resources created before the specified time. The value is
an RFC 3339 formatted date-time value (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). (string)
As pointed out in the question How do I fetch comments in version 3 of the YouTube API?, there is currently no way of fetching video comments using version 3 of the YouTube API. Now I'm trying to figure it out using version 2 instead.
What I want is the latest comment on any of my uploaded videos, in other words the latest comment in the "aggregated" comment feed of all my videos.
It seems like the only way to do this is too fetch all videos, and then make a call for each of them to get the comments. With a few hundred uploaded videos, this becomes very expensive in terms of number of API calls and total time for completion.
Is there a simpler and/or better way?
There's no way to be "notified" via the API when a video gets a new comment, so you're going to have to do some polling. The comments feed for a given video id, e.g. for video id fhWaJi1Hsfo, is sorted in reverse-chronological order by default, so the last comment added should always be first in the list of entries.
Making a request for the comments feed of several hundred videos, even if you do that a couple of times a day, doesn't sound like an unreasonable amount of traffic. You should follow the best practices outlined in this blog post if you do run into any quota issues, though.
A long time ago, I developed a chrome extension that is able to scrobble the songs you listen to on youtube (via your account). What I did was simply taking the title of the video and assuming it had the proper format: "Artist - Track name" (obviously, I would send a request to, confirming it was a proper artist/song pair, before scrobbling). Recently (well, probably a couple of months ago) youtube started to provide artist and song information directly under the video (see image), and I was wondering how best to extract this information.
I was hoping to retrieve the information via the youtube feed api call (, but it doesn't apear to be featured in the returned json element. Alternatly, I could try extracting it via xpath, but I figure that might lead to complications when no artist/song information is present. If anybody could help me extract this information, and thereby greatly improving my extension, I would be very grateful.
I don't think YouTube API can provide you with the artist name
as the videos can be other things that songs
you need to stick with what you have , unless they updated there API