How to use multiple dtd files in a single xul? - firefox-addon

In my firefox addon, I have a few !ENTITIYs that I want to put in a "global.dtd" file. Then, in all of my .xul files, I want to access both that global.dtd as well as that .xul file's particular .dtd file.
Thus, for code1.xul, I would load code1.dtd and global.dtd.
Then, for code2.xul, I would load code2.dtd and global.dtd.
Thus, I could assure the same strings to be used in the global.dtd.
Can I do this? How do I write the definition?
You can't put two doctypes.
<!DOCTYPE overlay SYSTEM "chrome://myaddon/locale/global.dtd">
<!DOCTYPE overlay SYSTEM "chrome://myaddon/locale/code1.dtd">

Use a parameter entity in any DTD that you want to use global.dtd in.
For example, you would add this to code1.dtd and code2.dtd:
<!ENTITY % global SYSTEM "global.dtd">
You'll have to adjust the SYSTEM identifier to point to the location of global.dtd.

You can also can import multiple DTDs in the same XUL file. It looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE some_name [
<!ENTITY % firstDTD SYSTEM "chrome://extension/locale/first.dtd">
<!ENTITY % secondDTD SYSTEM "chrome://extension/locale/pref/second.dtd">


Unable to parse XML with multiple namespaces using tcl and tdom

I am trying to parse a XML using tcl and tdom package. I am having trouble doing this as the node I want to parse is a child to a node with multiple namespaces. How would I be able to parse the realmCode or title element? Below is what I have tried:
package require tdom
set XML {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="" ?>
<ClinicalDocument xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:sdtc="urn:hl7-org:sdtc" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7-org:v3 ../../../CDA%20R2/cda-schemas-and-samples/infrastructure/cda/CDA.xsd" classCode="DOCCLIN" moodCode="EVN">
<realmCode code="US" />
<title>Discharge Summary</title>
set nsmap {
a urn:hl7-org:v3
s urn:hl7-org:sdtc
set doc [dom parse $XML]
set root [$doc documentElement]
set node [$root selectNodes -namespaces $nsmap "/a:ClinicalDocument/title"]
#set node [$root selectNodes "/ClinicalDocument/title"] ;# tried this as well - does not work
$doc delete
You need to specify the namespace for every level of the path, not just the root. Use
set title [$root selectNodes -namespaces $nsmap /a:ClinicalDocument/a:title]
set realm [$root selectNodes -namespaces $nsmap /a:ClinicalDocument/a:realmCode/#code]
This is more for the sake of completeness, and not necessarily recommended. You may instruct tDOM to simply ignore the namespaces. See -ignorexmlns.
set doc [dom parse -ignorexmlns $XML]
set root [$doc documentElement]
$root selectNodes "/ClinicalDocument/title"
$root selectNodes "/ClinicalDocument/realmCode/#code"
The consequences are obvious: ambiguity.

Notepad++ deleting string in multiple files

I'm trying to removing a specific line from many files I'm working on with Notepad++.
For example i've a lines:
1 file:
<mana now="110" max="110" manaGain="6" manaTicks="500" type="3"/>
2 file:
<mana now="100" max="100" manaGain="11" manaTicks="500"/>
As you can see, there are different values. I'd like to remove this string from all files. Can i do it with Notepad++, especially if each file has a different value?
You can do it by using Notepad++ and RegEx. You maybe warned - please make a backup copy of all files first.
I assume your files all have the extension *.xml and reside in folder e.g. D:\_working:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mana now="110" max="110" manaGain="6" manaTicks="500" type="3"/>
First open one of the files in your working directory by Notepad++
Go to the Find in Files tab
Find what:<mana now="[0-9]{1,}" max="[0-9]{1,}" manaGain="[0-9]{1,}" manaTicks="[0-9]{1,}".+
Replace with: NOTHING
Filters: *.xml
Directory: e.g. D:\_working
Search mode: Regular expression
Click on Replace in Files
Click on OK when you're really sure.
You may want to refine the RegEx for your needs. Short explanation:
0-9 a single character in the range between 0 (index 48) and 9 (index 57) (case sensitive)
{1,} Quantifier — Matches between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible
.+ matches any character (except for line terminators)
This is resulting in:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Android Xamarin Not Seeing My Resource.Id.TagName

I have a project and am trying to use SetTag on my views. But I need a resource id, so according to internet advices, I have created a tags.xml file in my Resources/values folder, like below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<item name="TAG_VIEWPAGER_PAGELAYOUT" type="id"/>
<item name="TAG_VIEWPAGER_PAGEPOSITION" type="id"/>
Then I try to access it like so after a clean and rebuild, but it doesn't find it. It says TAG_VIEWPAGER_PAGEPOSITION cannot be found.
view.SetTag(Resource.Id.TAG_VIEWPAGER_PAGEPOSITION, position);
Help? I am using Android 5.0 Level 21, C# Xamarin
Open the resourcedesigner.cs file [you might want to back it up if you've never done this before]
Click in the file
use CTRL + A to highlight all the code
delete the contents of resourcedesigner.cs completely
clean the solution
rebuild the solution [resourcedesigner.cs should reload automatically]
Sometimes the resource designer file can't keep up with your changes.
If this doesn't work then try searching for TAG_VIEWPAGER_PAGEPOSITION in your resourcedesigner.cs file and let me know if it's in there
It just required a restart for VS, and then everything worked.. so much time trying other solutions.. so agitating...

How can we use variables in wxl file [duplicate]

I need to use variable in WIX localization file WIXUI_en-us.wxl.
I tried use it like this:
<String Id="Message_SomeVersionAlreadyInstalled" Overridable="yes">A another version of product $(var.InstallationVersionForGUI) is already installed</String>
But it doesn't work. And when I declared property and used it this way:
<String Id="Message_SomeVersionAlreadyInstalled" Overridable="yes">A another version of product [InstallationVersionForGUI] is already installed</String>
doesn't work either.
Where was I wrong?
Thanks for help and your time.
Localization strings are processed at link time, so you can't use $(var) preprocessor variables. Using a [property] reference is supported, as long as the place where the localization string is used supports run-time formatting (e.g., using the Formatted field type).
Your second method should work just fine. This is the same method used by the default .wxl files.
For example, in your .wxl file you would declare your string:
<String Id="Message_Foo">Foo blah blah [Property1]</String>
And in your .wxs file, you declare the property. If you wish, you can declare the property to match a WiX variable (which it sounds like you're trying to do)
<Property Id="Property1">$(var.Property1)</Property>
I was trying to get localization file to use variables. Came across this post:
There are different layers of variables in WiX (candle's preprocessor
variables, Light's WixVariables/localization variables/binder
variables, and MSI's properties). Each have different syntax and are
evaluated at different times:
Candle's preprocessor variables "$(var.VariableName)" are evaluated
when candle runs, and can be set from candle's commandline and from
"" statements. Buildtime environment
properties as well as custom variables can also be accessed similarly
(changing the "var." prefix with other values).
Light's variables accessible from the command-line are the
WixVariables, and accessing them is via the "!(wix.VariableName)"
syntax. To access your variable from your commandline, you would need
to change your String to: This build was prepared on
If you instead need to have the BuildMachine value exist as an MSI
property at installation time (which is the "[VariableName]" syntax)
you would need to add the following to one of your wxs files in a
fragment that is already linked in:
Now, the environment variable COMPUTERNAME always has held the name of
my build machines in the past, and you can access that this way:
$(env.COMPUTERNAME). So, you can get rid of the commandline addition
to light.exe and change your wxs file like this:
<WixProperty Id="BuildMachine" Value="$(env.COMPUTERNAME)"/>
Preprocessor variables $(var.VariableName) are are processed at link time, so ideally you would use [PropertyName] which would be defined on the main Product element.
The issue sometimes is that property is not yet defined, for instance using the product name on the localization file seems not posible.
This solution was done aiming to only type the product name once given "Super product" as product name:
In case of running through visual studio extension:
Project properties -> Build -> Define variables -> "MyProductName=Super product" (No quotes)
In case of runing from cmd or some other place:
On Light.exe, add -d"MyProductName=Super product"
Into the localization .wxl file:
<String Id="Description" Overridable="yes">Description of !(wix.MyProductName)
to make it more interesting</String>
I have an aditional config file .wxi I include on other files to have some vars, for instance, here i had hardcoded the value but now it's harcoded on the variable definition and I use the given value:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Define the product name preprocesor variable -->
<?define ProductName="!(wix.ProductNameDefVar)" ?>
<!-- From this point, can use the preprocesor var -->
<?define ProductName_x64="$(var.ProductName) (64bit)" ?>
<?define ProductName_x32="$(var.ProductName) (32bit)" ?>
<?define CompanyDirName = "My company name" ?>
Finally, the place where the localization value where the localization text was not interpolating, is like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="">
<!-- Include the config file with the preprocesor var -->
<?include $(sys.CURRENTDIR)\Config.wxi?>
<!-- Main product definition -->
<Product Id="$(var.ProductCode)"
<!-- Package details -->
<!-- Here, Description was not interpolating -->
<Package InstallerVersion="200"

PartCover browser not opening code files

We're generating PartCover reports via the command line tool along with our CruiseControl.Net unit tests. This generates an xml file that displays the results nicely on the cruisecontrol dashboard. The xslt transforms that are included only show you the percentage of coverage in an individual class. We want to know exactly what lines are not being covered. The problem ist when we open the report in the PartCover browser and double click a method it doesn't show us our cs files. I know the PartCover browser is capable of showing you the files because of the following.
Here's a screenshot of PartCover browser with the lines of code showing:
The information looks like it should be available to the browser because the report contains this:
<Method name="get_DeviceType" sig="Cathexis.IDBlue.DeviceType ()" bodysize="19" flags="0" iflags="0">
<pt visit="2" pos="0" len="1" fid="82" sl="35" sc="13" el="35" ec="14" />
<pt visit="2" pos="1" len="4" fid="82" sl="36" sc="17" el="36" ec="39" />
<pt visit="2" pos="5" len="2" fid="82" sl="37" sc="13" el="37" ec="14" />
and this:
<File id="66" url="D:\sandbox\idblue\idblue\trunk\software\code\driver\dotnet\Common\AsyncEventQueue.cs" />
All I want to be able to do is view what lines of code are not being covered in my test cases without having to figure out what the xml above is trying to tell me.
Thanks to anyone in advance who replies.
I figured out why the cs files were not displaying. The paths were incorrect in the xml file because our test project was being built on a different machine than the one partcover was on. (partcover must generate the .cs file paths from pdb files maybe?) Once I search and replaced the file switching the base directory of our subversion location to the one on the other machine all was well.
