WebView and AppBar for Desktop PCs - webview

I'm using a WebView control in my app, and it takes all the screen in both width and height. I use the "WebBrush workaround" to be able to display the AppBar and other controls in front of the WebView when needed.
For the AppBar it's working when using a tablet and swiping from the bottom or the top of the device. But on a desktop when clicking the right button of the mouse, the AppBar are disappearing almost at the same time they are appearing.
Does a trick/workaround exist to be able to support this scenario?

The sample for the WebView contains a scenario with a full screen WebView and the AppBar. The hack is to resize the WebView when the AppBar opens.


Resizing JavaFX WebView

I'm attempting to embed a WebView into a BorderPane as it's middle component. My app starts initially in an unmaximized mode. If I maximize the application, the webview will resize accordingly, but the html & css content will not fill the whole area (it is centered in the WebView). How would I go on fixing this? I've tried to call impl_reapplyCss() and friends, but nothing seems to help.

HTML5: iOS screen scrolls up when keyboard shows up

Say you've got a Xcode app with embedded web view exposing a simple HTML5 page.
This page has a title and an input tag and a nav top bar (position: fixed; top:0;).
When the user tap in it the first time, the whole screen scrolls up to enable the keyboard appears while maintaining the input tag visible, when I tap the enter button.
The issue I face is that my HTML is not restored identically (I mean, it scrolls down back, but my top bar is shifted about 10 pixels below the top edge of the screen.
But when I tap the keyboard hide button, the scrolls restore my initial view, with no issue.
Anyone experienced the issue before? Any clue of what going on or a way to work around this?
Ps: issue is present on iOS 7 (7.1.2). I didn't tested on iOS 8 as my app must support iOS 7.
I finally ended up with adding an explicit keyboard withdrawing by applying blur() the the input as follows:
<input ng-change="$(this).blur()">
This immediately makes the keyboard disappearing, while the hw initial scrolling is reversed.

Adjust WinRT WebView content to control

im trying to fit a Facebook likebox in a webview on a Windows Store APP.
I have done it fine on Android and IOS, just setting the likebox url as html string to the webview.
But in WinRT it shows the box on the upper left corner and A LOT of white space, so the box is really small, i can zoom in to fit it well by hand.
Android and IOS just fit the box in the webview.
Is there any way i can fit it well? also i need to disable user scroll, i only want the user to be able to click the like button.
Thanks in advance.

Win 8 webview control flashing background color for a split second

My app has a white background, but the area of a WebView control flashes the background color of the Windows 8 Start screen before the HTML string is loaded into the WebView, and when the user control that is hosting the WebView gets collapsed. Does anyone know how to fix this, so that my white app doesn't flash blue while I load/hide the WebView?
Note that I have tried setting the background color of the webview to white (via a short html string with the body set to a white background color) as well as setting the height and width of the control to zero, then resizing it to the correct size AFTER the html it is supposed to display is passed to the webview control, but the issue still occurs.
I note that there has been a question regarding this here (Same question from someone on social.msdn.microsoft.com) but that is old and was before windows 8 was officially released. Just wondering if it was actually resolved?

How to enable horizontal scroll using middle touch button of Blackberry

I developed an app with jquery mobile ,but I want to scroll the content inside using the middle touch button of device. Currently I can scroll the page vertically but not horizontatly.
Try setting your page width to a value above 100%.
Not much else can be done to help you without posting code/what you've tired.
