Entering Text From Delphi To Word - delphi

I'm using Delphi XE2 and use the following code to enter the letter Y into a bookmark in a Word (2010) template.
Except in the document, instead of the letter Y, the number 89 appears.
Is the fault likely to be from my code or in the Word document? Any direction gratefully received.

Your literal 'Y' is a character literal rather than a string string literal. The ASCII code for Y is 89.
So, you are passing a Char rather than a string. When Word needs to get a string representation of that integer it simply converts the integer 89 to its textual representation, the string '89'.
To get around the problem you can do this:
Text: string;
Text := 'Y';
The idea is that we ensure that we pass a string to InsertAfter() rather than a character. Remember that InsertAfter() receives a variant parameter and so you do need to be careful about the type of the payload stored in the variant.


Receiving a HEX number and turning into an INT or STRING

I'm sending data from an ATmega in the form of 16 bit (2 bytes). I have a serial component in Delphi which receives the data.
If I send a String (e.g. 'FF'), I get the data added to my Memo component. All fine.
However, if I send the raw hex $FF, I get a receive data blink saying "data received" but nothing is added to the Memo component's lines. I'm not sure how to convert this data into an Integer or String, something I can use.
A solution would be good but an explanation on how Delphi sees String, Char, etc. would be nice. Thanks.
When you receive data, you can cast them to bytes (if needed) and tranform into hex representation.
For example, if you get AnsiString:
AnsiS := Comport.ReadAnsiString; //your reading here
for i := 1 to Length(AnsiS) do
Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToHex(Ord(AnsiS[i]), 2));
When your ATMega sends the string "FF", it sends two characters ("F" and "F"), each encoded to their ASCII code decimal 70. When your Delphi program receives these two bytes (d70 and d70) it converts those ASCII codes to characters "F" and "F" and adds them to the memo.
When your ATMega sends the hex value FF ($FF as they are represented in Delphi code), it sends one byte with decimal value 255. When your Delphi program receives this one byte (d255) it attempts to convert it to a character but doesn't find a printable character representation for this code. Therefore nothing is added to the memo. Or, maybe your receiving code is filtering out this and possibly other values too.
It's not clear exactly what kind of solution you are looking for, but you can convert the byte value (d255) to hex or decimal representation with function IntToHex(Value: Integer; Digits: Integer): string; or System.SysUtils.Format(const Format: string; const Args: array of const): string; or use it as a byte value in your code.

Convert Unicode escape sequence into its corresponding character

I'm receiving a string from the server and it has the special characters in code. Here's the example:
"El usuario o las contrase\UOOOOfffda no son v\UOOOOfffdlidos"
The first one should be an "ñ" and the second one "á"
I know it's not complicated but I can't find the answer. How can I get the string with the special characters correctly formatted?
Unicode U+FFFD (in your string, displayed as UTF-32 \U0000fffd) is "�", the replacement character. It is often substituted in strings when a system encounters unrecognized characters.
This character really shouldn't appear in string data since its purpose is to indicate an error in displaying or interpreting the string. Since your server is sending you that character for both ñ and á, there is no way to retrieve the correct character.
How are you "receiving" this string? It could be that you are accessing the server incorrectly so it isn't sending you an unmodified string.
Unicode for those characters should look like this:
#"accented-a is \u00f1, and tilda-n is \u00e1"
But it's not clear what you're getting from the server makes any sense. The objective-c literal must have a lowercase leading "u" followed only by valid hex digits (0-9 and a-f). I don't see a transformation that changes the literals you have to the ones you expect.
Once the characters are formatted properly, the built-in classes will just work, for example, assigning the string to a label's text property will show the user a nice glyph.

Converting type string to long

I am trying to convert the type of string to long in the following code:
PaymentReceived = String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", true), "{0:n}", t.PaymentReceived),
Here t.PaymentReceived is of type long, and the PaymentReceived is of type string but I want it to be of type long.
I am using this to convert the PaymentReceived value into comma separated value.
I am trying to do as of my knowledge like
PaymentReceived = Convert.ToInt64( String.Format(new CultureInfo("en-IN", true), "{0:n}", t.PaymentReceived))
But the error is Additional information: Input string was not in a correct format.
So please help me with another solution, thank you.
The formatter n, adds additional non-numeric characters. For en-IN culture, that means a number like 1000 ends up as 1,000.00.
The Convert.ToInt64 method requires that the string be 100% numeric, including no period, which might be fine for Convert.ToDecimal, but a long is not a float. Therefore, emphatically, your string is not formatted correctly, and the error is both obvious and correct. I'm not sure what your ultimate goal here is, but it makes no sense to convert a long to a formatted string and then immediately convert it back to a long, anyways.
Assuming you have only the string and you need to format it as a long, then you need to ensure that it's formatted as a long should be. That requires:
Split on the decimal point and take just the left side:
str = str.Split(new[] { '.' })[0];
Replace any commas with empty strings:
str = str.Replace(",", "");
That assumes you know the format will something like 1,000.00. Otherwise, you may want to use a regex to replace all non-numeric characters with an empty string, instead. However, you still need to split on the decimal. Otherwise, if you just removed all non-numeric characters from something like 1,000.00, then you'd end up with 100000, a number 100 times larger than the actual string number. Also, this is all dependent on the culture. Some cultures use , as the decimal separator and . and delimiter in large numbers. If you need to handle various cultures, you'll need to adjust accordingly.

Getting a unicode, hidden symbol, as data in Delphi

I'm writing a delimiter for some Excel spreadsheet data and I need to read the rightward arrow symbol and pilcrow symbol in a large string.
The pilcrow symbol, for row ends, was fairly simply, using the Chr function and the AnsiChar code 182.
The rightward arrow has been more tricky to figure out. There isn't an AnsiChar code for it. The Unicode value for it is '2192'. I can't, however, figure out how to make this into a string or char type for me to use in my function.
Any easy ways to do this?
You can't use the 2192 character directly. But since a STRING variable can't contain this value either (as thus your TStringList can't either), that doesn't matter.
What character(s) are the 2192 character represented as in your StringList AFTER you have read it in? Probably by these three separate characters: 0xE2 0x86 0x92 (in UTF-8 format). The simple solution, therefore, is to start by replacing these three characters with a single, unique character that you can then assign to the Delimiter field of the TStringList.
Like this:
<Read file into a STRING variable, say S>
S := ReplaceStr(S,#$E2#$86#$92,'|');
SL := TStringList.Create;
SL.Text := S;
SL.Delimiter := '|';
You'll have to select a single-character representation of your 3-byte UTF-8 Unicode character that doesn't occur in your data elsewhere.
You need to represent that character as a UTF-16 character. In Unicode Delphi you would do it like this:
which is of type WideChar.
However, you are using Delphi 7 which is a pre-Unicode Delphi. So you have to do it like this:
wc: WideChar;
wc := WideChar(2192);
Now, this might all be to no avail for you since it sounds a little like your code is working with 8 bit ANSI text. In which case that character cannot be encoded in any 8 bit ANSI character set. If you really must use that character, you'll need to use Unicode text.

Getting char value in Delphi 7

I am making a program in Delphi 7, that is supposed to encode a unicode string into html entity string.
For example, "ABCģķī" would result in "ABCģķī"
Now 2 basic things:
Delphi 7 is non-Unicode, so I can't just write unicode chars directly in code to encode them.
Codepages consist of 255 entries, each holding a character, specific to that codepage, except first 127, that are same for all the codepages.
So - How do I get a value of a char, that is in 1-255 range?
I tried Ord(Integer), but it also returns values way past 255. Basically, everything is fine (A returns 65 an so on) until my string reaches non-Latin unicode.
Is there any other method for returning char value? Any help appreciated
I suggest you avoid codepages like the plague.
There are two approaches for Unicode that I'd consider: WideString, and UTF-8.
Widestrings have the advantage that it's 'native' to Windows, which helps if you need to use Windows API calls. Disadvantages are storage space, and that they (like UTF-8) can require multiple WideChars to encode the full Unicode space.
UTF-8 is generally preferable. Like WideStrings, this is a multi-byte encoding, so a particular unicode 'code point' may need several bytes in the string to encode it. This is only an issue if you're doing lots of character-by-character processing on your strings.
#DavidHeffernan comments (correctly) that WideStrings may be more compact in certain cases. However, I'd only recommend UTF-16 only if you are absolutely sure that your encoded text will really be more compact (don't forget markup!), and this compactness is highly important to you.
In HTML 4, numeric character references are relative to the charset used by the HTML. Whether that charset is specified in the HTML itself via a <meta> tag, or out-of-band via an HTTP/MIME Content-Type header or other means, it does not matter. As such, "ABCģķī" would be an accurate representation of "ABCģķī" only if the HTML were using UTF-16. If the HTML were using UTF-8, the correct representation would be either "ABCģķī" or "ABCģķī" instead. Most other charsets do no support those particular Unicode characters.
In HTML 5, numeric character references contain original Unicode codepoint values regardless of the charset used by the HTML. As such, "ABCģķī" would be represented as either "ABC#291;ķī" or "ABCģķī".
So, to answer your question, the first thing you have to do is decide whether you need to use HTML 4 or HTML 5 semantics for numeric character references. Then, you need to assign your Unicode data to a WideString (which is the only Unicode string type that Delphi 7 natively supports), which uses UTF-16, then:
if you need HTML 4:
A. if the HTML charset is not UTF-16, then use WideCharToMultiByte() (or equivalent) to convert the WideString to that charset, then loop through the resulting values outputting unreserved characters as-is and character references for reserved values, using IntToStr() for decimal notation or IntToHex() for hex notation.
B. if the HTML charset is UTF-16, then simply loop through each WideChar in the WideString, outputting unreserved characters as-is and character references for reserved values, using IntToStr() for decimal notation or IntToHex() for hex notation.
If you need HTML 5:
A. if the WideString does not contain any surrogate pairs, then simply loop through each WideChar in the WideString, outputting unreserved characters as-is and character references for reserved values, using IntToStr() for decimal notation or IntToHex() for hex notation.
B. otherwise, convert the WideString to UTF-32 using WideStringToUCS4String(), then loop through the resulting values outputting unreserved codepoints as-is and character references for reserved codepoints, using IntToStr() for decimal notation or IntToHex() for hex notation.
In case I understood the OP correctly, I'll just leave this here.
function Entitties(const S: WideString): string;
I: Integer;
Result := '';
for I := 1 to Length(S) do
if Word(S[I]) > Word(High(AnsiChar)) then
Result := Result + '#' + IntToStr(Word(S[I])) + ';'
Result := Result + S[I];
