The right way to save big localized text in BlackBerry app - blackberry

I need to save 3 localized big text blocks in different languages. Each text block is about 1700 letters. Is the best way to save it in .rrc files?

Typically rrc files hold application UI text, which is shorter - on the order of 100 character or so. 1700 is a bit large but if the text fits into the .rrc file without issue, you should be fine. rrc files are the intended place for translations that match the device's language setting.


How much does strings affect binary size?

Keep Data out of Code
Moving any resources, such as long strings, or tables, out of code and
into external files will make the final download smaller, because
external files compress more efficiently than when the data is
compiled into a binary. See iOS App Store Specific Considerations for
full technical background.
How much does strings affect binary size in iOS apps, being in code versus their own file?
Is this something significant? Right now my binary size from code is 4mb, but it has a lot of long texts. How much can it decrease?

Android localization/translation

I have a keyboard app designed for Serbian language. My keys have labels based in Serbian cyrillic alphabet. My xml strings that are used for those labels are enclosed in <xliff:g></xliff:g> tags, but a certain provider on a certain type of a phone still translates these into a different language. Just in case, I also have my strings in language specific folders, but it still happens. Does anyone know if there is a way I could disable translating of all my strings any other way?
There are providers who can handle technical files translations,i.e. know what to translate in technical files. Also, some are available for you to manage the translations. OneSky is one of these platform and we also provide translation service.
See GIF of how placeholder validation works in OneSky
Disclaimer: I work in OneSky

Automatically transforming NSString into NSLocalizedString?

I am still paying dearly for learning iOS development, so please be kind.
I have an iOS application containing around 400 NSString litterals. I never thought that I would want to localize this app later on, so while being aware of NSLocalizedString I decided to not use them for my project. Now the world has changed and I need to localize this application. Is there any tool/script I can use that will run through my .m files and "search/replace" my NSStrings with NSLocalizedStrings before I extract them with genstrings?
You made a mistake not writing your code correctly the first time, and now you have to pay the price.
You need to go through your program manually and change user-visible string literals to calls to NSLocalizedString.
Note that you do NOT want to globally change all string literals. Things like dictionary keys should not be localized.
Always, ALWAYS, use NSLocalizedString to create localized strings. It's only a few more characters to type, and it makes internationalizing your code DRAMATICALLY easier.
The good news is that the pain of doing this will serve as a bitter lesson and you likely won't make the same mistake again.
Yes! A find and replace regex will speed up this up.
In the find bar put:
In the replace bar:
This will change "normalString" to NSLocalizedString("normalString",comment:"")
So go through your code and on the ones you want to replace just press replace, this is a massive timesaver!
You generally don't want to replace ALL NSStrings with NSLocalizedString as not all strings are necessarily 'user facing'. You might have string constants that are used internally that the user never sees and these in general should not be translated. Hence, blindly replacing all NSStrings with NSLocalizedString is probably not a great idea.
There is a fair bit of work involved going through and doing this manually, but its a one-time effort - once you've done it once you'll know the correct way to handle any new user-facing strings and do it as you go. Having said that - there may very well be a tool out there somewhere that handles this elegantly, but there's no avoiding the manual picking which strings need to be translated and which don't.
From I have learned and checked out, there no automated method to turn your strings to localized one you wish. But there's a plugin for XCode called Lin, that makes your process easy.
When you are focusing on NSLocalizedString or other functions to get a localized version of a string, Lin shows the list of localizations that contains the inputted key string.
From the question and your comments it seems you have around 400 strings only 20 of which should not be localised. With that ratio, as you yourself say, changing them all and then undoing the change for 20 can make sense.
To do this get TextWrangler, or BBEdit, and perform a multi-file pattern matching search and replace. You can confine the search to files ending in .m or .h. The task will be quick and easy, apart from those 20...

How do I store and view graphically formatted data?

I have an app (written in D2010) which is similar to a text retrieval app... It has a list of questions, with their corresponding answers. Most answers are strictly text, but some answers have graphics, and formatting. My dilemma has to do with the formatted answer. The user should be able to copy this answer (formatting and graphics) in order to paste it into another app. I have tried using a Word OCX. This is a little problematic. User has to have word, it gives random errors when using inside a virtual machine, etc. I am now playing with using a built in browser component, and viewing the data as a PDF. This is nice and easy, but when I copy and paste it, I loose all formatting, and the graphic shows up as a large totally black box.
I can store the data in whatever format I choose. It is stored as a BLOB in a DB file. I write it to a temp file and then I call some type of viewing routine, so I have flexibility there. My issue is really, what viewer mechanism is simple to implement, and allows copying/pasting, while maintaining text formatting (bullets, indents, etc) and graphics.
The TRichEdit (or any of TRichEdit descendants or similar classes) will allow the users to visualize text formatting and images, and when the content is copied, the RTF representation of the data will be copied into the clipboard.
When the clipboard data is pasted into a RTF compatible text editor (like Wordpad and Word), all the formatting, bullets and images are preserved.

Localization of keyboard short cut keys

Are there any standard for keyboard short cut key localization?
I am developing one web application in this key suppose for "Submit" button I have set Alt + S as keyboard short cut key. This will work fine on English keyboard.
But what will happen on other (non-English) keyboards? Do we need to create separate short keys for each language?
Or will having one common English shortcut do? Are there any best practices for this?
Definitely, English short cuts won't do. Or...
There are two possible issues:
you will use short cut also used by (possibly localized) web browser or one of its extensions - it probably won't work
if you have forms with text area or text field where user can enter data, your short cuts might be mapped to one of national (diacritic) letters (i.e. right-Alt + a, right-Alt + C,...,etc. means something in Polish).
I do not think that any best practices exists. And I am not very fond of "localized" short cuts - I tend to use applications both in English and my mother's tongue and I really hate memorizing two sets of short cuts... What I think will work best is to give an opportunity for user to re-map keyboard short cuts. Although it is problematic from programming point of view. Alternatively you may decide on creating different sets of short cuts and allow users to switch between them (or suggest their mapping).
