Mapping URLs formed by page name to a single different URL - url

Am having many xhtml pages in my application. First page that a User gets to see is named index.xhtml, when User is asked to update his Profile it will be updateProfile.xhtml etc. When I hit my application my page names gets displayed on the URL. When user is updating profile, URL will be http:/myDomain/myServlet/updateProfile.jsf.
Am interested in knowing whether its possible to map all my xhtml page names which gets displayed on the URL to some other name. For eg., in the above case, I want all the URLs which matches *.jsf pattern to be displayed to user as http:/myDomain/myServlet/myAccount.
I dont see a possible threat if a end user gets to know my page names, but still, I dont have much knowledge on Security/Hacking, so atleast I dont want to display *.jsf in my URL. Because, a user can know that am using JSF.

In JavaServer Faces to rewrite URL you need basically a Filter. In your case your rewrite could be done by something like PrettyFaces
With PrettyFaces you will be able to configure rewrite patterns and everything you need.
Edit : When creating your own Filter to redirect URL, you also need to create a ViewHandler and override the getActionURL() function so that actions will go to the new URL.


Why url params doesn't work in some sites?

I'm trying to add param in the url, like in this example: >
Opening the last link you can see "qq" in the "q" input.
For this site it doesn't work (this is the problem):
Can I add url param also in the last one? I need it.
I tried using different input names, different params ecc but it doesn't work.
Google's server side code is designed to generate an HTML document with an input field that is prefilled with the current search term which is reads from the URL. That is why adding q=search+term to the URL populates the input field.
You can't make arbitrary third-party websites prefill inputs. They have to explicitly provide a mechanism to make it possible.
Parameters only work as long as the code for the target website is expecting to handle a parameter named "nome" with a value "mario". In the case of the google website, it is expecting a parameter named "q" and has a form input for it.
Clicking a URL sends a a GET request type, and the target site may only be accepting parameters from a POST request type. You could consider using the application known as "PostMan" to help with that.
Alternately, the target page you are viewing may be forwarded / routed from a different page which accepts parameters.

How to remove a query parameter from URL without refresh the router in Ember js

I have a website built from Ember.js. A user can access a page through URL http://..../view?showTitle=true. However I don't want to explicitly expose the parameter showTitle=true to the user (meaning user will only see http://..../view). This URL is automatically generated and serves as a redirect destination URL. So, I have to remove it manually somewhere before the page load. But I still need this value of this query parameter to query data. Is there a way to achieve that (A example would be great)? What about do it without refreshing the router?
Actually, an example of your scenario would be greater :)
There are some other ways to store data while transitioning to a route. Such as: storing the params in transition object or storing the value in a service. Create a redirection route, use beforeModel hook to grab the value from query params then do a redirection to the real route.
A working example is: ember-twiddle-1
By the way, even if you don't describe your queryParamsin your routes, you can access them via transition.queryParams. This seems a bit hacky. But it works: ember-twiddle-2 (Note: It doesn't work in the same route.)
At the setupController hook you can override the controller parameters. So you can remove the parameters from the url. ember-twiddle-3

How can I redirect to a particular view based on url in grails

I am using grails 2.5.5 version, Suppose I am entering url as www.localhost:8080/app-name then it should open the MyHome.gsp, suppose if I give other url ex: then it should redirect to some login page like login.jsp. How can I do that?
Let me break it up for you :
Suppose I have www.localhost:8080/app-name
suppose if I give other url ex:
Your app starts here:
Case 1 :/app-name
case 2 :/app-name
The rest of that url is actually DNS and configurating binding tomcat specific or wild card urls to a given application.
So in short you need to filter entire url in the application parse url and redirect in your app accordingly.
You need to then intercept every url with grails 2 there is SecurityFilters which so far as i know works with apache-shiro may also work with spring security.
and within it you need to overall check for something like
URL url = new URL(request.getRequestURL().toString())
if (subdomain.contains('.')) {
subdomain= subdomain.split('.')[0]
that then returns your `demo1` you then redirect it another url if it matches your specific rule.
But as I said you are talking about superficial stuff here as I expressed what the address is or how somone gets to the app has nothing to do with the actual application. This is why IT is big business. Big business not because everyone tries to narrow everything down into one box doing all of this but because when situations likes this happen bigger thinking is needed i.e. do i need a load balancer something like F5 that will split traffic according to a given url and send to another app container that asks for authorisation.
subdomain= subdomain.split('.')[1] in that case then but this leaves room for errors since user could put in and if that resolves well it is either split by subdomain= subdomain.split('.')[0]
I would do this then
if (subdomain.contains('.')) {
def splitter= subdomain.split('.')
subdomain= splitter[0]
if (subdomain=='www' && splitter.size()>1) {
subdomain= splitter[1]

Using optional parameters in Umbraco 7 Urls

Am new to using Umbraco. I need to create Urls with an an optional parameter on the end e.g.
however by default Umbraco appears to require a separate page for each person. Is there a built method in Umbraco that will allow me to define the last part of the Url as an optional parameter or do I have to write a custom route for it?
You have a couple of options here.
Use IIS URL Rewriting to rewrite your URLs under the hood and rewrite /people/john to /people/?person=john say. Then you can pick up the person from the query string on the page.
Write a custom URL Finder that looks for the URLs and does some stuff under the hood, like get the people page, and then set a context item with the person name in for you to use in your views etc.
You could write a custom route for it. Custom routing in Umbraco is slightly different to in normal MVC. Here is a blog post detailing how you can do it:

ColdFusion - What's the best URL naming convention to use?

I am using ColdFusion 9.
I am creating a brand new site that uses three templates. The first template is the home page, where users are prompted to select a brand or a specific model. The second template is where the user can view all of the models of the selected brand. The third template shows all of the specific information on a specific model.
A long time ago... I would make the URLs like this:
.com/Index.cfm // home page
.com/Brands.cfm?BrandID=123 // specific brand page
.com/Models.cfm?ModelID=123 // specific model page
Now, for SEO purposes and for easy reading, I might want my URLs to look like this:
.com/? // home page
Or, I might want my URLs to look like this:
.com/? // home
.com/?Worthington // specific brand
.com/?Worthington/TX193A // specific model
My question is, are there really any SEO benefits or easy reading or security benefits to either naming convention?
Is there a best URL naming convention to use?
Is there a real benefit to having a URL like this?
Use URLs that make sense for your users. If you use sensible URLs which humans understand, it'll work with search engines too.
i.e. Don't do SEO, do HO. Human Optimisation. Optimise your pages for the users of your page and in doing so you'll make Google (and others) happy.
Do NOT stuff keywords into URLs unless it helps the people your site is for.
To decide what your URL should look like, you need to understand what the parts of a URL are for.
So, given this URL:
It breaks down like this:
what protocol is used to deliver the page
divides protocol from rest of url
indicates what server to load
Between the domain and the ? should indicate which page to load.
divides query string from rest of url
Between the ? and the # can be used for a dynamic search query or setting.
divides page fragment from rest of the url
Between the # and the end of line indicates which part of the page to focus on.
If your system setup lets you, a system like this is probably the most human friendly:
However, sometimes a unique ID is needed to ensure there is no ambiguity (with SO, there might be multiple questions with the same title, thus why ID is included, whilst the question is included because it's easier for humans that way).
Since all models must belong to a brand, you don't need both ID numbers though, so you can use something like this:
(where 123 is the brand number, and 456 is the model number)
You only need extra things (like /questions/ or /index.cfm or /brand.cfm or whatever) if you are unable to disambiguate different pages without them.
Remember: this part of the URL identifies the page - it needs to be possible to identify a single page with a single URL - to put it another way, every page should have a unique URL, and every unique URL should be a different page. (Excluding the query string and page fragment parts.)
Again, using the SO example - there are more than just questions here, there are users and tags and so on too. so they couldn't just do because it's not clearly distinct from - which they solve by inserting /questions and /users into each of those to make it obvious what each one is.
Ultimately, the best URL system to use depends on what pages your site has and who the people using your site are - you need to consider these and come up with a suitable solution. Simpler URLs are better, but too much simplicity may cause confusion.
Hopefully this all makes sense?
Here is an answer based on what I know about SEO and what we have implemented:
The first thing that get searched and considered is your domain name, and thus picking something related to your domain name is very important
URL with query string has lower priority than the one that doesn't. The reason is that query string is associated with dynamic content that could change over time. The search engine might also deprioritize those with query string fearing that it might be used for SPAM and diluting the result of SEO itself
As for using the URL such as
As the search engine looks at both the domain and the path, having the question in the path will help the Search Engine and elevate the question as a more relevant page when someone typing part of the question in the search engine.
I am not an SEO expert, but the company I work for has a dedicated dept to managing the SEO of our site. They much prefer the params to be in the URI, rather than in the query string, and I'm sure they prefer this for a reason (not simply to make the web team's job slightly trickier... all though there could be an element of that ;-)
That said, the bulk of what they concern themselves with is the content within and composition of the page. The domain name and URL are insignificant compared to having good, relevant content in a well defined structure.
