Converting Caching Pattern from Structuremap to AutoFac - structuremap

I'm switching over from structure map to Autofac. I've use a caching pattern from Scott Millett's book Design Patterns which implements an interface for both Cache and the Repository and switches in the appropriate object depending on the constructor parameter name
The interface looks like this
public interface ISchemeRepository
List<Scheme> GetSchemes();
The cache object looks like this
public class SchemeRepository : BaseRepository, ISchemeRepository
* Properties
private readonly ISchemeRepository schemeRepository;
* Constructors
public SchemeRepository()
: this(ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ISchemeRepository>(), ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IConfigurationSetting>())
public SchemeRepository(ISchemeRepository realSchemeRepository, IConfigurationSetting configurationSetting)
schemeRepository = realSchemeRepository;
this.configurationSetting = configurationSetting;
* Methods
public List<Scheme> GetSchemes()
string key = Prefix + "Schemes";
if (!MemoryCache.Default.Contains(key))
MemoryCache.Default.Add(key, schemeRepository.GetSchemes(), new CacheItemPolicy());
return (List<Scheme>)MemoryCache.Default.Get(key);
The repository looks like this
public class SchemeRepository : BaseLocalRepository, ISchemeRepository
* Properties
private readonly IConnectionSetting connectionSetting;
* Constructors
public SchemeRepository()
: this(ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IConnectionSetting>())
public SchemeRepository(IConnectionSetting connectionSetting)
this.connectionSetting = connectionSetting;
* Methods
public List<Scheme> GetSchemes()
var response = new List<Scheme>();
var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionSetting.CQBConnectionString);
var command = new SqlCommand("proc_GetSchemes", conn) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure };
var reader = command.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
new Scheme
SchemeId = reader["Scheme_Id"].ToString().Trim(),
GuaranteeText = reader["Guarantee_Text"].ToString().Trim()
return response;
The structure map call is below
ForRequestedType<Repository.Local.Contract.IProviderRepository>().TheDefault.Is.OfConcreteType<Repository.Local.Cache.ProviderRepository>().CtorDependency<Repository.Local.Contract.IProviderRepository>().Is(x => x.TheInstanceNamed("RealProviderRepository"));
Structure map looks at the constructor and if it contains a parameter called "realSchemeRepository" then it implements the object that connect to the database, if not it implements the cache object that checks the cache and calls the database if nothing is in the cache and populates the cache.
How do I do this in Autofac? Is there a better way of doing this in Autofac?

I believe what you're asking how to do is set up a decorator between your two repository classes. I'm gonna pretend the two class names are CacheSchemeRepository and RealSchemeRepository because naming them exactly the same is confusing and terrible. Anyways...
builder.Register(c => new RealSchemeRepository(c.Resolve<IConnectionSetting>())
(c, inner) => new CacheSchemeRepository(inner, c.Resolve<IConfigurationSetting>()),


How to configure ninject to inject different dependency types into the same class?

I've run into what I believe must be a common dependency injection-related problem. I'm having trouble finding relevant examples, and I do not like the best solution I've been able to come up with.
public class WasherDryerFolderSystem : ILaundrySystem
private IWasher _washer;
private IDryer _dryer;
private IFolder _folder;
public WasherDryerFolderSystem(IWasher washer, IDryer dryer, IFolder folder)
public void DoLaundry()
public class HandWasher : IWasher {...}
public class MachineWasher : IWasher {...}
public class HandDryer : IDryer {...}
public class MachineDryer : IDryer {...}
public class HandFolder : IFolder {...}
public class MachineFolder : IFolder {...}
Now in the main app I have something like
var laundrySystem = _kernel.Get<ILaundrySystem>(someUserInput);
What is a good way to configure the bindings required for something like this? Here's what I've been able to come up with thus far (that I don't like):
.WithConstructorArgument("washer", new MachineWasher())
.WithConstructorArgument("dryer", new HandDryer())
.WithConstructorArgument("folder", new HandFolder());
At first I didn't think this looked too bad, but when Washers and Dryers and Folders all have their own dependencies, this quickly gets ugly.
This feels to me like it should be a common problem, but I'm not finding anything that's much help. Do I have something designed incorrectly?
You could use a factory pattern:
public interface ILaundrySystemFactory
ILaundrySystem Create(string someUserInput);
public class LaundrySystemFactory : ILaundrySystemFactory
private readonly IKernel _kernel;
public LaundrySystemFactory(IKernel kernel){
_kernel = kernel;
public ILaundrySystem Create(string someUserInput)
var washer = _kernel.Get<MachineWasher>();
var dryer = _kernel.Get<HandDryer>();
var folder = _kernel.Get<HandFolder>();
} else {
var washer = _kernel.Get<DifferentWasher>();
var dryer = _kernel.Get<DifferentDryer>();
var folder = _kernel.Get<DifferentFolder>();
return new WasherDryerFolderSystem(washer, dryer, folder);
and then simply
private readonly ILaundrySystemFactory _laundrySystemFactory;
ctor(ILaundrySystemFactory laundrySystemFactory){
_laundrySystemFactory = laundrySystemFactory;
public UserInputMethod(string someUserInput)
var loundrySystem = laundrySystemFactory.Create(someUserInput);
var loundry = loundrySystem.DoLaundry();
(some DI containers might also need something like:)
Make a concrete classes with concrete parameters you need, put them as dependencies of strategy which will use them based on user input. Next instantiate them all with SINGLE call for a resolution root class. OFC Strategy can be the resolution root itself but it also can be a dependency of different resoultion root. Example:
//DoLaundry based on user input
public class WasherDryerFolderSystemStrategy
ctor(MachineWashingHandDringHandFoldingSystem first,
MachineWashingHandDringHandFoldingSystem second,
HandWashingHandDringHandFoldingWithBreakfastSystem third) { ... }
public void DoLaundry(int userInput)
if(userInput == 1)
if(userInput == 2)
if(userInput == 3)
public class MachineWashingHandDringHandFoldingSystem : WasherDryerFolderSystem
public MachineWashingHandDringHandFoldingSystem
(MachineWasher machineWasher, HandDryer handDryer, HandFolder handFolder) :
base(machineWasher, handDryer, handFolder)
public class HandWashingHandDringHandFoldingSystem : WasherDryerFolderSystem
public MachineWashingHandDringHandFoldingSystem
(HandWasher machineWasher, HandDryer handDryer, HandFolder handFolder) :
base(machineWasher, handDryer, handFolder)
public class HandWashingHandDringHandFoldingWithBreakfastSystem : WasherDryerFolderSystem
private readonly BreakfastMaker breakfastMaker
public MachineWashingHandDringHandFoldingSystem
(HandWasher machineWasher, HandDryer handDryer, HandFolder handFolder, BreakfastMaker brekfastMaker) :
base(machineWasher, handDryer, handFolder)
this.breakfastMaker = breakfastMaker
public overide void DoLaundry()
Please note that the implementation above does not require any Ninject configuration. Ninject will autobind everything ToSelf() with the first use (as long as it is not an interface).
In general as long as you do not need some sort of composite/bulk operations with with multiple implementations, than you should avoid interface bindings (and interfaces at all). Composite like operation example:
// original WasherDryerFolderSystem refactored
public class WasherDryerFolderSystem
private IEnumerable<IWasher> washers;
private IEnumerable<IDryer> dryers;
private IEnumerable<IFolder> folders;
public WasherDryerFolderSystem(
IWasher[] washers, IDryer[] dryers, IFolder[] folders)
this.washers = washers;
this.dryers = dryers;
this.folders = folders;
// all inclusive
public virtual void DoLaundry()
foreach (var washer in washers)
foreach (var dryer in dryers)
foreach (var folder in folders)
I hope that helps.

DryIoc, Spring.Net's GetObjectsOfType equivalent?

With Spring.Net, it's possible to query all objects of a certain (ancestor) type.
var ctx = ContextRegistry.GetContext();
var setUsers = ctx.GetObjectsOfType(typeof(ISetUser)).Values.OfType<ISetUser>().ToList();
How can this be done with DryIoc?
The direct answer given sample classes and interfaces would be:
public interface IA { }
public interface IB { }
public class AB : IA, IB { }
public class AA : IA { }
public void Resolve_all_services_implementing_the_interface()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<IB, AB>();
// resolve IA's, even if no IA service type was registered
var aas = container.GetServiceRegistrations()
.Where(r => typeof(IA).IsAssignableFrom(r.Factory.ImplementationType ?? r.ServiceType))
.Select(r => (IA)container.Resolve(r.ServiceType))
Assert.AreEqual(2, aas.Count);
If you will want to retrieve some interface, it probably good to register it from the start (plan for it):
public void Resolve_automatically_registered_interface_services()
var container = new Container();
// changed to RegisterMany to automatically register implemented interfaces as services
// simple resolve
var aas = container.Resolve<IList<IA>>();
Assert.AreEqual(2, aas.Count);

Decoration using Castle DynamicProxy and StructureMap 3 in a Convention - DecorateAllWith

How to use DecorateAllWith to decorate with a DynamicProxy all instances implements an interface?
For example:
public class ApplicationServiceInterceptor : IInterceptor
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
// ...
// ...
public class ApplicationServiceConvention : IRegistrationConvention
public void Process(Type type, Registry registry)
if (type.CanBeCastTo<IApplicationService>() && type.IsInterface)
var proxyGenerator = new ProxyGenerator();
// ??? how to use proxyGenerator??
// ???
registry.For(type).DecorateAllWith(???); // How to use DecorateAllWith DynamicProxy ...??
I could decorate some interfaces to concrete types using (for example):
var proxyGenerator = new ProxyGenerator();
registry.For<IApplicationService>().Use<BaseAppService>().DecorateWith(service => proxyGenerator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTargetInterface(....))
But havent able to using DecorateAll to do this.
To call registry.For<>().Use<>().DecorateWith() I have to do this:
if (type.CanBeCastTo<IApplicationService>() && !type.IsAbstract)
var interfaceToProxy = type.GetInterface("I" + type.Name);
if (interfaceToProxy == null)
return null;
var proxyGenerator = new ProxyGenerator();
// Build expression to use registration by reflection
var expression = BuildExpressionTreeToCreateProxy(proxyGenerator, type, interfaceType, new MyInterceptor());
// Register using reflection
var f = CallGenericMethod(registry, "For", interfaceToProxy);
var u = CallGenericMethod(f, "Use", type);
CallMethod(u, "DecorateWith", expression);
Only for crazy minds ...
I start to get very tired of StructureMap, many changes and no documentation, I have been read the source code but ... too many efforts for my objective ...
If someone can give me a bit of light I will be grateful.
Thanks in advance.
In addition ... I post here the real code of my helper to generate the expression tree an register the plugin family:
public static class RegistrationHelper
public static void RegisterWithInterceptors(this Registry registry, Type interfaceToProxy, Type concreteType,
IInterceptor[] interceptors, ILifecycle lifecycle = null)
var proxyGenerator = new ProxyGenerator();
// Generate expression tree to call DecoreWith of StructureMap SmartInstance type
// registry.For<interfaceToProxy>().Use<concreteType>()
// .DecoreWith(ex => (IApplicationService)
// proxyGenerator.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTargetInterface(interfaceToProxy, ex, interceptors)
var expressionParameter = Expression.Parameter(interfaceToProxy, "ex");
var proxyGeneratorConstant = Expression.Constant(proxyGenerator);
var interfaceConstant = Expression.Constant(interfaceToProxy);
var interceptorConstant = Expression.Constant(interceptors);
var methodCallExpression = Expression.Call(proxyGeneratorConstant,
typeof (ProxyGenerator).GetMethods().First(
met => met.Name == "CreateInterfaceProxyWithTargetInterface"
&& !met.IsGenericMethod && met.GetParameters().Count() == 3),
var convert = Expression.Convert(methodCallExpression, interfaceToProxy);
var func = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(interfaceToProxy, interfaceToProxy);
var expr = Expression.Lambda(func, convert, expressionParameter);
// Register using reflection
registry.CallGenericMethod("For", interfaceToProxy, new[] {(object) lifecycle /*Lifecicle*/})
.CallGenericMethod("Use", concreteType)
.CallNoGenericMethod("DecorateWith", expr);
public static class CallMethodExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Call a method with Generic parameter by reflection (obj.methodName[genericType](parameters)
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static object CallGenericMethod(this object obj, string methodName, Type genericType, params object[] parameters)
var metod = obj.GetType().GetMethods().First(m => m.Name == methodName && m.IsGenericMethod);
var genericMethod = metod.MakeGenericMethod(genericType);
return genericMethod.Invoke(obj, parameters);
/// <summary>
/// Call a method without Generic parameter by reflection (obj.methodName(parameters)
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static object CallNoGenericMethod(this object obj, string methodName, params object[] parameters)
var method = obj.GetType().GetMethods().First(m => m.Name == methodName && !m.IsGenericMethod);
return method.Invoke(obj, parameters);
Almost two years later I have needed return this issue for a new project. This time I have solved it this time I have used StructureMap 4.
You can use a custom interceptor policy to decorate an instance in function of his type. You have to implement one interceptor, one interceptor policy and configure it on a registry.
The Interceptor
public class MyExInterceptor : Castle.DynamicProxy.IInterceptor
public void Intercept(Castle.DynamicProxy.IInvocation invocation)
Console.WriteLine("-- Call to " + invocation.Method);
The interceptor policy
public class CustomInterception : IInterceptorPolicy
public string Description
get { return "good interception policy"; }
public IEnumerable<IInterceptor> DetermineInterceptors(Type pluginType, Instance instance)
if (pluginType == typeof(IAppService))
// DecoratorInterceptor is the simple case of wrapping one type with another
// concrete type that takes the first as a dependency
yield return new FuncInterceptor<IAppService>(i =>
DynamicProxyHelper.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTargetInterface(typeof(IAppService), i));
var container = new Container(_ =>
_.Policies.Interceptors(new CustomInterception());
var service = container.GetInstance<IAppService>();
You can get a working example on this gist, in the gist you can find three types of decoration, the third is like this answer.
Using it you can configure the decorators of your services easily.

mvc-mini-profiler, entity framework gives: The space 'SSpace' has no associated collection

I'm trying to use the mvc-mini-profiler in my mvc application. I created a wrapper for my context and Castle Windsor creates the instance. However, I get the error "The space 'SSpace' has no associated collection". The edmx is in assembly A, DigidosEntities in assembly B and this is in assembly C. Any idea what can be the problem? I got the latest version of the profiler.
public interface IDataStore : IDisposable
int SaveChanges(int personId);
IObjectSet<TEntity> CreateObjectSet<TEntity>() where TEntity : class;
public class ProfiledDigidosEntities : IDataStore, IDisposable
private DigidosEntities _context = null;
public ProfiledDigidosEntities()
var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DigidosEntities"].ConnectionString;
var connection = new EntityConnection(connectionString);
var conn = ProfiledDbConnection.Get(connection);
_context = ObjectContextUtils.CreateObjectContext<DigidosEntities>(conn); /* Error: The space 'SSpace' has no associated collection */
public void Dispose()
if (_context != null)
public int SaveChanges(int personId)
return _context.SaveChanges(personId);
public IObjectSet<TEntity> CreateObjectSet<TEntity>() where TEntity : class
return _context.CreateObjectSet<TEntity>();
Ok, here was my problem: The profiler wants a workspace to make a new profiled connection, the workspace is created through this method (in ObjectContextUtils.cs):
static MetadataCache()
workspace = new System.Data.Metadata.Edm.MetadataWorkspace(
new string[] { "res://*/" },
new Assembly[] { typeof(U).Assembly });
As you can see it will search in assembly of the type you want to create. Since in my case the type of the model was not in the same assembly, the creation of the workspace failed. Moving the DigidosEntities to the same assembly as the edmx fixed it.

How to cache data in a MVC application

I have read lots of information about page caching and partial page caching in a MVC application. However, I would like to know how you would cache data.
In my scenario I will be using LINQ to Entities (entity framework). On the first call to GetNames (or whatever the method is) I want to grab the data from the database. I want to save the results in cache and on the second call to use the cached version if it exists.
Can anyone show an example of how this would work, where this should be implemented (model?) and if it would work.
I have seen this done in traditional ASP.NET apps , typically for very static data.
Here's a nice and simple cache helper class/service I use:
using System.Runtime.Caching;
public class InMemoryCache: ICacheService
public T GetOrSet<T>(string cacheKey, Func<T> getItemCallback) where T : class
T item = MemoryCache.Default.Get(cacheKey) as T;
if (item == null)
item = getItemCallback();
MemoryCache.Default.Add(cacheKey, item, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10));
return item;
interface ICacheService
T GetOrSet<T>(string cacheKey, Func<T> getItemCallback) where T : class;
cacheProvider.GetOrSet("cache key", (delegate method if cache is empty));
Cache provider will check if there's anything by the name of "cache id" in the cache, and if there's not, it will call a delegate method to fetch data and store it in cache.
var products=cacheService.GetOrSet("catalog.products", ()=>productRepository.GetAll())
Reference the System.Web dll in your model and use System.Web.Caching.Cache
public string[] GetNames()
string[] names = Cache["names"] as string[];
if(names == null) //not in cache
names = DB.GetNames();
Cache["names"] = names;
return names;
A bit simplified but I guess that would work. This is not MVC specific and I have always used this method for caching data.
I'm referring to TT's post and suggest the following approach:
Reference the System.Web dll in your model and use System.Web.Caching.Cache
public string[] GetNames()
var noms = Cache["names"];
if(noms == null)
noms = DB.GetNames();
Cache["names"] = noms;
return ((string[])noms);
You should not return a value re-read from the cache, since you'll never know if at that specific moment it is still in the cache. Even if you inserted it in the statement before, it might already be gone or has never been added to the cache - you just don't know.
So you add the data read from the database and return it directly, not re-reading from the cache.
For .NET 4.5+ framework
add reference: System.Runtime.Caching
add using statement:
using System.Runtime.Caching;
public string[] GetNames()
var noms = System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache.Default["names"];
if(noms == null)
noms = DB.GetNames();
System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache.Default["names"] = noms;
return ((string[])noms);
In the .NET Framework 3.5 and earlier versions, ASP.NET provided an in-memory cache implementation in the System.Web.Caching namespace. In previous versions of the .NET Framework, caching was available only in the System.Web namespace and therefore required a dependency on ASP.NET classes. In the .NET Framework 4, the System.Runtime.Caching namespace contains APIs that are designed for both Web and non-Web applications.
More info:
Steve Smith did two great blog posts which demonstrate how to use his CachedRepository pattern in ASP.NET MVC. It uses the repository pattern effectively and allows you to get caching without having to change your existing code.
In these two posts he shows you how to set up this pattern and also explains why it is useful. By using this pattern you get caching without your existing code seeing any of the caching logic. Essentially you use the cached repository as if it were any other repository.
I have used it in this way and it works for me.
parameters info for system.web.caching.cache.add.
public string GetInfo()
string name = string.Empty;
if(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache["KeyName"] == null)
name = GetNameMethod();
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add("KeyName", name, null, DateTime.Noew.AddMinutes(5), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheitemPriority.AboveNormal, null);
name = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache["KeyName"] as string;
return name;
AppFabric Caching is distributed and an in-memory caching technic that stores data in key-value pairs using physical memory across multiple servers. AppFabric provides performance and scalability improvements for .NET Framework applications. Concepts and Architecture
Extending #Hrvoje Hudo's answer...
using System;
using System.Runtime.Caching;
public class InMemoryCache : ICacheService
public TValue Get<TValue>(string cacheKey, int durationInMinutes, Func<TValue> getItemCallback) where TValue : class
TValue item = MemoryCache.Default.Get(cacheKey) as TValue;
if (item == null)
item = getItemCallback();
MemoryCache.Default.Add(cacheKey, item, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(durationInMinutes));
return item;
public TValue Get<TValue, TId>(string cacheKeyFormat, TId id, int durationInMinutes, Func<TId, TValue> getItemCallback) where TValue : class
string cacheKey = string.Format(cacheKeyFormat, id);
TValue item = MemoryCache.Default.Get(cacheKey) as TValue;
if (item == null)
item = getItemCallback(id);
MemoryCache.Default.Add(cacheKey, item, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(durationInMinutes));
return item;
interface ICacheService
TValue Get<TValue>(string cacheKey, Func<TValue> getItemCallback) where TValue : class;
TValue Get<TValue, TId>(string cacheKeyFormat, TId id, Func<TId, TValue> getItemCallback) where TValue : class;
Single item caching (when each item is cached based on its ID because caching the entire catalog for the item type would be too intensive).
Product product = cache.Get("product_{0}", productId, 10, productData.getProductById);
Caching all of something
IEnumerable<Categories> categories = cache.Get("categories", 20, categoryData.getCategories);
Why TId
The second helper is especially nice because most data keys are not composite. Additional methods could be added if you use composite keys often. In this way you avoid doing all sorts of string concatenation or string.Formats to get the key to pass to the cache helper. It also makes passing the data access method easier because you don't have to pass the ID into the wrapper method... the whole thing becomes very terse and consistant for the majority of use cases.
Here's an improvement to Hrvoje Hudo's answer. This implementation has a couple of key improvements:
Cache keys are created automatically based on the function to update data and the object passed in that specifies dependencies
Pass in time span for any cache duration
Uses a lock for thread safety
Note that this has a dependency on Newtonsoft.Json to serialize the dependsOn object, but that can be easily swapped out for any other serialization method.
public interface ICache
T GetOrSet<T>(Func<T> getItemCallback, object dependsOn, TimeSpan duration) where T : class;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Caching;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
public class InMemoryCache : ICache
private static readonly object CacheLockObject = new object();
public T GetOrSet<T>(Func<T> getItemCallback, object dependsOn, TimeSpan duration) where T : class
string cacheKey = GetCacheKey(getItemCallback, dependsOn);
T item = MemoryCache.Default.Get(cacheKey) as T;
if (item == null)
lock (CacheLockObject)
item = getItemCallback();
MemoryCache.Default.Add(cacheKey, item, DateTime.Now.Add(duration));
return item;
private string GetCacheKey<T>(Func<T> itemCallback, object dependsOn) where T: class
var serializedDependants = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dependsOn);
var methodType = itemCallback.GetType();
return methodType.FullName + serializedDependants;
var order = _cache.GetOrSet(
() => _session.Set<Order>().SingleOrDefault(o => o.Id == orderId)
, new { id = orderId }
, new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0)
public sealed class CacheManager
private static volatile CacheManager instance;
private static object syncRoot = new Object();
private ObjectCache cache = null;
private CacheItemPolicy defaultCacheItemPolicy = null;
private CacheEntryRemovedCallback callback = null;
private bool allowCache = true;
private CacheManager()
cache = MemoryCache.Default;
callback = new CacheEntryRemovedCallback(this.CachedItemRemovedCallback);
defaultCacheItemPolicy = new CacheItemPolicy();
defaultCacheItemPolicy.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1.0);
defaultCacheItemPolicy.RemovedCallback = callback;
allowCache = StringUtils.Str2Bool(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AllowCache"]); ;
public static CacheManager Instance
if (instance == null)
lock (syncRoot)
if (instance == null)
instance = new CacheManager();
return instance;
public IEnumerable GetCache(String Key)
if (Key == null || !allowCache)
return null;
String Key_ = Key;
if (cache.Contains(Key_))
return (IEnumerable)cache.Get(Key_);
return null;
catch (Exception)
return null;
public void ClearCache(string key)
AddCache(key, null);
public bool AddCache(String Key, IEnumerable data, CacheItemPolicy cacheItemPolicy = null)
if (!allowCache) return true;
if (Key == null)
return false;
if (cacheItemPolicy == null)
cacheItemPolicy = defaultCacheItemPolicy;
String Key_ = Key;
lock (Key_)
return cache.Add(Key_, data, cacheItemPolicy);
catch (Exception)
return false;
private void CachedItemRemovedCallback(CacheEntryRemovedArguments arguments)
String strLog = String.Concat("Reason: ", arguments.RemovedReason.ToString(), " | Key-Name: ", arguments.CacheItem.Key, " | Value-Object: ", arguments.CacheItem.Value.ToString());
I use two classes. First one the cache core object:
public class Cacher<TValue>
where TValue : class
#region Properties
private Func<TValue> _init;
public string Key { get; private set; }
public TValue Value
var item = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(Key) as TValue;
if (item == null)
item = _init();
HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(Key, item);
return item;
#region Constructor
public Cacher(string key, Func<TValue> init)
Key = key;
_init = init;
#region Methods
public void Refresh()
Second one is list of cache objects:
public static class Caches
static Caches()
Languages = new Cacher<IEnumerable<Language>>("Languages", () =>
using (var context = new WordsContext())
return context.Languages.ToList();
public static Cacher<IEnumerable<Language>> Languages { get; private set; }
I will say implementing Singleton on this persisting data issue can be a solution for this matter in case you find previous solutions much complicated
public class GPDataDictionary
private Dictionary<string, object> configDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();
/// <summary>
/// Configuration values dictionary
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<string, object> ConfigDictionary
get { return configDictionary; }
private static GPDataDictionary instance;
public static GPDataDictionary Instance
if (instance == null)
instance = new GPDataDictionary();
return instance;
// private constructor
private GPDataDictionary() { }
} // singleton
HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert("subjectlist", subjectlist);
You can also try and use the caching built into ASP MVC:
Add the following attribute to the controller method you'd like to cache:
In this case the ActionResult of this will be cached for 10 seconds.
More on this here
