Get webb application to app store [duplicate] - ios

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Does Apple reject “mobile web shell” applications?
i am wondering if it is possible to make a mobile webpage and than making a IOS app in xcode just having a full screen browser view loading the mobile webpage.
I heard someone saying that apple does not allow apps that one includes a webpage, is this true?

Yes this is true.
2.12 Apps that are not very useful, are simply web sites bundled as apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be

Yes, your application will most likely be reject for this.
I recommend taking your existing files and using something like and deploy your web application to multiple stores. This works because your assets are baked into the application.


IOS Offline Caching WebView content

I need to load an url in a WebView and download the whole content of the website (documents, images, css, etc) to be able to work offline.
I built an app 4-5 years ago (targeting iOS 7.0) using this -->
Recently I was asked to check if the app still works for the latest iOS versions. I found that most of the classes mentioned in this article are deprecated now (for example: UiWebView or NSURLConnection).
When I run the app now, the caching process starts but it gets stuck at some point while downloading a file.
I've enabled CFNETWORK DIAGNOSTICS and most of the time I get this error: SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN operation failed because the connection was cleanly shut down with a close_notify alert. I've researched a lot without any success.
I'm thinking about rebuilding the whole app using a modern solution, but actually I don't really find anything clear. Probably it is not common to do these kind of apps.
My question is if someone nows a better approach for this. I don't even care if I do it natively on iOS or using some cross-platform technology like Reac-Native or Flutter.
Any suggestions would be very welcome.
The web that I have to wrap inside the WebView implements a Service Worker to cache the data. So in a Safari browser, this web works offline.
I would just need to wrap someone this web in an iOS app, I tried SFSafariViewController but still not working.
Deprecated doesn't mean unavailable. There are still plenty of apps using UIWebView and NSURLConnection. Before you go rewriting your app using the latest and greatest, you should understand what the problem is. There's a good tip for debugging the error you're getting in iOS 11.2.1 Xcode 9.2 BoringSSL SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN(6). Short version: set the CFNETWORK_DIAGNOSTICS environment variable so that you get better network debugging information.
Given the age of your code, I'd imagine that Apple's requirement that apps use secure connections starting in iOS 9 might be at least one factor. You should read up on App Transport Security to learn how to update your app to meet those requirements. You'll definitely need to add a key or two to your app's Info.plist file, and you'll probably also want to update your app to use a https URL instead of http. Making these changes will be much easier than rewriting your app, and you need to meet the ATS requirement anyway, so you might as well do that part first.

Swift: Is there a way to get the running apps in IOS? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to get information about free memory and running processes in an App Store approved app? (Yes, there is one!)
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Is there a way to get the running apps info or the action of openning the app in IOS? There is a way to do that in android with getRunningTasks, maybe there is a way to do that in ios?
At last in non-jailbroken iOS there is no such possibility. The reason is to protect users privacy - app should not know about other apps that are installed on user device (otherwise it could eg. spot business rivals app).

Can Apple reject my application if it open HTML5 games in WebView? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Will iOS apps that are just UIWebView's be rejected? [closed]
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Can Apple reject my application if it run HTML5 games in WebView?
I develop native app. One screen will contain list with data retrieved from server. Any item run HTML5 game in IOS WebView. I reed guidelines but i`m not sure in this case.
Maybe somebody can provide any published examples with the same behavior?
I am 100% sure your app will be rejected, as apple say here in point no. 2.12. And also check link1 and link2. There are lots of apps which will rejected because they are using webView to show HTML or simply load dynamic urls.
If you want your app will pass, you need to add some component natively means mix of native and webView app can be pass. I have develop an app with mix of native and webView and that was passed without any issue.

Creating bespoke iOS apps for our customers [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
iPhone app without AppStore
I work for a software company which creates bespoke applications for customers - currently just ASP.NET internal applications. Due to the growth of mobile, we've been considering creating mobile apps for our customers. These apps would be extremely specific to a customer so we would not want these in any app stores.
While with Android this is obviously relatively simple, but seeing as the distribution of iOS apps is restricted to the App Store (as far as I know!) we would be unable to create iOS apps. Am I missing anything - i.e. is there a way to distribute apps without using the App Store?
There are two schemes designed for this scenario.
First, there's Enterprise. This is (kind of) like delivering ad hoc builds. There are restrictions but it doesn't go through the App Store or a review processes.
More recently, there is also a special B2B channel. Your customers download from the App Store, but the app isn't public. Other than having to go through review, the other disadvantage is that the scheme is not available in all countries. This may not be a problem for you, of course.
A lot of clients I work for want the "publicity" of being in the app store but don't want everyone to have access. The way around this is to create an app that requires a login, with credentials that you control server side.
Consider building an HTML5 app. This way you can distribute it yourself (and the user can easily add it to their device as a link (which looks like an App icon).

Submitting webapp launcher to Apple Store

I have never developed for iPhone, but I have developed an HTML5 web application.
I would like to submit to the Apple store a free app whose job would be to just open up the HTML5 webapp in the mobile browser.
Do you think it will be likely that such an app can be accepted? Can you please provide links or evidence?
Is it possible to ask this question to the Apple team so that I am not going to waste $99? If so, how?
If your app has native web views pulling internal HTML5 information, you might be able to sneak it by some of the app reviewers, but a good portion will say that there is not enough native Apple code in the app. They are sticklers for that.
I have, on a few occasions, gotten away with adding push notification, saying it HAS to be an app, and can't rely on users going to the website since they need push (even though I never intended on pushing anything out), but Apple has caught on to this.
Ultimately, you need to use Apple code in xCode, and you need to use a lot of it.
