Submitting webapp launcher to Apple Store - ios

I have never developed for iPhone, but I have developed an HTML5 web application.
I would like to submit to the Apple store a free app whose job would be to just open up the HTML5 webapp in the mobile browser.
Do you think it will be likely that such an app can be accepted? Can you please provide links or evidence?
Is it possible to ask this question to the Apple team so that I am not going to waste $99? If so, how?

If your app has native web views pulling internal HTML5 information, you might be able to sneak it by some of the app reviewers, but a good portion will say that there is not enough native Apple code in the app. They are sticklers for that.
I have, on a few occasions, gotten away with adding push notification, saying it HAS to be an app, and can't rely on users going to the website since they need push (even though I never intended on pushing anything out), but Apple has caught on to this.
Ultimately, you need to use Apple code in xCode, and you need to use a lot of it.


iOS native app wrapper for push notifications in PWA

Is it possible to create a native iOS app which only services as a wrapper for a pwa?
So the native app has no functionality other then to load the pwa inside of it and some background functions like push notifications.
This way I would like to create the functionality of push notifications, but still only have to create a pwa.
So when you open the native app this app will open the pwa (In my mind it looks similar to an iframe inside the native app). Everything will happen in the pwa, but we can still send push notification and use other features which are not yet available in the pwa.
If this is possible how can this be accomplished?
Apple writes:
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn’t provide some sort of lasting entertainment value, it may not be accepted.
Link here
I've heard that they are very consistent in not allowing apps outside of their guidelines and as long as you are not giving additional value in the app, that is not present on the website (your PWA), it will not be accepted.
I still have not heard anyone who succeeded with the wrapping alone, but if there are cases I am very interested to know too.
I think Apple will not approve your app

Can I open Aliexpress app from my app iOS?

Is it ok and is there any scheme I can use to open AliExpress app within my own app? "aliexpress://" not working
The point here is on the way to open it with no complaints from Apple and Ali. This is quite large marketplace with quite big audience. So, I'd like to ask if there any LEGAL way to open their App as we do on registration with FB for instance.
Thanks for links in comments, but it's considered as not a proper way to solve my issue, it worked for a while as I know, but then stopped.

Adding a URL link to iOS app that is not optimized for mobile platforms (rejection possibility)

I have been doing some research about iOS app approval process, but I can't seem to find one thing that is pretty important in my case. I have added a simple url link to a website (I did not use a web view for the reason I am about to explain).
What I have found is that Apple specifies that font within the app should not be smaller than size 11. They also say that the user should not have to zoom in. Well, unfortunately I have a client who wants me to place a link of her website in a menu section of the app. I told the client that I was concerned that there may be an issue since this website is not optimized for mobile devices. Basically, this link shows a desktop version of a site on a mobile phone.
I have searched online for many guidelines, but I just haven't spotted anything yet. I would guess that they would reject it, but I was just curious if anyone happened to know for sure or knew where I should look to find this out.

Is it possible to 'disable' other apps with an app of my own?

I was wondering if its possible to write an ios app that 'disables' other apps from opening?
For example, when I press the disable button on my app, I cannot open whatsapp for the next 15 minutes.
If that's not possible, could a workaround such as blocking all HTTP requests to a certain URL be possible? or even blocking (or turning off) notifications from certain apps?
I've also been wondering whether or not a security module might disallow such code..
Any help would be much appreciated!
None of the suggestion you made in your question will work on a AppStore app. Since the app is sandboxed it can not interact on the level you want with the system.
Your only possibility is to write an app for jailbroken devices.
There might be private API present as per your need but one thing is clear if you target for Apple AppStore ,it will be rejected due to its policy as aslo said by other person. Moreover ,If you still wana develop it you should go for it and there is Cydia which is a appstore for jail broken phone so you could upload your app and try to sell it off. Hope this info is useful for you.

iOS App Store approval rate for apps

We are ready to start the development of an using, however some last minute external feedback pretends that apps are systematically being rejected by Apple since the launch of their new Reload system (which pushes updated HTML/CSS/JS code without having to re-sublit to Apple for app updates).
The only reply regarding this topic on stackoverflow (Apple App Store ok with Trigger Reload?) was issued by one of the founders of, so I'm really looking for some totally independent feedback on this.
Can anyone provide any real-life feedback on this ? Has anyone ever succesfully submitted an app to the store ?'s page provides very few examples of submitted apps, so it isn't very convincing either...
Any feedback greatly appreciated !
At Hojoki, we're successfully submitting an app built on to the App Store for over a year now. We're actively using Reload (e.g. pushed reloads to all our iOS users three times in April) and never experienced any issues regarding approval and Reload.
There were two times that the app has been rejected (related to meta data stuff..), however this had nothing to do with Reload or at all.
The only Reload-related app store rejection we know of happened on May 9th (six days ago). This was due to Reload files not being marked as exempt from iCloud and iTunes backups.
There are loads of apps using Reload live in the app store, so it's not a general problem - it's just that this particular app was using Reload to distribute >100MB files.
Nevertheless, v1.4.46 of the platform contains a fix which sets the no-backup flag, to be extra safe.
