Manually change or catch the message for invalid CSRF token in Symfony2.1 - symfony-forms

I'm using Symfony2.1.
It has a builtin CSRF protection for the forms. The error message returned when the CSRF token is invalid is: "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form".
I show it on the top of the form in my Twig template by using the classic call:
{{ form_errors(form) }}
How can I change the returned message?
In alternative, a more advanced possibility is to catch this error type in order to show a lot of options/links in my Twig template.
Any idea?

Did you try to set in the file validators.{locale_code}.yml to set a translation for key The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form?
To change the default message you can try this out:
The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form : My custom CSRF error
The error message is thrown here and it is of FormError class...thus it should be possible to translate it.


Unable to Setup Adwods API through Java, Giving several errors in last step

I am Trying to set up Adwords API through Java, All the steps are going good but in last step while running , Its giving several errors
"Exception in thread "main" Credential could not be refreshed. at at adwords.axis.v201705.basicoperations.GetCampaigns.main( Caused by: 400 Bad Request { "error" : "invalid_grant" } at at at at at at at at ... 1 more"
After this error message its not going through.
This looks like a problem with your refresh token. Have you generated your refresh token?
I normally run this file to generate a refresh token.
Did you copy the refresh token into your file?

Google oauth gives 500 Internal Server Error if entered wrong token

Here is my code
$client = new Google_Client();
$token_data = $client->verifyIdToken($token);
verifyIdToken is triggering 500 Internal Server Error if token is invalid. Can you help me to figure out how to get rid of that? And how can i verify the token is valid or not?
Never mind.
I had to use try-catch to catch exceptions. If token is invalid, it will trigger an exception.

OAuth 1.0b receiving access token

Until few days ago everything worked fine. But after some changes on FitBit new user can not get OAuth handshake anymore. The problem is when I receive temporary tokens and make call to finish handshake and receive credentials.
So in first step I get:
TOKEN: 1a227cfde686220183763946a98173bc and VERIFIER: p2g5ims7o4ffscev603rbif05g
and in second step I use theme to make call to ...
Signature Base String is:
And by that I receive header (with signature calculated using the same function as in first step)
Authorizing with HEADER: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="7c5e888aa3dd4d17a26d82a7f541b278",oauth_token="1a227cfde686220183763946a98173bc",oauth_nonce="5hw45lgu",oauth_signature="X4udgn9A7Q2xI%2FN38QELl%2BIDVqM%3D",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="1391094796",oauth_verifier="p2g5ims7o4ffscev603rbif05g",oauth_version="1.0"
That should work but I get 401 error saying:
{"errors":[{"errorType":"oauth","fieldName":"oauth_access_token","message":"Invalid signature or token 'JNGSIMomid/oghtWGrz7crC6KhM=' or token '6c45d0ce39195e848da14cad0a4f9719'"}],"success":false}
I have been working od that for 7 hours now ... and as far as I can see everything is OK ... Error is saying about field name oauth_access_token ... This fields doesn't even exist. I tried anyway and recived error saying that security is not OK ...
Any Idea?
I had the same problem. After doing some research I noticed that the API has changed and the lib I was using was out dated.
To fix that, I updated my lib and did some code changes.
Here is the link of a .Net implementation after the change:

Required parameter is missing: grant_type

I am trying to authenticate google api in ruby. I got code parameter successfully. But I couldn't get access token using code params.i am passing following parameter to get access token
i got following response:
An error occured connecting to the server: 400 returned.
<TITLE>Required parameter is missing: grant_type</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000"> <H1>Required parameter is missing: grant_type</H1> <H2>Error 400</H2>
Any one help me to get accesstoken
Looks like the slash shouldn't be there in your code parameter. If needed it should be url encoded.
The format that Google shared these code keys is like the one given in the example. I do not believe your problem is because any of the credentials. I highly recommend to visit and I assure you will be fine. Also do not forget these tokens expires in 3600 seconds so have to whether reload the key approval screen for requesting new 'code' or follow the instructions in the link and understand 'refresh token' 'access token' for further lines of codes.

Error handling in mvc url

How to handle links with quotes? For example,"
I want to redirect user to error page, but I see the page with exception.
In every link of the form "" "
(double quotes at the beginning of path)
Text of exception:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Illegal characters in path.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
I want to redirect user to nice error page.
<customErrors /> - good, but it is not http error.
Did you enable the <customErrrors /> section, and on 404, redirect to the URL you want to display? I believe the same mechanism for web forms will work here, not 100% sure though...
