Mobile friendly ways to do a "Candle flame" animation - actionscript

I haven't tried posting here before so I hope that I am doing it right.
Some years ago I bought this candle flame Flash based animation:
Anyways, that is done in Flash using Action Script and so I am looking for an alternative that looks just as good but works on mobile devices.
I have tried creating small looped movie segments of the animation, gif's and a seris of jpgs using a sprite.
But none of the above really works that well and so I am looking for an alternative.
Could something like this be done in html, css3, javascript? And is there a library/framework out there that could help me build it?
I tried to convert the file via Google Swiffy once, and the end result actually looked surprisingly close to the original, but in terms of performance I was able to crash the browser on my phone everytime I tried seeing the animation.
Can Google Swiffy's code be optimized easily?

Have you tried using a particle system? There are some javascript libraries out there, for instance:
The demos don't include a 'candle' effect but it shouldn't be that hard to achieve.


Cordova / Phonegap app (lots of images) dealing with memory warnings

I am trying to wrap my website into an app that I made with AngularJS.
I got a website with lots of "cards" divs, and each of them hv an image on them.
you can find the link here:
screenshot of what i did in the web version
each page will hv about 100 "cards" with each unique image, loading from local JSON file. It went well in the browser
I package all the images locally into an app.
It worked all good on iOS simulator and even on my new iPad Air.
But then I realise it wont work in other devices with lesser memories.
It averagely took up to 260MB ram... and sometimes go way up to 500MB...
I tried to disable all css visual or transformation effects but it didnt help much.
At first I thought it was the size of the images, but I hv checked and try using small thumbnail to test, the memory issue still persists.
so I guess it had to do with how the screen handles the rendering of this amount of images.
I m not very good with angularjs and barely get this site up and running. it got me scratching my head on how to fix this. I never worked with an app before so the memory issue really didnt occur to me and i dun hv a concept of how to deal with this.
Other threads hv talked about similar issues on creating image carousel, that one should lazyload the image before and destroy the image after. Yet I am not sure if this is the right approach for me, and I am not sure how to achieve this.
I am using ng-repeat to load image links pointing to a local image folder.
Is this the reason why it is using up a lot of RAM/Memory? are there better way to achieve this? will it help if i revamp the website in ionic framework instead of pure Angularjs + Cordova?

Roll overs in interactive pdfs for iPad—nothing is working

I'm having a problem with making roll overs work in an interactive pdf for iPad and mobile devices. I've spent hours looking for a resolution, but have found nothing for this specific issue...
What I have is sections in the document where the viewer can answer questions via check boxes. The check boxes work fine. However the check boxes for the incorrect answers trigger, on roll over, a 'pop-up' window that will nudge them to the correct answer. I have tried doing this through InDesign at the design stage and through Acrobat. Right now the functionality is primarily through Acrobat (seems to be closer to the end goal).
I'm not sure if it's as simple as a setting or what? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. More specific information can be given if needed. Thanks!
You have to look at the "documentation" for the various PDF viewers for iOS, and see what they support.
Opposed to the Windows and OSX platforms, Adobe Reader for iOS (and Android) is mediocre at best, when it comes to JavaScript support (which is most likely the base for the rollovers). For iOS, the leader of the pack is PDFExpert by Readdle. With some luck, this PDF viewer may support what you want to accomplish.

how to add "webkit-playsinline" to Edge Animate/PhoneGap project?

This is a much covered subject, however, I am not a coder and have not seen a clear breakdown of how to implement the "webkit-playsinline" tag, particularly in the context of Edge Animate (v.CC 2014.1.1).
I am looking to understand what libraries I may need to import and where to do this, or if I need to initiate something to get the tag to work (some function maybe) - I see there's an additional 'controls' attribute mentioned here: use webkit-playsinline in javascript
If someone will be kind enough to break this down for an idiot it will be much appreciated.
Using PhoneGap everything is working on Android and iPad, just need to try and get video to work inline and not pop into full-screen on iPhone - and apologies for not just jumping on one of the many other threads, only when you try there's a big notice saying not to do this =]
Thank you.

How to write a code to read .fla file?

I was wondering so long that how can people analyze the trait of each file extension (of course open it in notepad is not readable)
For example, I want to write a program that can read everything from .fla file like timeline, movie clips, position of each MCs or all the motion tween values. And get the image embeded in it. (I'm planning to use flash as IDE for another project.)
(The reason that I tried to read proprietary format is I want to utilize their awesome editor. What I actually want to do is, I want to make an iOS game with cocos2d. There is a code to move things around in cocos2d but there is no decent editor. So I'd like to use Flash as an editor, then convert the motion to objective-C cocos2D code by reading the .fla file.)
If you would like to be able to import timeline animation from flash into cocos2d, this tool might help. More information in this thread.
The grapefrukt-exporter might also help as it can export keyframe data, and various other formats for animation.
Instead of creating the tool yourself, it might be much easier (and time saving) to use one of these and integrate it into your workflow :)
Finally, if none of the above works, how about just exporting the flash animation as an animated GIF or a movie file?
Im assuming you want to write a decompiler, this is possible and there are several available on the internet, price varies.
It is not possible for flash to achieve this, Most programs, software are built on a native language such as C, Native meaning it can independly run in its own with out initially setting up an invironment to support it.
Flash is not independent enough to be available to have this much power.
Try looking at c++ or C# as this would be possible, also these languages are a lot more powerful.

Current status of Page Curl

There have been alot of questions regarding page curl animations on ipad and lately more and more applications have been including this.
I have seen links to two projects on github which implement this animation (here and here) but none of these (e.g. kindle) seem to be near to the ibooks (except for the 'Target' app) - yet better than the ones on github.
Are there any newer solutions out there?
I created a Page Curl like filter using OpenGL and CoreGraphics. Speaking about math, shadow casting, shader etc. was a nightmare :-) but it's realistic and it's very close to the iBooks one.
I'm working on an easy-to-use API to integrate the GLView and other classes in a common project (like a PDF viewer).
To resume, the logic behind is based on a conical page deformation but to be realistic like iBooks, the math is quite different from the Nuon conical deformation. The filter is done, I hope to complete the API it in a couple of weeks then I'll publish it on github.
