how to add "webkit-playsinline" to Edge Animate/PhoneGap project? - ios

This is a much covered subject, however, I am not a coder and have not seen a clear breakdown of how to implement the "webkit-playsinline" tag, particularly in the context of Edge Animate (v.CC 2014.1.1).
I am looking to understand what libraries I may need to import and where to do this, or if I need to initiate something to get the tag to work (some function maybe) - I see there's an additional 'controls' attribute mentioned here: use webkit-playsinline in javascript
If someone will be kind enough to break this down for an idiot it will be much appreciated.
Using PhoneGap everything is working on Android and iPad, just need to try and get video to work inline and not pop into full-screen on iPhone - and apologies for not just jumping on one of the many other threads, only when you try there's a big notice saying not to do this =]
Thank you.


iOS 7 embedded calendar api

I'm fairly new to iOS development, I've been asked to write an application that moves around days in a calendar. The graphics designers thought it would be a good idea to have an embedded scrollable calendar so the user could navigate easily through dates.
I'd love to post an image for what I want but I don't have the reputation yet to do so.
This calendar view looks just like the native calendar app on iOS 7 but it's just a sideways scrollable choosing date of the month you're in and it only take a small portion of the screen. Would anybody know if there's a framework I could use to achieve similar results?
Thanks in advance!
I know it's a little late, but I'll just post it here in case other people has the same problem.
A few months back, I had the exact same problem.
I couldn't find exactly what I need, so I had to implement it myself with UICollectionView
Anyway, after finishing my project, I've decided to make a library based on it.
This should be easier to use than any other calendar library.
Hope it helps :)
There will most likely not be a component that does exactly what you want. A good thing to do in a situation like this is search on Github and filter by language, then sort by popularity.
Here is an example search to get you started, for "calendar":
A few promising candidates from that search:
There are tons of these, all slightly different, so you'll need to do some digging to find one that is most similar to what you want to accomplish.
In general, any implementation you find or create yourself should probably use a UICollectionView to accomplish this.

drag and drop with easeljs

I apologize that is isn't strictly a coding question. Has anyone come across a good BASIC tutorial explaining how to drag things in Easeljs? I've been experimenting with jQuery Mobile and the 'touch punch' plugin in the DOM for an app I'm developing and it works great. All devices, all browsers. But i recently read that phonegap totally sucks so I'm trying to get the same effects in Canvas for Cocoonjs.
But I can't seem to get anything working in Canvas. I've scoured the web and it seems everyone just reuses Easeljs' daisy example.
Has anyone found a good, simple, clear example without all the extra BS?
Thanks in advance. And again I apologize this isn't a coding question.
If I'm getting this correctly, you are trying to use jQuery for Drag&Drop on canvas?
If that is the case, then the simple answer is: It's not possible. (at least not out of the box, and making this work would take way too much effort and would make no sense)
Other than that you have pretty much answered your question yourself, the EaselJS Daisy DragAndDrop Example from here: already is like a perfect example - unfortunately it won't get much simpler than that.

Mobile friendly ways to do a "Candle flame" animation

I haven't tried posting here before so I hope that I am doing it right.
Some years ago I bought this candle flame Flash based animation:
Anyways, that is done in Flash using Action Script and so I am looking for an alternative that looks just as good but works on mobile devices.
I have tried creating small looped movie segments of the animation, gif's and a seris of jpgs using a sprite.
But none of the above really works that well and so I am looking for an alternative.
Could something like this be done in html, css3, javascript? And is there a library/framework out there that could help me build it?
I tried to convert the file via Google Swiffy once, and the end result actually looked surprisingly close to the original, but in terms of performance I was able to crash the browser on my phone everytime I tried seeing the animation.
Can Google Swiffy's code be optimized easily?
Have you tried using a particle system? There are some javascript libraries out there, for instance:
The demos don't include a 'candle' effect but it shouldn't be that hard to achieve.

Augmented Reality Help

I need a help to develop a small application on Augmented Reality.I have spend almost a week trying but with no proper solution.Tried some sample code but still not successful.
I have seen many videos and want to develop something like that.
for example my code should detect only square or any particular shape.And then after detecting the square and another Image should appear on the screen.
Please help me out.
This stuff is hard, but most new cool things are until they are no longer cool or new.
You can play with AR Toolkit until you are familiar with the functionality and then attempt to dive into the setting and mess with those, then maybe look at the source.

What librairies exists to create "moving/living" UI in delphi?

While reading delphifeeds yesterday I discovered delQuery, which allows one to get some nice animation on his form very simply.
I would like to know if there are any other libraries of that kind out there and what experience you had with them ?
(I'm trying to find a way to make my application more alive in terms of GUI; buttons that grow when you hover them, that kind of animations but with a nice programmatic interface)
Do you mean something like Billenium Effects?
There is CrossGL at
