I have installed resque correctly, but to process all queues I need to run
rake resque:work QUEUE='*'
The problem is that I need to keep the terminal window opened, otherwise resque:work won't works.
Do you know a way to auto-run that rake command every time I run "rails server" ?
I'm on Localhost
require 'resque/tasks'
task "resque:setup" => :environment do
ENV['QUEUE'] = "*"
Instead of calling the invoke function, you can use a gem like foreman that can invoke all the other tasks.
This is useful if you are looking to have a largely platform neutral solution and also while deploying into cloud.
Your Procfile can have the following contents:
web: bundle exec thin start -p $PORT
worker: bundle exec rake resque:work QUEUE=*
clock: bundle exec rake resque:scheduler
Source:introduction to foreman.
Now to start the server, you just have to issue foreman start command which forks off child threads to perform individual work.
Edit: Answer from 2012! Seems that this works just for Rails 2!
Add an initializer in config/initializers with something like this:
Rake::Task["resque:work QUEUE='*'"].invoke
Not tested!
The best way to do it is
ENV['QUEUE'] = "*"
I have and rails application and a rake task which I'm going to execute by cron around once in an hour. But the thing is that the task uses rails environment and some classes of my rails application. If I run it as ruby script, I'll have to include all the dependencies it uses and I think it's not possible to do it correctly and in a simple way. So I'll have to run it as a rake task because it'll preserve all the dependencies, right? Then how can I run a rake task from cron?
Note that I prefer not to use any third-party solution when there's no necessity, in this case I don't want to use the gem whenever or the like.
You can add to your crontab something like
0 * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /path/to/your/project && bundle exec rake foo:bar >> log/cron.log 2>&1'
This will run foo:bar task every hour and write stdout and stderr to log/cron.log.
Please notice bundle exec before rake command.
Using bundler ensure you that task will fetch correct environment.
To specify RAILS_ENV you can do
... && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake foo:bar
Use whenever to simplify your life https://github.com/javan/whenever ;)
Here's an example of a rake task:
task :foo => :environment do
puts "Running rake task in environment: #{Rails.env}"
# can access Models here or whatever
Note that the => :environment part is optional, but it what makes your Rails environment to the task block.
You can put rake run_my_task in your cron job.
You may need to use something like cd /home/$USER/my_rails app && rake run_my_task to ensure that the cron runs the task from the Rails root directory.
I have a file with worker class (worker.rb) and I need to instantiate it in separate process from rails application after getting the command. I'm currently working on windows os.
So how to do that?
P.S. Will that code work in unix/linux env?
Check out foreman
You can put a Procfile in your Rails root with instructions for starting both your rails server and your worker and then run foreman start to launch them. Here is a sample Procfile:
web: bundle exec unicorn_rails -p 8088
scheduler: bundle exec rake resque:scheduler
worker: bundle exec rake resque:work
Foreman is compatible with both Windows and Linux, so it should work regardless of your platform.
I followed the tutorial at https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/queuing-ruby-resque to queue and run background jobs in a Rails app. After queueing the jobs, it doesn't seem to run any of the jobs since in the console I can see the job has not been processed
=> {:pending=>1, :processed=>0, :queues=>1, :workers=>0, :working=>0, :failed=>0, :servers=>["redis://dory.redistogo.com:9826/0"], :environment=>"production"}
If I try to do (locally)
bundle exec rake jobs:work
I get
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'jobs:work'
On heroku, if I try
heroku run rake jobs:work
I again get `Don't know how to build task'
In my Rakefile, I have require 'resque/tasks' and in my Procfile I have
resque: env TERM_CHILD=1 bundle exec rake jobs:work
resque: env TERM_CHILD=1 bundle exec rake jobs:work
I have the Resque and redis gems in my Gemfile, but not delayed_job.
Here is my Rakefile:
#!/usr/bin/env rake
require File.expand_path('../config/application', __FILE__)
/lib/tasks is empty. I have a worker in app/workers that I am enqueueing in a controller.
This doesn't appear to have anything to do with Heroku, if it doesn't work locally. You'll have to reveal some of your source to help people help you. For example, what's your Rakefile look like? The demo app in that article defines one with a Rake task with the task. Have you defined your rake task and added the appropriate gem references?
Try resque:work instead of jobs:work and see if that beings the desired results.
You just need to add require 'resque/tasks' in your Rakefile, then on the command line:
QUEUE=file_serve rake environment resque:work
Where file_serve is the name of your job (the class would be FileServeJob).
See the docs here - I found them slightly confusing since the setup and run info comes after the job class creation.
I have rescue 1.22.0 installed locally and on a server. To be able to catch MultiJson::DecodeErrors I added the following to my application.rb:
config.middleware.swap ActionDispatch::ParamsParser, ::MyParamsParser
and added the class to my lib folder. In dev mode this works fine, I can rescue from DecodeErrors and I can start a worker using:
QUEUE=* bundle exec rake environment resque:work
In production mode on my server the code itself works as well, but my god process was not able to start workers again. The error that occurs after god starts a worker:
QUEUE=* /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p320/bin/ruby /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p320#global/bin/bundle exec rake -f /home/deployer/apps/kassomat/current/Rakefile environment resque:work
rake aborted!
No such middleware to insert before: ActionDispatch::ParamsParser
I tried to patch my application.rb
config.middleware.swap ActionDispatch::ParamsParser, ::MyParamsParser if Object.const_defined?('ActionDispatch') && ActionDispatch.const_defined?('ParamsParser')
but that did not work out. I do not understand why this works in development but fails in production.
Can anyone help?
This is very simple I guess, but still..
I have a background task with Resque that is failing and the output is too long to see in Terminal window.. I think it's time to log it. I execute it through
bundle exec env rake resque:work QUEUE='*'
Question is - how do I save that output to log file?
I looked at logging (development.log and it's not showing there of course, b/c it's happening on rake side)...
Take a look at this pull request:
And read the readme. Have you tried to set VVERBOSE=1?
You could just send the output to a file:
bundle exec env rake resque:work QUEUE='*' >> log/resque.log
I run resque like that on my server
nohup bundle exec rake resque:work QUEUE=general PIDFILE=tmp/pids/resque_worker_QUEUE.pid & >> log/resque_worker_QUEUE.log 2>&1
Can't tell you it's the best way, but it works.