intellij 11.1.4 ultimate grails setup - grails

I have intellij 11.1.4 ultimate and I'm trying to create a Grails project. I can't select a Grails SDK when creating a project. I have looked around and can't find a clear solution on how to set this up step by step.
Can anyone help?

download Grails version you want to use
extract it somewhere on disk
start IntelliJ IDEA
File / Settings / Plugins, check if Grails plugin is installed
File / New Project / Create project from scratch , click Next
fill out the form and make sure to select Select type: Grails Module, click Next
select Grails version in Use library
if there is no library in combobox
click on button Create...
select folder where you extracted Grails SDK (point 1 and 2)
click Finish
If this will not help you, there is JetBrains is having superior support, I always got answer to my questions.


How do I configure a Rails server in Aptana Studio 3?

I'm using Aptana Studio 3 on Mac High Sierra. I would like to configure a Rails server for my existing Ruby project. I have already imported the Ruby project into my workspace. However, when adding a new server, the drop down list is empty ...
Not sure what else I need to do to add a server configuration. Help is appreciated.
The issue comes from Aptana Studio cannot recognize your project is a Rails project.
Right click on your project in left panel, choose Properties then choose Project Natures on the left side and check Rails on the right side, Apply and close. See my screenshot
Now, you will see your project in the Project dropdown
Anyway, I highly recommend you to use another IDE because Aptana seems to be out-dated. Its last release is more than 1 year ago. Especially for Rails, its support seem to be stopped at Rails 3 because its start script still lookup rails script in script folder instead of bin folder (so, you may also need to copy it from bin to script to be able to start the rails web server)

What is currently a good way to develop a Vaadin 8 project with Eclipse?

Yesterday I tried to create a Vaadin project as described under
I did it that way because the current eclipse plugin doesn't support greating Vaadin 8 projects.
Then I imported the project using Eclipse Import->Existing Maven Projects.
THis worked almost fine - only when starting the project using "Debug on Server" the Browser cannot connect to the application, although the application seems to be loaded.
When using mvn clean install and deploying the war manually this works.
What is missing there? Is there currently a good way of using Vaadin 8 with Eclipse?
Apparently this is more of an eclipse configuration question.
The context root can be changed using the projects Properties->Web Project Settings.
I would already use Vaadin together with spring-boot. On spring site they do have also a nice initializer tool to create your project: (Vaadin 8 is already used)
Also very helpful:
The big advantage of using spring for me is the dependency injection, which simplifies the project setup.

intellij can't resolve grails.plugin

I am using Grails 2.3.3 and IntelliJ ultimate 12.1.6 on my Vista 32 machine.
I used grails command line to create a new app and then added spring security and spring security ui. My BuildConfig.groovy plugins section contains
compile ":spring-security-core:2.0-RC2"
compile ":spring-security-ui:1.0-RC1"
I ran
grails s2-quickstart
grails s2ui-override auth
grails s2ui-override register
My generated RegisterController looks like this:
class RegisterController extends grails.plugin.springsecurity.ui.RegisterController {
the grails.plugin is red and unresolved and no matter what I try I can't get IntelliJ to resolve grails.plugin
Grails compiles and runs the app without issue, and if I override methods I find in the source code for the spring ui RegisterController they are correctly wired in to the app, but I can't even compile from intell and I can't get intellij to help me override code.
I thought maybe creating the project outside of IntelliJ was an issue so I created a new Grails project using the IntelliJ interface, the plugins still do not resolve.
I tried adding the plugins as runtime with no success.
I have spent the afternoon and evening researching this with no success. There are questions similar to this with major versions 10 and 11 of IntelliJ but nothing current, so I am resolved to asking for help to get IntelliJ to recognize the Grails plugin classes. I can post an entire small sample project if necessary.
I often have this issue when I place a new plugin into my BuildConfig.groovy, but not typically when I add a jar dependency.
I resolve it by doing the following in the menu: Tools > Grails > Synchronize Grails Settings
You can tell whether or not a plugin is synchronized in IDEA by navigating in the Project view to grails-app > target > work > plugins. Each synchronized plugin with have a tiny blue square over the bottom right corner of the directory icon. If it doesn't have that icon, it isn't synchronized with IDEA properly.
Using IntelliJ 13.1.5 and Grails 2.4.3 with Maven there is an issue with 2 different groovy-all jars being pulled in by the IDE.
The way to resolve it is to go to Module Settings and under both the project and projectGrialsPlugins modules modify the User Grails library entry. Click the edit button(pencil) and remove the groovy-all.2.3.3.jar from the project.
Remember if you close the project and reopen it those settings may need to be reapplied.

Issues in creating custom multi project MVC 4 web application template vs2012

I am working on custom multi solution project structure having
1. 4 class library projects
2. One MVC 4 Web application.
I have built multi solution structure into VSIX package.Till here everything is fine.
Upon VSIX installation,I can see my multi solution project type in Visual studio 2012 projects.
When I try to create on out of it, it will display a following error while creating for every images present in "\Content\themes\base\images" in MVC 4 application
"The file ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png could not be found within the project templates.Continuing to run, but resulting project may not be build properly"
Although I have all the images as a apart of WEb Project templates.
Any suggestions
Verify that the images within the project template have Build Action set to Content and Include in VSIX set to True. Also, verify in your vstemplate file that the image is included as a ProjectItem and within the proper folder.
Or, if you have JQuery UI included as a Nuget package you can just install the package as a part of your template. Then, you don't even need to include the images with your vsix.

Installing Umbraco 4.7

I am new to Umbraco and i have heard lot good about this cms.
I want to start Umbraco, but here are newbie questions.
How to Install Umbraco on my local machine.
Ones I make Umbraco work according to my need, what are requirement for deploying on Shared Hosting.
How to deploy on Shared Hosting Server.
Thank You.
Go for Webmatrix - Umbraco setup 30 sec.!
In answer to question 2. Yuo will need the dot net framework installed (4.0) - some hosts say it is but I have known at least one where the avertising blurb did not match the actual enviroment. You also need SQLExpress (2008 R2 is you best version). Once these are up and running, its the same as any database & iis app.
Another thing I found useful, is that Umbraco also provides a WebDeploy ( package that makes it very easy to deploy on IIS: look for 'Umbraco_4.7.1_WebDeploy_NET_4.0'.
I do the initial deployment on my development machine, the release to production could be as simple as a copy and paste (plus the db-release).
Hope this helps,
Umbraco ships in two type of packages.
Zip Package
Nuget Package
1) Zip Package
Zip package contains an Asp.Net website with Umbraco pre-installed in it. All you have to do is to extract the package inside a local directory, host the directory in IIS as a website and open in browser. Umbraco will guide you through the configuration steps, you can also install a starter kit that is a sample website template and is pretty fancy. Umbraco ships three starter kits along with installation package you can chose the one of your choice.
Step 1:
Navigate to umbraco download url and hit “Download Umbraco version*”:
You’ll get a zip package of nearly 20MB size.
Step 2:
Extract the zip package into a folder and put that folder on any of your computer’s drive.
Step 3:
Open IIS Manager, add new website and point it to your Umbraco folder and start the website.
Step 4:
Now, browse this website, you’ll see the configuration page would appear, enter your name, email and password for Umbraco dashboard, remember your email id would be used as a user name for logging in dashboard. You can see you have two buttons; Install and Customize, Clicking install would get you the standard features in which you get “.sdf” database file inside your project’s “App_Data” folder. Customize on the other hand provides us with many handy configuration options. We’ll follow the customize route to get good understanding of the process.
Step 5:
When going for customized installation, you’ll see the database configuration options. Configure them according to your choice, Note that you’d have to specify a Database server and database name, you can create a new database on your server and you can use an existing database as well. Alternatively, you can select the SQL Server Compact Edition option from dropdown which would create “.sdf” database inside your project.
Step 6:
The next step in configuration would allow you to install a starter kit, starter kits are built in website templates. Let’s just select one of them for sake of learning although you won’t be needing them once you’d be well versed with the components in Umbraco Dashboard. Click on any of the three starter kits and let Umbraco do the magic.
It would take a couple of minutes and then you’ll be redirected to dashboard of your brand new website powered by Umbraco. Welcome to the Umbraco World. You can navigate to the installed website by removing Umbraco from URL. In our case http://localhost/ would show you the website
and http://localhost/umbraco would take you to the dashboard.
2) Nuget Package
Umbraco is also available in Nuget Package Repository. Follow the steps to install Umbraco using Nuget.
Step 1:
Create an Asp.Net or Asp.Net MVC Project in visual studio.
Step 2:
Open Package Manager Console and run the following command: “Install-Package UmbracoCms"
Umbraco will start installing inside your web application. Alternatively, you can right click on your project, hit Manage Nuget packages, find Umbraco CMS there and install it. There’s a slight possibility that your installation fails with error, normally updating the Nuget version solves the problem. Once the Umbraco is installed inside your project you can either run it by hitting F5/ Play from visual studio or you can host a website in IIS like we did in Umbraco installation from a ZIP package.
Step 3:
Once you've managed to browse your web application project in browser, All the next steps are same as ZIP package installation, specify login credentials, configure database and starter kits and Bingo! Umbraco’s installed.
