Link from modal in modal - hyperlink

I am using VirtueMart 2.0.10 and Joomla 2.5 and the products page is set to open in a modal popup. In this way any additions to the cart trigger a second modal (modal in modal, if you like) that includes links. At the moment the links open in the first modal that opened, but I would like the pages to open in the original window from where we started.
How do I modify the href links to open in the original window not in the modal popup? Or do I need to write some script for this?
Thanks for any help!!!


Modal window in AngularJS does not open on first click

Please see the plunkr code demonstrating an issue I am seeing with the modal service in AngularJS.
Basically, I have moved the HTML contents for the modal window into a separate file, now when the button is clicked the backdrop appears but the modal window does not - on the first click.
If you then press escape to dismiss the backdrop and then click the button the modal window appears.
I am assuming that this is because the file is not loaded the first time when I click the button-but if so how do I use the templateUrl property to enable me to store the content for the modal window in a separate file?
Thanks for your help on this.
The issue does appear to be due to the separate file specified in the templateUrl not yet having been downloaded when the first click happens and I have now been able to work out a solution by adding the following line into the index.html file:
<div ng-include="'mymodalcontent.html'"></div>
This directive adds a reference to the file which loads the templateUrl so that when the button is clicked the first time the modal window will appear as expected.
Please note the value in the ng-include attribute has to have single quotes in order to work as detailed in the documentation for the ng-include directive. This detail is mentioned in the section named arguments and advises:
If the source is a string constant, make sure you wrap it in quotes
I have updated the plunkr code to include the fix.
The only downside to this is the original purpose behind moving the modal window contents into a separate file was to only download the contents if the user clicked the button thus saving bandwidth for users accessing the site on a mobile device.

Programatically open a dialog as popup with jQuery Mobile

So I have a page and a dialog. When the user click the page button, one AJAX request will open the dialog with the results. Something like that simple example without AJAX:
It works. The dialog opens programatically. But it hides the page content, showing the dialog as if it's another page. I know that popup's can open dialogs in-page with links, but I didn't get the point in how I can do that programatically.
I tried to change $.mobile.changePage() call to that, but it didn't worked as I expected:
How can I show that dialog in-page, as a popup? Is it ever possible? Thank you in advance!
In case you use phonegap, there is an alert plugin:
navigator.notification.alert("your AJAX result here");

how to set action url and change css

I have a button that when pressed opens a window on the screen
Is there a way I can get the window to open automatically with a URL?
An example of this site have the button FEEDBEACK
I want the window will open only with a command URL
The site you mentioned is using this plugin ->
However the plugin is not upto date so just test it before using it on yours taking a back up copy of the files/database.
karevn use a jquery plugin like the FancyBox ( see the ajax part or iframe in this page )
Open a window with a hyperlink
How to open a new window when clicking a hyperlink?
If you want the feedback button then

Open up a pop-up window, select an item and go back to main window in Rails 3.2

Inside a page called Program edit, there will be a button named Select image and as it is clicked, a Pop-up window will open which shows list of images. After selecting an image from the list and click to the Add button, pop-up will close up and selected pictures ID will be passed to main window. It should be available to use at program's params after closing image list popup.
Here is the scenario I would like to have.
Which way should I follow while doing this?
You need a version of responds_to_parent rails plugin. That can do the trick.
I've learnt that I can do it via JavaScript and AJAX. Similar to this:

How to open a html page as a popup with in the page (no new window opens) using Jquery

I am having the link button and when i clicked on the link button the popup will be open (with in the page itself like a modalpopup. now i have to get the popup feel using jquery and inside the div text should come from database.
How is it possible for getting the message from the backend.
means open a div in a modal popup feel using jquery
or opens the html page in a popup in the same window using jquery
Thanks and Regards
Vara Prasad.M
Take a look at the Facebox jQuery plugin. It does pretty much exactly what you're asking for. For example you can have a link like this to some remote page like so
then just call the facebox plugin when your content is loaded like so
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
and your content will render in a modal window. You can also take a look at Fancybox or ThickBox which provide very similar functionality.
There are two steps to your problem:
Open a modal popup using jQuery
Fetch server side content and display it in the modal dialog
Use jQuery Dialog ( for popping open a modal dialog, and then use jQuery load ( for loading the content from the server.
The server page you call will make the database query and output the contents to the response buffer.
