How to store spring security session information in redis? - spring-security

I am using Spring security for Authentication and Authorization in my application. I am using Neo4j database as backend and implemented userDetailsService for authentication.
However, whenever my application restarts, user is forced to login once again.
To overcome this, i am thinking to store session information in redis database and load the data to Spring security Context whenever application gets started.
Kindly pass on if there are any articles and pointers to implement the same.
I am thinking of following implementation for it,
1) For every successful authentication, store user details and session details in redis.
This must be implemented in loadUserByUsername() method of UserDetailsService implementation
2) Remove the data from redis, whenver user logs out, Where can i do this information? Is there any spring security function where i can call this
3) Load all the data from redis to spring security whenever application restarts, again where do i need to write this logic?
Please let me know if i have missed any information.

All you need to do is to implement a
SecurityContextRepository that handles security context storage to reds
Eventually a custom filter that retrieves/ stores session information (GenericFilterBean)
I think it is possible to just give the standard filter a different repository, but I am not sure, I needed my own implementation anyway...

Store session in a redis is out-of the box functionality now

You need to configure remember-me feature of Spring Security.
Remember-me or persistent-login authentication refers to web sites being able to remember the identity of a principal between sessions. This is typically accomplished by sending a cookie to the browser, with the cookie being detected during future sessions and causing automated login to take place. Spring Security provides the necessary hooks for these operations to take place, and has two concrete remember-me implementations. One uses hashing to preserve the security of cookie-based tokens and the other uses a database or other persistent storage mechanism to store the generated tokens.
More information available in Spring Security documentation:
You can use out of box implementations or inject your own (aforementioned redis).

As Luke Taylor said, Tomcat's default action is serialize/deserialize sessions on container restart.
pathname attribute of standard manager is the name of the serialization file. If you dont specify a path name attirbute the default is SESSIONS.SER
If you dont want to have sesssions back when restarted, you need to specify it as empty string value..


Spring session with back end api's instead of JDBC

I have been exploring on spring-session framework for session management in our application, and we want to store session in database. I understand that spring provides implementation with JDBC and we can configure our own DataSource. The problem I'm facing is that we don't have direct access to db and need to make web service call to do any sort of crud operations.
So, is there a way to integrate spring-session to consume web services for session related crud operations in db ?
Another question is, can we change the schema for session related tables. I know that we can change the table names, but is it possible to add or remove further columns in the given tables ?
You can employ your custom session repository fairly easy - use #EnableSpringHttpSession (which imports SpringHttpSessionConfiguration) to configure common Spring Session components and register your SessionRepository implementation #Bean.
Regarding more advanced customization of schema used by JdbcOperationsSessionRepository, this was considered during implementation of JDBC support however decision was made not to provide this initially. If you need this feature please consider creating an feature request in Spring Session issue tracker.

How do I customize the credentials check in the Grails Spring Security Core plugin?

I'm currently creating a new application that requires users to login. I want to use the Spring Security Core plugin for this, but the only problem is that the credentials of the users are stored in a centralized system, and not locally in the database. This system can only be accessed by an API, and will tell me whether the credentials are correct or not.
Is there any way to override the credentials check of the Spring Security Code plugin, so I can check the credentials myself? Or in case this is not possible, is there any other workaround?
It belongs on what your system looks like.
You can write your own Authentication Provider.
Here is answer.
You can create your own User class with datasource set on your centralized system database.
Or you can use Spring Security CAS Plugin

Are there issues with using Spring Security's HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository on CloudFoundry?

I understand that Spring Security's HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository makes use of HttpSession.
Furthermore, I have read that PaaS such as CloudFoundry try to avoid session replication for the purpose of scalability.
I intend to deploy an application to the CloudFoundry PaaS.
Are there issues with using HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository on CF?
CloudFoundry documentation simply says that HTTP Sessions are not replicated across instances by default. All this means is that applications deployed on multiple instances will be unable to use any sort of HTTP session clustering by default. HTTP sessions become sticky, that is, all HTTP requests in the same session will be routed to the instance on which the session for the request resides. In case an instance fails, users who had active session on that instance will be migrated to other instances but they will lose their session information, which will mean they will have to login again.
This does not mean it is unsafe to use Spring Security in such an environment. The semantics with Spring Security will be the same as those without it. Once a user has logged in, they will continue to access the CloudFoundry instance on which their session was created. If that instance crashed, they will be automatically ported to another instance but will have to login again.
If the default set up (without session replication) is a concern, it is certainly possible to share sessions across instances. CloudFoundry forums list two ways of achieving this - via Redis and using JDBC. It is also possible to implement your own solution using one of the CloudFoundry services.

value of "remember me" spring security

What is the utility of remember me to spring security. Is that it is already known by spring security like j_password variable and j_username?
Spring Security Remember-Me Authentication
Remember-me or persistent-login authentication refers to web sites
being able to remember the identity of a principal between sessions.
This is typically accomplished by sending a cookie to the browser,
with the cookie being detected during future sessions and causing
automated login to take place. Spring Security provides the necessary
hooks for these operations to take place, and has two concrete
remember-me implementations. One uses hashing to preserve the security
of cookie-based tokens and the other uses a database or other
persistent storage mechanism to store the generated tokens.
I have nothing to add to that.
The server will send the browser a cookie that will be returned (until it expires). When the server sees a request with that cookie, it doesn't pop up the login page as it would otherwise do automatically with Spring Security.

Maintaining state in Asp.Net MVC website

I'm currently designing a new website built on MVC and I wonder what is the right way to manage state.
The state should contain the userId and some structs of the user info, and should be kept during the whole session of the user while he's logged in (across http requests)
The important criteria:
1) Support scalability
2) Performance
The easy way is to use the Session object, but it doesn't support scalability. If different requests during the session go through different IIS servers, the session won't be kept. Although I've heard of load balancing tools which route all requests of a single session through the same machine, I'm not sure that it's a good practice to rely on it (isn't it?)
Another option that I've read about, is keeping the state data in special state servers which are running a RAM DB (like Cassandra for Linux or Redis for Windows). But it seems to me an overkill at this stage of the development.
Do you have any other suggestions?
I would like to start with something simple at the moment, but keep the design ready for a more advanced solution at the future.
Any best practice or code/design suggestions will be appreciated.
(1) Use Sql Server to Store Session State
(2) Use Memcached as a Session State Provider
(3) Cook up your own solution using Caching on an external caching provider: look into using something like the ServiceStack Caching Framework. Using this, you can use Redis, Memcached, Azure or AWS to handle caching.
Next, create a KeyFactory to handle generation of keys for specific items. The item keys would include the UserId (which you would always have from FormsAuthentication UserId (assuming that you are using FormsAuthentication). Then store any Session data for the user in the cache. Using this approach you are using Caching in place of Session, and the cache can be shared across multiple servers.
Note: you can have different approaches regarding clearing out the user's data whenever they begin a new session. Potential approaches include:
Include the user's session start dateTime in the cacheKey, and auto-expire entries when they are no longer fresh
Clear out all potential entries for a user when they begin a new session
If you are using .NET 4.5 and dependent on the type and amount of information you are keeping on users you may want to look at using claims to store information about the user. In .NET 4.5 all Principals inherit from ClaimsPrincipal. ClaimsPrincipal already uses claims to store the user name, roles and other information. You can create your own service to transform claims, which will allow you to add additional information to the Principal user.
