TinyMCE Paragraph Text Only but with some buttons like bold, italics - textbox

For my website I need the input passed from TinyMCE to be 1 specific font.
I need them to be able to insert links, make text bold, underlined or italics. They get to have 2 headers to chose from, Header 2 and Header 3 and paragraph.
Now the problem is, I can't make the editor paste as text. If I open word I can copy and paste text with font, lets say, Chiller and it shows up as chiller.
How can I make all copy/pasted text show as my desired font (paragraph format) while allowing some buttons to work such as bold..etc.
What I currently have:
<script type="text/javascript">
mode : "textareas",
theme : "advanced",
editor_selector : "body_content",
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
theme_advanced_toolbar_align: "left",
theme_advanced_buttons1: "bold,italic,underline,hr,strikethrough,formatselect,separator,undo,redo",
theme_advanced_buttons2: "justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,separator,bullist,numlist,separator,link,unlink",
theme_advanced_buttons3: "",
theme_advanced_blockformats: "p,h2,h3",
extended_valid_elements: "iframe[title|width|height|src]",
theme_advanced_fonts : "Arial=arial",
plugins : "wordcount",
setup : function(ed){
var r = 0;
var y = tinyMCE.get('body_content').getContent();
var n = "<?php echo $max;?>";
y = y.replace(/\s/g,' ');
y = y.split(' ');
for (i=0; i<y.length; i++)
if (y[i].length > 0) r++;
var word_remain=n-r;
var keypressed = null;
if (window.event)
keypressed = window.event.keyCode;
keypressed = ed.which; //NON-IE, Standard
if (r > n )
var prescribed = "<?php _e('You have exceeded the prescribed ','ad')?>";
prescribed += (r-n);
prescribed += "<?php _e(' word(s)','ad');?>";
The example here works the way I want it to:
But I am not sure what they have used to achieve that effect. I am using a version 3.9.3 released on 2010-12-20 and I'd rather not update it if possible. But if I do need to update it to get my desired effect I will.
Thank you! Any help is appreciated.


Swift - Split text based on arabic combined characters

I have arabic sentence like this stentence
أكل الولد التفاحة
how can i split the sentence based on UNCONNECTED characters to be like this :
I put - to explain what i mean.
I just need to split the text into array based on that
How can i do that using swift code for ios ?
I dont care for the spaces.
"أكل" for example is one word and doesn't contain spaces.I want to split based on UNCONNECTED characters.
So "أكل" consist from two objects : "أ" and "كل"
الولد : three objects "ا" and "لو" and "لد"
Use the below code:
let a = "أكل الولد التفاحة".split(separator: " ")
You can replace spaces with "-" using replacing occurences function.
let text = "أكل الولد التفاحة".replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "-", options: NSString.CompareOptions.literal, range: nil) ?? ""
I don't know how accepted answer helps to fix the issue.
Apple already provided Natural Language Framework to handle such a things which more trustworthy
When you work with natural language text, it’s often useful to tokenize the text into individual words. Using NLTokenizer to enumerate words, rather than simply splitting components by whitespace, ensures correct behavior in multiple scripts and languages. For example, neither Chinese nor Japanese uses spaces to delimit words.
Here is example
let text = """
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
let tokenizer = NLTokenizer(unit: .word)
tokenizer.string = text
tokenizer.enumerateTokens(in: text.startIndex..<text.endIndex) { tokenRange, _ in
return true
Here is link of Apple docs
Hope it is helpful
There is two box you can just click in first. Content automatically paste click convert. Output data automatically copied with spaces I used for this quran
<textarea id="field" onclick="paste(this)" style="font-size: xxx-large;min-width: 90%; min-height: 200px;"> </textarea>
<textarea id="field2" style="font-size: xxx-large;min-width: 95%; min-height: 200px;"> </textarea>
<button onclick="myFunction()" style="font-size: xx-large;min-width: 20%;">Convert</button>
<script >
function myFunction(){
var string = document.getElementById("field").value;
// Option 1
// Option 2
// Option 3
// Option 4
var bb = Object.assign([], string);
cleanArray = bb.filter(function () { return true });
var filtered = bb.filter(function (el) {
return el != null; });
var bb = bb.toString();
bb = bb.replace(",","");
var stringWithoutCommas = bb.replace(/,/g, ' ');
document.getElementById("field2").value = stringWithoutCommas;
var copyTextarea = document.querySelector('#field2');
try {
var successful = document.execCommand('copy');
var msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful';
console.log('Copying text command was ' + msg);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Oops, unable to copy');
var copyTextareaBtn = document.querySelector('#newr');
copyTextareaBtn.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var copyTextarea = document.querySelector('#field2');
try {
var successful = document.execCommand('copy');
var msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful';
console.log('Copying text command was ' + msg);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Oops, unable to copy');
async function paste(input) {
document.getElementById("field2").value = "";
const text = await navigator.clipboard.readText();
input.value = text;
Try this:
"أكل الولد التفاحة".map {String($0)}

using katex, '&' alignment symbol displays as 'amp;'

I am using katex to render math.
Generally, to get this to work I link to the files katex.min.js and katex.min.css from a cdn, which is one of the ways the directions suggest.
I wrap what needs to be rendered in tags and give all the same class. For example:
<span class='math'>\begin{bmatrix}a & b \\c & d\end{bmatrix}</span>
And inside a script tag I apply the following:
var math = document.getElementsByClassName('math');
for (var i = 0; i < math.length; i++) {
katex.render(math[i].innerHTML, math[i]);
So, my implementation works but there is a problem in what katex returns. The output of the above gives me:
This exact same question is asked here:
But I can't understand any of it.
The solution is to use element.textContent, not element.innerHTML.
If I use a form like what follows, the matrix will be rendered properly.
var math = document.getElementsByClassName('math');
for (var i = 0; i < math.length; i++) {
katex.render(math[i].textContent, math[i]); // <--element.textContent
A solution that works for me is the following (it is more of a hack rather than a fix):
<script type="text/javascript">
//first we define a function
function replaceAmp(str,replaceWhat,replaceTo){
replaceWhat = replaceWhat.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
var re = new RegExp(replaceWhat, 'g');
return str.replace(re,replaceTo);
//next we use this function to replace all occurences of 'amp;' with ""
var katexText = $(this).html();
var html = katex.renderToString(String.raw``+katexText+``, {
throwOnError: false
//hack to fix amp; error
var amp = '<span class="mord mathdefault">a</span><span class="mord mathdefault">m</span><span class="mord mathdefault">p</span><span class="mpunct">;</span>';
var html = replaceAmp(html, amp, "");
function convert(input) {
var input = input.replace(/amp;/g, '&'); //Find all 'amp;' and replace with '&'
input=input.replace(/&&/g, '&'); //Find all '&&' and replace with '&'. For leveling 10&x+ &3&y+&125&z = 34232
var html = katex.renderToString(input, {
throwOnError: false});
return html
Which version are you using?
Edit the src/utils.js and comment line number 51 to 55 after updated run in terminal npm run build command.

pdfMake - Wide Table Page Break

I am using pdfMake to generate table reports. Some of the reports are very wide and dont fit on a standard page width, even in landscape mode. Currently, pdfMake is cutting off the table content when it overflows past the page margin.
I would like to page break the table when it is too wide, much like when the rows overflow to the next page.
Is this possible using pdfMake?
Can using pageBreakBefore callback function help for this?
Thank you
Yes, this is possible with pdfMake, even though not currently a feature.
To achieve this, you can just break overflowing columns into another table. We can put all the tables in an array, then just set them in the docDefinition as follows.
Any common attributes you want in the tables can be defined in the Template constructor.
for (var i = 0; i < tables.length;i++) {
docDefinition.content[i] = new Template();
docDefinition.content[i].table.body = tables[i];
docDefinition.content[i].table.widths = widths[i];
if (i > 0) {
docDefinition.content[i].pageBreak = 'before';
function Template(){
this.table = {
dontBreakRows: true
//zebra stripes layout
this.layout = {
fillColor: function (row, node, col) {
return (row % 2 === 0) ? '#CCCCCC' : null;
How do we determine if a column will overflow? We have two options:
If you are using bootstrap datatables, you can use the "width" attribute in the html.
pdfmake calculates the actual width, but you may have to dig around in pdfmake.js.
Then, just loop through, adding widths until you exceed your limit (my limit was for 8pt font). You can do this for THs then save those column splits and use those for the TDs.
If the final page is just barely overflowing, we don't want the final page to have just one column, we want each page to have roughly the same width. We calculate the number of pages needed, then find the desired break point from there. To link the pages together more easily, you can add a row number column at the beginning of each table.
var colSplits = [];
var tables = new Array();
function parseTHs(colSplits, tables) {
var colSum = 0;
var pageSize = 1120-7*rows.toString().length;
var paddingDiff = 11.9;
var columns = 0;
var prevSum;
var i = 0;
var width = $(".dataTables_scrollHeadInner > table").width();
var pages = Math.ceil(width/pageSize);
console.log("pages: "+pages);
var desiredBreakPoint = width/pages;
console.log("spread: "+desiredBreakPoint);
var limit = pageSize;
var row = ['#'];
var percent = '%';
$(".dataTables_scrollHeadInner > table > thead > tr:first > th").each(function() {
prevSum = colSum;
colSum += $(this).outerWidth()-paddingDiff;
//if adding column brings us farther away from the desiredBreakPoint than before, kick it to next table
if (colSum > limit || desiredBreakPoint-colSum > desiredBreakPoint-prevSum) {
tables[i] = [row];
row = ['#'];
desiredBreakPoint += width/pages;
limit = prevSum+pageSize;
row.push({text: $(this).text(), style:'header'});
//add the final set of columns
tables[i] = [row];
function parseTDs(colSplits, tables) {
var currentRow = 0;
$("#"+tableId+" > tbody > tr").each(function() {
var i = 0;
var row = [currentRow+1];
var currentColumn = 0;
var split = colSplits[i];
$(this).find("td").each(function() {
if (currentColumn === split) {
row = [currentRow+1];
split = colSplits[i];
row.push({text: $(this).text()});
//add the final set of columns
parseTHs(colSplits, tables);
parseTDs(colSplits, tables);
Note: If you want the columns to fill all the available page, there's a good implementation for that at this link.
I just added '%' for the widths and added that code to pdfmake.js.
Hope this helps!
Just add dontBreakRows property in your table object like this
table: {
dontBreakRows: true,
widths: [30,75,48,48,48,48,48,115],
body: []
Also, you can make the page wider and change the page orientation as landscape.
pageSize: "A2",
pageOrientation: "landscape",

set maxlength in textarea

I want to set maxlength in textarea. I have defined maxlength property in textarea but it seems to be of no use. Pls help. My code:
<html:textarea styleClass="textarea" maxlength="2100" cols="60" rows="3">
Try this javascript function:
$("#id").keypress(function() {
var maxlen = 100; //length as you desire
if ($(this).val().length > maxlen) {
return false;
You have to write code for two events, keyup and copy paste so try this:
onKeyPress = "return ( this.value.length < 2100 );", onPaste = "return onTextAreaPaste(this,2100)"
Here is Js:
function onTextAreaPaste(textArea,size) {
var length = textArea.value.length;
length = textArea.value.length + window.clipboardData.getData('Text').length;
return length < size;
I recently came across a problem with textarea maxlength attribute because the newlines where considered as 1 in Firefox, and 2 in IE and Chrome. So I decide to go for JavaScript for handling this.
Here is how I handle the max length, its a jquery plugin, very easy to set and there's no problem with the different behaviors of browsers, plus give you a feedback of the characters used.

how to copy link name to title

i wanna ask how to change title in
so i want to make link name copy to title automatic
so if i make this code
title link
title link
how to do that in php or javascript
i know some in php
but need to make all words in link at database or make for every link variable $
can some one help me in that?
I'd suggest:
function textToTitle(elem, attr) {
if (!elem || !attr) {
// if function's called without an element/node,
// or without a string (an attribute such as 'title',
// 'data-customAttribute', etc...) then returns false and quits
return false;
else {
// if elem is a node use that node, otherwise assume it's a
// a string containing the id of an element, search for that element
// and use that
elem = elem.nodeType == 1 ? elem : document.getElementById(elem);
// gets the text of the element (innerText for IE)
var text = elem.textContent || elem.innerText;
// sets the attribute
elem.setAttribute(attr, text);
var link = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0, len = link.length; i < len; i++) {
textToTitle(link[i], 'title');
JS Fiddle demo.
And since it seems traditional to offer a concise jQuery option:
$('a').attr('title', function() { return $(this).text(); });
JS Fiddle demo.
If you don't want to use a library:
var allLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; i++){
allLinks[i].title = allLinks[i].innerHTML;
Since you wanted to do all this to one element on the page, consider using something like this:
var allLinks = document.getElementById('myelement').getElementsByTagName('a'); // gets all the link elements out of #myelement
for ( int i = 0; i < allLinks.length; i++ ){
allLinks[i].title = allLinks[i].innerHTML;
Actually, this is roughly the same as before but we are changing the input elements.
Or, assuming you use jQuery, you could do something like this:
$('a').each(function(){ // runs through each link element on the page
$(this).attr('title', $(this).html()); // and changes the title to the text within itself ($(this).html())
In JQuery you can change an attribute by knowing the current tag and using the .attr() feature. Something like $('a').attr('title', 'new_title'); http://api.jquery.com/attr/
