Vaadin Listbox Option Tooltip - vaadin

Is it possible to add the title(tooltip) attribute to a listbox ot twincolselect in Vaadin?
I've tried to use setItemCaptionPropertyId() along with setItemCaptionMode() but in vain.
At the end when Vaadin renders the page, the resultant html has only the value attribute to the select component and no title attribute is present.
Update - my question should have been re-phrased to say - I need tooltip on each individual item (individual row) within a listbox or twinselect.

Here is an example for Nativeselect component
// Create the selection component
final NativeSelect mynativeselect= new NativeSelect("myLabel");
// Add some items
for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i) {
//set tooltip
mynativeselect.setDescription("My tooltip");


How to make TListView display order the same as the items were added?

I am adding a list of comet names and numbers into the VCL TListView and TListBox in C++Builder. I need the display order to be the order in which the names were added. This happens with the TListBox but not the TListView.
I am loading a .CSV file into a TStringList and then looping through the TStringList to load the contents into the TListBox and TListView. The TListBox displays the names in the order they are added. The TListView displays the names and numbers in two columns in an order I can't understand. With the TListView, I tried using the function Add() and Insert().
Below is my code. The picture shows the different results I get. How can I make the TListView display the names and numbers in the order they are added the same as the TListBox?
TListItem *ListItem;
std::auto_ptr<TStringList> MyCSVFile(new TStringList);
MyCSVFile->Delimiter = ',';
MyCSVFile->StrictDelimiter = true;
MyCSVFile->CommaText = "";
for(Row_Num=1; Row_Num < MyCSVFile->Count; Row_Num++){
Row_string = MyCSVFile->Strings[Row_Num];
Row_tokens->CommaText = Row_string;
Name_string = Row_tokens->Strings[Name_Cell_Num];
Num_string = Row_tokens->Strings[Num_Cell_Num];
//ListView - Add()
ListItem = ListView->Items->Add();
ListItem->Caption = Cell_string;
ListItem->SubItems->Add( Num_string );
//Alternate method ListView - Insert()
//ListItem = ListView->Items->Insert(0);
//ListItem->Caption = Cell_string;
//ListItem->SubItems->Insert(0, Num_string);
ListBox and ListView
I have tried using the Add() and Insert() functions with TListView but the display order is not the order items are added. I don't know any other way to get items into the TListView.
By default, the TListView sorts the items based on their captions or subitems, but setting the SortType to stNone will disable the sorting.
So, you can add the following line before the loop:
ListView->SortType = stNone;

Kendo Sortable - Leave item in list

I am playing with using a Kendo Sortable. I would like to drag an item from one list in order to populate another, but I need to leave that item in the original list. Does anyone have an idea on how to do this?
An alternative to sortable might be draggable & dropTarget.
Have a look at Moving items from one list to another.
dragenter: addStyling,
dragleave: resetStyling,
drop: function(e) { //apply changes to the data after an item is dropped
var draggableElement = e.draggable.currentTarget,
dataItem = listA_DS.getByUid("uid")); //find the corresponding dataItem by uid
//--- Change --- listA_DS.remove(dataItem); //remove the item from ListA
listB_DS.add(dataItem); //add the item to ListB; //reset visual dropTarget indication that was added on dragenter
Modified Example from that page

How to get the selected text or the inner html in Dart

How to get the text or the inner html of the current selection by using dart:html? I use on-mouseup event of the div as the start point to do it:
<div on-mouseup="{{on_mouseup}}">
void on_mouseup(MouseEvent e, var detail, DivElement src) {
final selection = window.getSelection();
// do somthing
// ..
// final selectedText = ..;
window.alert("Selected text is $selectedText!");
The value of the variable selectedText should be 'window.getSel'
src.innerHtml` or `src.text
There is also a shadowRoot.getSelection() in PolymerElement.
I tried it with content outside the custom element, in the shadow DOM of the element and as child of the custom Element.
There are some issues what can be selected when the selection crosses the shadow boundary (immediately selects the entire content of the shadow DOM. Beside from that document.getSelection() and shadowRoot.getSelection() always return the same result.
It seems getSelection doesn't work when the end (mouse-up) is within the shadow DOM. When the selection starts in the shadow DOM and ends in the (child) content it works but not the other way around.
I think this is a bug.

Add a combobox in to listview control in c++ builder

I want to create a listview with 2 columns. in the first column it must be the row number and in the second number it should contains a combobox. I write the following code, but second column just show "combo" string. it does not show any combo box. what is the wrong?
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
TListItem *items;
items= this->ListView1->Items->Add();
items->SubItems->AddObject("combo"+IntToStr(i),(TObject *)this->ComboBox1);
It does not show a TComboBox because you have not actually set the TComboBox to be a child control of the TListView. All you have done is store the TComboBox pointer as a user-defined value associated with the TListItem. That has no effect on the UI, so get rid of it:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
TListItem *items = ListView1->Items->Add();
items->Caption = IntToStr(i);
To actually show a TComboBox inside of the TListView, you have to assign the TListView as the Parent of the TComboBox, and then use the SetBounds() method to position and size the TComboBox whenever you need to show it:
ComboBox1->Parent = ListView1;
RECT rect = {0};
ListView_GetSubItemRect(ListView1->Handle, SomeListItem->Index, 1, LVIR_BOUNDS, &rect);
ComboBox1->SetBounds(rect.left,, rect.right-rect.left,;
// update ComboBox1->Items as needed...
ComboBox1->Visible = true;
ComboBox1->Visible = false;
With that said, what you are attempting to do is better handled using the TValueListEditor component instead. Add items to it as needed, then use its ItemProps property to set each item's TItemProp.EditStyle property to esPickList, and then use the TValueListEditor.OnGetPickList event or the TItemProp.PickList property to manage the ComboBox strings as needed.

How to add a click Listener to a table's cell in vaadin?

I created a multiselectable table in vaadin, but I can't select only a cell in this table when I click it selects all row.
Is there any way of selecting only a cell of a row ?
The title of the question doesn't reflect the actual question inside
Is there any way of selecting only a cell of a row ?
No. The whole point of a Vaadin table is to reflect rows of data in a tabular form. Setting a table to selectable keeps track of the itemIds of the selected rows with the table
You might be able to simulate selecting cells by using a ColumnGenerator in the table, and adding a listener to the generated component. Removing the listener may be tricky, however.
Alternatively, you may wish to simply generate components in a GridLayout and keep track of the selected cells yourself.
Ultimately, the approach here really depends upon exacly what you are trying to achieve.
It depends on what you're trying to accomplish. (Your question title and your question details are addressing two different questions.) If you're wondering whether or not you can target a specific cell and add a click listener to it, then yes, of course you can:
//initial layout setup
final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
//Create a table and add a style to allow setting the row height in theme.
final Table table = new Table();
//Define the names and data types of columns.
//The "default value" parameter is meaningless here.
table.addContainerProperty("Sum", Label.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty("Is Transferred", CheckBox.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty("Comments", TextField.class, null);
table.addContainerProperty("Details", Button.class, null);
//Add a few items in the table.
for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
// Create the fields for the current table row
Label sumField = new Label(String.format(
"Sum is <b>$%04.2f</b><br/><i>(VAT incl.)</i>",
new Object[] {new Double(Math.random()*1000)}),
CheckBox transferredField = new CheckBox("is transferred");
//Multiline text field. This required modifying the
//height of the table row.
TextField commentsField = new TextField();
//The Table item identifier for the row.
Integer itemId = new Integer(i);
//Create a button and handle its click. A Button does not
//know the item it is contained in, so we have to store the
//item ID as user-defined data.
Button detailsField = new Button("show details");
detailsField.addListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Get the item identifier from the user-defined data.
Integer iid = (Integer)event.getButton().getData();"Link " +
iid.intValue() + " clicked.");
//Create the table row.
table.addItem(new Object[] {sumField, transferredField,
commentsField, detailsField},
//Show just three rows because they are so high.
It might be beneficial to examine the documentation.
