Run view query in Symfony/propel - symfony1

I've an existing project in Symfony 1.4/Propel 1.4
For database optimization purpose, I created a view of few tables. The function/ view query are as follow:
create function getPlayer() returns INTEGER DETERMINISTIC NO SQL return #getPlayer;
create view getPlay as
CASE WHEN play.hiderid = getPlayer() THEN play.seekerid ELSE play.hiderid END AS opponent, play . *
FROM odd_play play, odd_match mat
WHERE (seekerid = getPlayer() OR hiderid = getPlayer())
AND = mat.latestplay;
After creating above view, I can write following simple SQL query to get required data effectively.
select play.*
from (select #getPlayer:=1 p) p, getPlay play;
Now the problem is that, how to write this query in Symfony/Propel 1.4. Can someone please suggest how to write that query in propel 1.4?
Edit after J0K comments
I'm trying following
class GetplayPeer extends BaseGetplayPeer {
static public function getOpponents($player){
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "select play.* from (select #getPlayer:=:player p) ply, getPlay play;";
$stmt = $con->prepare($sql);
$rs = $stmt->execute();
//$opponents = GetplayPeer::populateObjects($rs);
echo "opponents=<pre>";print_r($rs);exit;
} // GetplayPeer
I'm getting 1 as output, which is not expected output.


MVC LINQ error, "The specified LINQ expression contains references to queries that are associated with different contexts."

I'm new in MVC and in using LINQ. I'm trying to join 3 tables on my project. These are my tables.
Client table,
Event table,
Register table,
This my linq statement,
OnlineRegistrationDBEntities1 dbClient = new OnlineRegistrationDBEntities1();
OnlineRegistrationDBEntities1 dbEvents = new OnlineRegistrationDBEntities1();
OnlineRegistrationDBEntities1 dbRegEvents = new OnlineRegistrationDBEntities1();
var displayRegisteredEvents = from x in dbRegEvents.Registers
join c in dbClient.clients on equals
join e in on x.eventname equals e.eventname
select new
fullname = c.fullname,
eventname = e.eventname,
email =,
guestnumber = x.guestnumber,
payment_amount = x.payment_amount
ViewBag.viewRegisteredEvents = displayRegisteredEvents;
return View();
I'm trying to show the results on a table format in my view like this,
But when I run the program I got this error, The specified LINQ expression contains references to queries that are associated with different contexts. Thank you so much for the help.

How can I check results for select statement in MVC?

Hi this is the SP I have :
USE [Tracker_Entities]
#id int
SELECT DISTINCT table1.UID, table1.url, Scope.ID
Scope ON table1.UID = Scope.newBrand
WHERE (table1.value = 0) AND (Scope.ID = #id)
ORDER BY table1.url
When i run this SP in sql server by passing ID as parameter i am getting expected result. Now I need to check this SP in mvc. This is the way I am calling this SP in my MVC :
using (var ctx = new database_Entities())
int ID = 122;
But when I put breakpoint in using statement and check for results, it is not displaying any results. I am struggling here for long time and i am not getting proper solution for this. So what are the steps in MVC to check results for SP which has select statements??
Update :
I got solution for this after using tolist. Now i am getting three results in list and i need to grab one result that is URL and pass it as input parameter.
My code :
int ID = 413;
var x = ctx.uspdHub(ID).ToList();
Here x has 3 results. I need to take one result from it.I tried doing x. but it doesn't show results after i type dot. How can i achieve this??
You have to Get the result into proper model/object.
List<YourEntity> model;
using (var ctx = new database_Entities())
int ID = 122;
model = ctx.uspHub(ID).toList();
//ctx.SaveChanges(); - no need to call SaveChanges
// - as you are not updating anything
Go through this article if you need more info. Call Stored Procedure From Entity Framework (The code above will work anyways...)
using (var ctx = new database_Entities())
int ID = 122;
var result = ctx.uspHub(ID);
and add a break after the result to see whats in the result variable. Obviously, the sope of result will need to be moved, but I'm only showing here how you can see the data returned.
Try to use something like this:
using (var dataContext= new database_Entities())
int ID = 122;
SomeEntity[] result = dataContext.Database.SqlQuery<SomeEntity>("[dbo].[uspHub] #id",new SqlParameter("#id", ID)).ToArray();
It is good for me. I have used ORM EntityFramework to connect with DB.

yii CdbCriteria nested join

I have trouble creating a CdbCriteria with nested join. Here's the code in model (sorry it's in Indonesian. Hopefully anyone can understand the query):
public function report() {
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->alias = "p";
$criteria->select = "p.tanggal_transaksi,
MONTH( p.tanggal_transaksi ) AS bulan,
d.harga_satuan * d.jumlah_cones AS total,
FLOOR(d.harga_satuan * d.jumlah_cones * p.ppn / 100) AS ppn,
(d.harga_satuan * d.jumlah_cones) + FLOOR(d.harga_satuan * d.jumlah_cones * p.ppn / 100) AS total_akhir
$criteria->join = "JOIN m_supplier s ON s.kode = p.kode_supplier
RIGHT JOIN t_pembelian_detail d ON d.kode_pembelian = p.kode
JOIN m_bahan_baku b ON b.kode = d.kode_bahan_baku
$criteria->together = TRUE;
return new CActiveDataProvider(get_class($this), array(
The name of the model is TPembelian and here is the relation:
public function relations()
return array(
'supplier' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'MSupplier', 'kode_supplier'),
'tPembelianDetails' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'TPembelianDetail', 'kode_pembelian'),
In a controller, I wrote these lines of codes to just simply print out each attributes of CActiveDataProvider:
$model = new TPembelian('search');
$dataProvider = $model->report();
foreach ($dataProvider->getData() as $data) {
echo "<pre>".print_r($data->attributes, 1)."</pre>";
the problem is, it only prints out the attributes from TPembelian model (which use alias "p"). Why are other attributes (with other alias beside "p") not printed?
I have searched for a while and it appears that CActiveDataProvider not returning one long query, but instead it returns many query with HAS_MANY relation. Someone said to use "together" and set it to TRUE (I wrote it already in the code above) to make it returns one long query, but it's still not working. Can anybody please help me?
in the first code, m_supplier, t_pembelian_detail, and m_bahan_baku are tables, not models

zf2 select columns from joined tables - how?

I feel like I must me missing something very simple. It's a very simple task, all I want to do is get something like:
SELECT * FROM lookup_items
JOIN lookup ON lookup_items.lookup_id =
This returns all the columns for all the joined tables, in regular SQL. Here's my attempt in zf2:
$select = new Select();
$select->join('lookup', 'lookup_items.lookup_id =');
The result set only includes the columns in 'lookup_items'. I've tried various ways to get the 'lookup' columns, including:
$select->columns(array('lookup_items.*', 'lookup.*'));
But they all just blow up. Surely there's a way to do this, and it's just so simple I'm missing it completely.
I thought a simple example would be avoid confusion, but here's more code:
class LookupItemsTable extends AbstractTableGateway
public function getList($resource)
$system_name = str_replace('*', '%', strtoupper($resource));
$joinTable = 'lookup';
$select = new Select();
$select->join($joinTable, "{$this->table}.lookup_id = {$joinTable}.id");
$where = array();
$where[] = "{$this->table}.enabled is true";
$where[] = "{$joinTable}.enabled is true";
$where[] = "UPPER({$joinTable}.system_name) ilike '{$system_name}'";
$sort[] = 'sort_order ASC';
$sort[] = 'value ASC';
$rowset = $this->selectWith($select);
return $rowset;
$resource = $this->params()->fromRoute('resource', 'BUSINESS');
And $this->table is 'lookup_items'. Really all I want to do is get columns from both joined tables. I guess there's a zf2 way to just make a straight SQL statement without all the OO falderal, so I could just force it that way. But I'd rather work within the framework as much as possible.
Just change this line
$select->join('lookup', 'lookup_items.lookup_id =');
$select->join('lookup', 'lookup_items.lookup_id =', array('lookupcol1', 'lookupcol2');
Raj answer is the best one but it only works if you don't forget to add these fiels in your LookupItems model.
class LookupItems
// Your lookup_items fields here...
// And the added lookup fields here, the ones you add in the array
public $lookupcol1;
public $lookupcol2;
And in the exchangeArray method :
public function exchangeArray($data)
// .... your fields, and the new ones
$this->lookupcol1 = (! empty($data['lookupcol1'])) ? $data['lookupcol1'] : null;
$this->lookupcol2 = (! empty($data['lookupcol2'])) ? $data['lookupcol2'] : null;
I figured it out.
Added this:
And then this near the end:
$sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
$statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
$rowset = $statement->execute();
This returns the expected result, with the caveat that now my rows are returned as associative arrays instead of objects.
This is how you can create queries with join in zf2.
$resultSet = $this->select(function (Select $select) {
// omit the table name
$select->join('users', " foo.createdby", 'firstname', '');
$select->order('id ASC');
// echo $select->getSqlString();// to print your query
$entities = array();
foreach ($resultSet as $row) {
$entity = new Entity\Foo();
$entities[] = $entity;
return $entities;

How do I use 2 include statements in a single MVC EF query?

I am trying to write a query that includes 2 joins.
1 StoryTemplate can have multiple Stories
1 Story can have multiple StoryDrafts
I am starting the query on the StoryDrafts object because that is where it's linked to the UserId.
I don't have a reference from the StoryDrafts object directly to the StoryTemplates object. How would I build this query properly?
public JsonResult Index(int userId)
return Json(
.Where(d => d.UserId == userId)
Thank you for any help.
Try to flatten your hierarchy if it works for you. Here is a sample, and you may want to customize it for your needs.
var result = from c in db.Customers
join o in db.Orders
on c equals o.Customers
select new
custid = c.CustomerID,
cname = c.CompanyName,
address = c.Address,
orderid = o.OrderID,
freight = o.Freight,
orderdate = o.OrderDate
If flattering does not meet your requirements then you need to use query that returns a Nested Group. Finally, look at the following link for more references - LINQ Query Expressions .
