Integrate kayako and tfs - tfs

I am in need of replicating all kayako helpdesk tickets into TFS. This includes creation of the ticket, updates of the ticket, and closure of the ticket. I've looked around and I can't seem to find any elegant solution to this. Can any of you point me int he right direction?

You can roll your own integration by building on the TFS Integration Platform.

Does Kayako support webhooks? webhooks allow you to send data when it happens, so for example when a ticket is created or when it is resolved - you can then have your application process that data. This is far better than having to make repeated calls to an API to see if there are changes to a system.


Is it possible to set category on a Microsoft To Do task using the Microsoft Graph API?

I'm interested in using Graph API in order to manage tasks within MS To do. I've already found documentation for creating a new task.
However, I didn't find anything about the following during a new task creation or task update:
Is it possible to set subtasks on a task?
Is it possible to set a category on a task?
Is it possible to reassign a task?
Maybe someone has information about it.
As of now there is no way you can create sub-task with Microsoft
Graph. There is a feature request already present
please upvote it so that product team may consider it for
development in future.
For category as well we cannot get or set the data as of now. For
this as well there is a feature request
Please upvote it.
For the assignment as well there is a uservoice
Please upvote it so that it may be implemented in future.

Automate and simplify the check-in after code review completion in TFS

I would like to automate the code review process to check in easily in Team Foundation Server.
It is possible to add code review in the check-in policy, but the problem is that it creates a lot of back and forth, even if the code review is okay and there is no comment or modification to make.
Maybe it is possible to make it happen in a smoother way?
Sketches (simplified on purpose)
What we can do with the actual code review workflow:
What I would like to do:
(hoping my sketches are understandable)
I'm thinking about developing a new extension if it doesn't exist.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
What you're looking for is called a pull request. Pull requests are not available for TFVC at the moment, but are available for Git. My understanding is that pull requests will eventually be an option for TFVC.

tfs configuration : include user phone number from active directory

New to TFS configuration/manipulation and looking to be pointed in the right direction thanks.
Our bug reports are often posted with minimal information and its often necessary to call the creator to get clarification. It would be beneficial if we could display the phone number alongside the creators name. Is it possible to pull this info out of the directory ?
I cannot think of a simple way of doing it, apart from writing code. I can think of these techniques:
pulling data from Active Directory and updating work items;
a custom control that query AD (via a REST web service) just in time
This latter can evolve to became a 2015 extension

In Atlassian Jira 4.1.2 how can I make a profile that may only view users of the system?

Experience with Jira is based on what I have seen from clicking through the project. There is no knowledge transfer as all people who knew this customized system left over a year ago.
As for the Atlassian PDF guide, it is not able to assist because the feature to add users and manage the users in Jira have been removed. An external LDAP system is where the users are managed.
I can view the User Browser and see users and do some editing of a profile and even delete the user from a navigation link in the footer.
But the real question at hand is, what do I need to do in order to
A. Assign users to an Organization Role that only allows them
1: A view only mode of the users in that Organization
2: View the details of the user and that users permissions/roles given
I've been looking for a few days now and just keep running into brick walls.
Thank you.
The upgrading of the system to the new version is not an option due to the extensive undocumented modifications made to Jira. It has been tried 3 times in the past 2 years without success.
I am answering based on JIRA 5.2 and higher experience.
Only place to see list of users is User Manager and you need to be JIRA admin to access it. So it's not a solution for you.
I searched for addon doing this but no luck. Moreover your JIRA is too old to be supported by addon providers.
The same story with JIRA REST API. Looks like for JIRA 4.1 you need to use JIRA REST 1.0 (current is 2.0) and I can not find docs for it.
I believe it's possible to write the addon to accomplish what you need but again it's not smart to invest in obsolete JIRA.
The most right solution is still migrate to the newest version of JIRA. Maybe you need abandon the undocumented changes or rewrite them into JIRA addons. It will not be easy and it can be costly but looks like you do not have too many options.
Task has been abandoned.
No answer to bad implementation and poor engineering practices when one is to continue to follow them.
I'd delete the post entirely but I'd rather give credit to the few that tried to provide some insight. Thanks again.

JIRA Mark ticket as Accepted/Acknowledge

I've been looking for a way to have a user acknowledge a
ticket after it has been assigned to them. I don't know if
this is a built in feature or if there is a plugin that
will create a state/button for a user to accept a ticket
after it has been put in there queue. I would expect to
see something like this from the ticket window around
workflow or start progress but no amounts of digging
through configuration settings has turned anything
relevant up.
Does anyone know about this added functionality in JIRA?
Much thanks.
I did this by a custom workflow step. After an issue arrived to an assignee (with status New) he/she should move it to another step (with status Open). Until he/she does it, the issue is considered as not noticed/reached the assignee. Also I have had a report showing issues with New status for more than a predefined period of time.
I'm not aware of a ready-made plugin which performs similar task (perhaps, I should dig into my posts on Atlassian answers to discover some clues for other solutions).
As #Stan says above, a custom workflow is the way to implement this. The workflow functionality in JIRA is very flexible and as a result has a bit of a learning curve, but Atlassian's documentation is pretty good. Post back here if you need help.
