How to change the scrollable area of UITableView? - ios

I think it'd be a good start to take a look at the wireframe I'm implementing:
So this is a special table view, and the background image is much bigger than the table area. And what I want is to have the background scrollable and have the table stick to a specific position on the background, and the table moves together with the background.
EDIT: Besides, this position may change over some time.
I found it hard to do by extending UITableView since I didn't find the way to change the scrollable area and actually I didn't find how to access the view containing all the rows so I don't know how to position it.
Currently I'm doing this with a UITableView in a UIScrollView but I think that's a waste since UITableView is already a UIScrollView itself.
So anyone knows it's possible to change the scrollable area to the whole background and how to access the rows' container? Or it's not possible? If it's not possible it'd be easier to just make a simple list view by myself and get rid of UITableView I think.


How create a tableView that covers an image when it is scrolled

I'm trying to develop something like CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout but customized for my table, but I'm not sure how can I achieve this goal. The idea is
Someone can give me a hint how achieve this objective?
To add to Vollan's answer, to make the title stay still you could use a view that contains two subviews: the first is the scrollview (with the image and table as Vollan suggests) and then add another view (like a UILabel) for the title. Thus, while the image and table scroll in the scrollview, the title will stay still.
Best solution would be to wrap everything inside an UIScrollView. That will allow you to scroll to bottom of the screen and then only scroll the tableview. That way it will appear like the tableview will overlay the image.
While using a tableview within a scrollview would likely work, your tableview would have to always be it's full size (without some annoying constant re-sizing), so you'll lose the value of the enqueuing/dequeueing that makes tableViews work so well.
The CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout has example pretty similar to what you want to do, did you look at their examples? You may be able to play with it and get it to do what you want If your problem is simply having a constant title, you can just add a view above the table or use the NavBar and adjust the contentInsets
You might also consider using a collectionView instead. It's much more flexible as far as layout goes.

How to pin an image/view inside a UIScrollView when scrolling

I've been searching for a way to pin views/images to the top of a UIScrollView when scrolling. However the posts/articles I came across are not in swift 3. I'm not sure if I'm typing my question in the web correctly. So my question is how can we achieve the same behavior as a UITableView or UICollectionView. When you scroll, a section will stick to the top until another section pushes it up. I'm wondering would we be able to use views/image and pin them at the top of the UIScrollView. Down below is a screenshot of a UIScrollView that has 4 views.
So when scrolling I would like to pin the first view/image to the top until another view/image pushes it. Also would it be possible to determine which view sticks to the top. So lets say I only want the red views to stick until another red view pushes it. Been looking for a way to achieve this type of behavior for a while now.
Please help, would really appreciate any help provided at this point. Thanks.
A few ways to do this, but you can use the scrollView delegate’s scrollViewDidScroll to capture the contentOffset and use a combination of the target view’s origin/center/transform properties to keep the view where you want it.
There’s a neat video explaining how to do this that Apple released during WWDC 2010, called something like “Advanced Scroll View Behavior”, if I remember correctly. It’s definitely worth a watch.

Custom Collection View Layout like Chanel app

I'm trying to do a custom layout like the Chanel app you can find the app in the Appstore.
I know they are using an UICollectionView, but no clue how to start.
The interaction feels like a tableview mixed with a paginated scroll. When you scroll the elements grow, and the first element position itself at the top.
Start with dragging & positioning just one UIView. See UIGestureRecognizer docs and look for existing examples of movable views. You'll need an UIPanGestureRecognizer to move the view.
Resize the view depending on its Y position.
Create & position an image inside that view depending on the view size using a couple autolayout constraints.
Note that Chanel app has different constants for these constraints. With a minimum view height, one image's top is 80% height, for another image it's 90% height. Make sure you can manipulate constraints from code (I think it's a good idea to create everything from code there, XIBs are not very flexible).
Make the view "anchoring" to certain points (e.g. top = -75%, 0%, 75%, 90% from what I see in the Chanel app) when you stop moving it. Just find the nearest one and animate the view to it.
Once you did it with 1 view, move all your work to an NSView subclass (if it's not yet there) and create a collection of these views.
You can create UICollectionView, but I'd rather do it with a simple NSArray: I actually don't see a reason to use UICollectionView here; it's a very simple structure. Anyway, you write your own gesture recognizer (don't you? I can't see another way) - so what's the point to use UICollectionView? If you want to expand the app functionality some day, UICollectionView will unlikely help you with that. Well, it's my hypothetical approach, you can find another one while working on that.
Position other views while you're moving an "active" view. Do it by hand, without any UIScrollViews.
Write a function that reflects the Y position of the "neighbor" views while you moving one. It should "slow down" to the bottom of screen.

Make UIScrollView scroll from scrolling inside OR outside of it

Say I have a UIScrollView that scrolls horizontally just fine. It's height is around 50px. After usability testing, a lot of people are trying to scroll the contents by panning outside of it. Here is the setup:
Where it says "Amount" is the scrollview
I am wondering if it is possible to attach a UIPanGestureRecognizer on the blurred background it sits on top of and have it scroll along with that as well. If this is possible, could someone give me a start on what that approach would possibly look like?
Nah, the simple solution is simply make the scroll view bigger .. it's just that simple.
Have it mostly transparent, with your content sitting where you want it.
What you describe in your question is a good idea but it's extremely! hard to really implement well, a total pain. You simply "make the scroll view bigger".
Nice looking app.
These may be relevant to you...
The UICollectionView "swipe-away" in iOS7 app manager?
Show/hide UIToolbar, "match finger movement", precisely as in for example iOS7 Safari

UITableViewCell incorrect X positions

I've been searching through here and googling like crazy for a possible solution to this problem. Thus far I'm turning up exactly nothing that actually fixes it so I'm hoping someone can help.
I'm working on the UI for a iPad app. I'm doing it using interface builder. I worked with storyboards briefly but I don't like them all that much so I'm sticking with IB for now. Unfortunately I'm not very experienced with the workings of IOS Ui but it's been going relatively smoothly so far. In my app, I have a view controller, which holds a view containing a pair of sub views. One subview contains a rather windows like header bar (i like the look). The second contains a UITableView. The UITableView is set up properly as far as I can tell, and feeds it's info from a data source using custom UITableViewCells. The UITableView is set to grouped though currently there is only one section. The table is in edit mode by default because I want the user to be able to add new items and use the VC as a selection dialog. The view controller is presented (rather than pushed) using UIModalPresentationFormSheet (again, because I like the view) but I don't know that has any bearing on the problem. The cell border is flush with the X origin, the only reason the text isn't currently starting there is because I went into my cell and move the label over, leaving a gap between the edge of the cell and the label containing my text.
The Offending View
The Problem: The UITableViewCells, for some reason are positioning themselves at X: 0. This puts them outside the border drawn on the UITablewView when you set it to grouped style. I could probably just turn off the border and get away with it, but I like the look so i want to keep it. I've tried messing around with constraints and anchor points on the cells, the content of the cells, the table itself, the view... I've tried simply moving my cell's labels over a bit. I've also had clipping subviews turned on and off. I've made sure the controls are being loaded properly from the XIB. I've made sure everything is added as a subview where needed. I've made sure I've tried everything I could think of short of setting the cell's X position in code. But since I'm not sure how to tell where the border is, I'd rather have the tableview or the cell do the work itself.
The question: How do I fix this? The selection accessory should be outside the grouping box. The text should be inside, not bleeding out onto the background like it is.I believe the content of the cell should be displayed inside the border within the yellow area.
The odd thing is, this is my fifth or sixth table in this app and I've been doing them all basically the same. Thus far this is the only one I've had trouble with.
Can anyone shed some light as to what's going on?
Thanks in advance
I think that to get this in code, you'd have to do something explicit, so the most likely candidate is a messed up IB file.
Since it doesn't cost anything, I'd just delete the tableView from the IB and then re-add it. If that doesn't work, try recreating the complete IB.
Hope that helps
