RhoMobile using RhoMobile Beginners Guide - rhomobile

Hey guys I am doing the application from the book RhoMobile Beginners Guide but the code samples in chapter 5 page 99 are not working. If anybody who has already used the book can provide the correct code I will be extremely thankful.
Also I have started learning Rhodes recently so if anyone can provide good links to get started it will be very much appreciated.
Thank you.

RhoMobile was bought by Motorola so now they took over the documentation:
Here you can find examples as well:
if you have any question you can ask us on the forum for developer:


Approach to trace runner's travelling on map

I am developing an app that record users' travelling path. I have check some tutorial online but it is not helpful enough to me.
Anyone can recommend a tutorial that record users' travelling trace ? Thanks in advance.
please see this example from Ray Wenderlich site :

How can I learn iOS Test

I use Xcode 7.2 to develop an app. Now I want to study to test iOS. I read the test introduction from https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/watchos/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/testing_with_xcode/chapters/01-introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014132.
How can I learn more about XCTestCase?
You can find many tutorials over the internet.The following few tutorials may help you better understanding.
raywenderlich and cocoacontrols are the most usefull website to learn anything about iOS.

Ressources for OSX-from-IOS-developers [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Tips for an iOS developer to learn Mac programming?
After having spent a year in IOS-development, I'd like to broaden my horizon and jump into OSX-development. Does anyone have a good ressource, book, online or otherwise? I'm looking for: 'the differneces in short and fast are', instead of 'first, download xcode'. Any tipps appreciated!
I advice to use learning resources from http://developer.apple.com
This is the standard for learning Cocoa on Mac OSX. I went through it and found it to be very good:
Also, this book was good but felt more like a reference and less like a tutorial which the previous book was:
After those, this advanced book is good:
I also recommend the WWDC videos if you pay for the dev program. Good hands on practical advice and walk throughs on good topics.

Good starting points for blackberry widget development

Which good resources for starting widget development for blackberry do you have?
Are there any tutorials that go further then a hello world? Advices on how to structure your app how to integrate second party java-script libraries something like this?
Sadly the rim documentation is nearly non existent.
This is an excellent blog with advanced concepts and tutorials:
And this site has a wonderful tutorial on creating a blackberry game that describes and exemplifies complex layout issues.
Here are some great tutorials on RIM Widget API:

Sites for beginning Delphi programmers

Referring to this question, it might be nice to collect links to sites that really help Delphi beginners.
The first answer pointed to Delphi Basics, which is a really nice site.
But there must be more.
So: please contribute to this community wiki question.
A Beginner's Guide to Delphi Programming (at http://delphi.about.com)
on-line version of Teach Yourself Borland Delphi 4 in 21 Days (still very relevant)
Learn To Program Delphi Part One (at http://www.bitwisemag.com)
Essential Pascal (at http://www.marcocantu.com/epascal/)
What about this ?
Delphi wiki
Delphi.wikia.com has a Delphi Videos link that was great for me when I was first learning Delphi.
Nick Hodges 30 Camtasia Demos are great.
Alister Christie has great videos as well.
In German language:
In Dutch language
In this thread: "Where are all the Delphi Developers?" you can find a lot of resources, Webs, forums, links,... where you can get help and information to start with Delphi.
There are actually 2 quite good Embarcadero sites that I sometime use.
Hope they help
This guy makes videos, I have had use of them myself:
EDIT: Did not see anyone already posted that, sorry :P
The Delphi Foundations book by Chris Rolliston is very good also.
Lots of recent links to resources, including free training and Starter Editions:
Getting Started with Delphi
