Simple window size in jquery mobile - jquery-mobile

I am using JQM with HTML5 boiler plate. My objective (for tests purposes) is to have in a desktop browser, an overall div that will show me the expected size areas of my app on a real device. In a desktop browser, however, the width compared to the iphone4 browser width layout do not seems to match. I do not wish to change the viewport meta definition, although I suspect that it is my problem. Can somebody explain to me:
Why the size of a div of size 640 x 960 px (with a border of 1 px and a position of absolute) does not reflect the same size area appearance on the actual device with this type of setup ?

Just use Chrome's Developer Tools. You can choose to spoof your User Agent as well as the device metrics for different devices.
When in Chrome:
Press F12.
Click on the gear icon to the bottom right (settings).
Click on the Overrides tab.
Here you can choose to change your User Agent string or override the viewport of your browser to match specific devices (like the iPhone). If you change the User Agent string to mimic an iPhone then the Device Metrics should auto adjust to be the proper size for the same device.
Note that you must keep the Chrome Developer Tools open, as soon as you close them you lose the UA spoofing and Device Metrics spoofing as well.
To directly answer your question, different screens have different pixel densities, so a screen with higher pixel density will show the same number of pixels in a smaller physical area.

As an add-on,
When dealing with CSS Media queries there is a difference between the
device-width and the
For the iphone4, for instance, although the resolution
(width x height) is equal to (640 x 960),
the device is actually presenting
(device-width x device-height) as equal to (320 x 480)
From here we observe that each CSS pixel is handled by 2 screen resolution pixel. This is the consequence of the 2 different size.
This help: Pixel density for different devices


Use full iPhone X resolution in Adobe AIR app [duplicate]

I'm new to the whole world of coding, and actionscript 3 is my first real experience, so sorry if I don't understand your answer straight away.
I've built an iPhone app using Adobe Flash CC in AIR for iOS. All the code is either in the timeline or separate .as files (so not using documents classes).
The core concept of the game is randomly generated objects fall from the top of the screen and the user has to tap them to make them disappear before they touch the bottom.
My problem is my document size is 640 x 960. I think this fits the iPhone 4 (haven't tested that) but when I test it on my iPhone 5s I get back bars at the top and bottom. Obviously they have different screen sizes but I want the app to be able to run on many all the different size iPhones.
I have spent hours googling this and still don't understand what I'm meant to do. I've tried playing around with the stage.scaleMode settings but nothing changes. I have also added a file called default-568h#2x.png (just a green rectangle with the dimensions 640 x 1136) in the included files but this doesn't show either.
So essentially I want to know how to change my app and AS3 code to allow my app to fit all the different size iPhones?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
First, before anything else, you need to make sure you have the correct launch images included in your project.
Here is a table from Adobe's website:
Default~iphone.png | iPhone 4 (non-retina) 640 x 960 Potrait
Default#2x~iphone.png | iPhone 4, 4s 640 x 960 Potrait
Default-568h#2x~iphone.png | iPhone 5, 5c, 5s 640 x 1136 Potrait
Default-375w-667h#2x~iphone.png | iPhone 6/7/8 750 x 1334 Potrait
Default-414w-736h#3x~iphone.png | iPhone 6+/7+/8+ 1242 x 2208 Potrait
Default-Landscape-414w-736h#3x~iphone.png | iPhone 6+/7+/8+ 2208 x 1242 Landscape
Default-Landscape-812h#3x~iphone.png | iPhone X 2436 x 1125 Landscape
Default-812h#3x~iphone.png | iPhone X 1125 x 2436 Portrait
Once you have those images made (and named exactly as shown), include them in your project (They have to be in the root of your application) by doing the following:
In FlashPro
go to your publish settings
go to the AIR for iOS Settings.
Go to the "General" tab
add all those images to the "included files" list (the root)
If you don't mind cropping your content a little bit, you can just do this when your app starts:
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_BORDER
This will scale your swf so it fills the whole screen while keeping aspect ratio. It's pretty easy to figure out how much padding you need to make this method work well for the small variations in aspect ratios for the various iPhones.
However, if you want to allow orientation changes (portrait to landscape), the cropping will likely be too severe.
The best way to accommodate varying screen resolutions and aspect ratios though, is to make your application responsive. This involves the following code at the start of your application:
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
Now your stage bounds (stage.stageWidth & stage.stageHeight) will be the full width and height of the device*. (some devices still have a software toolbar at the bottom or the top band)
You can then position things through code.
If you want an easy way convert what you have (you don't want to use code to resize and align absolutely everything), just put all your content in a container MovieClip with an instance name of container, you could then size and position it like this:
//scale the container as big as possible while still fitting entirely in the screen:
//figure out which dimension should match the stage (widht or height)
if(container.width - stage.stageWidth >= container.height - stage.stageHeight){
container.width = stage.stageWidth;
container.scaleY = container.scaleX;
}else {
container.height = stage.stageHeight
container.scaleX = container.scaleY;
//center it on the screen:
container.x = (stage.stageWidth - container.width) * 0.5;
container.y = (stage.stageHeight - container.height) * 0.5;
It's also a good idea to listen for resize events, in case the screen size changes (eg you maximize/restore on desktop, or go from portrait to landscape on mobile).
You do that by listening for the resize event on the stage:
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, redrawScreen);
function redrawScreen(e:Event):void {
//resize everything as the window size has changed.
You the coder are in charge of providing different solutions for different screen sizes. You check the device size and then you present the content accordingly. All in all it is not that different from showing different content based on rotation. If you hope for a magical solution that would do all that for you in AIR you are out of luck cos there's none.
Messing with the stage scalemodes is not recommended (you should always use no scale on mobile) as you then give up completely the ability to compare the position of your displayobject according the the real physical device size (basically you won't know for sure if whatever you display is in the screen or completely out of it).
If you thought developing for mobile was easy (not just using AIR but using any technology) then sorry, it's not especially cos you have to handle all those sizes.
The basic principle on how to deal with it:
get the real device size.
calculate the real density/ratio.
Compare that size to the size of your app. (again scale mode to no scale)
Extract a general ratio (size of your app compared to size of device)
Use that ratio to either, scale and place your main container (a container that contain your entire app), hard: scale and place all your DisplayObject in your app.
Since the app ratio is maintained fill the blank space with whatever.
Your app is filling correctly the entire screen on any device.

iPhone different screen sizes in flash? (Getting Black Bars)

I'm new to the whole world of coding, and actionscript 3 is my first real experience, so sorry if I don't understand your answer straight away.
I've built an iPhone app using Adobe Flash CC in AIR for iOS. All the code is either in the timeline or separate .as files (so not using documents classes).
The core concept of the game is randomly generated objects fall from the top of the screen and the user has to tap them to make them disappear before they touch the bottom.
My problem is my document size is 640 x 960. I think this fits the iPhone 4 (haven't tested that) but when I test it on my iPhone 5s I get back bars at the top and bottom. Obviously they have different screen sizes but I want the app to be able to run on many all the different size iPhones.
I have spent hours googling this and still don't understand what I'm meant to do. I've tried playing around with the stage.scaleMode settings but nothing changes. I have also added a file called default-568h#2x.png (just a green rectangle with the dimensions 640 x 1136) in the included files but this doesn't show either.
So essentially I want to know how to change my app and AS3 code to allow my app to fit all the different size iPhones?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
First, before anything else, you need to make sure you have the correct launch images included in your project.
Here is a table from Adobe's website:
Default~iphone.png | iPhone 4 (non-retina) 640 x 960 Potrait
Default#2x~iphone.png | iPhone 4, 4s 640 x 960 Potrait
Default-568h#2x~iphone.png | iPhone 5, 5c, 5s 640 x 1136 Potrait
Default-375w-667h#2x~iphone.png | iPhone 6/7/8 750 x 1334 Potrait
Default-414w-736h#3x~iphone.png | iPhone 6+/7+/8+ 1242 x 2208 Potrait
Default-Landscape-414w-736h#3x~iphone.png | iPhone 6+/7+/8+ 2208 x 1242 Landscape
Default-Landscape-812h#3x~iphone.png | iPhone X 2436 x 1125 Landscape
Default-812h#3x~iphone.png | iPhone X 1125 x 2436 Portrait
Once you have those images made (and named exactly as shown), include them in your project (They have to be in the root of your application) by doing the following:
In FlashPro
go to your publish settings
go to the AIR for iOS Settings.
Go to the "General" tab
add all those images to the "included files" list (the root)
If you don't mind cropping your content a little bit, you can just do this when your app starts:
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_BORDER
This will scale your swf so it fills the whole screen while keeping aspect ratio. It's pretty easy to figure out how much padding you need to make this method work well for the small variations in aspect ratios for the various iPhones.
However, if you want to allow orientation changes (portrait to landscape), the cropping will likely be too severe.
The best way to accommodate varying screen resolutions and aspect ratios though, is to make your application responsive. This involves the following code at the start of your application:
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
Now your stage bounds (stage.stageWidth & stage.stageHeight) will be the full width and height of the device*. (some devices still have a software toolbar at the bottom or the top band)
You can then position things through code.
If you want an easy way convert what you have (you don't want to use code to resize and align absolutely everything), just put all your content in a container MovieClip with an instance name of container, you could then size and position it like this:
//scale the container as big as possible while still fitting entirely in the screen:
//figure out which dimension should match the stage (widht or height)
if(container.width - stage.stageWidth >= container.height - stage.stageHeight){
container.width = stage.stageWidth;
container.scaleY = container.scaleX;
}else {
container.height = stage.stageHeight
container.scaleX = container.scaleY;
//center it on the screen:
container.x = (stage.stageWidth - container.width) * 0.5;
container.y = (stage.stageHeight - container.height) * 0.5;
It's also a good idea to listen for resize events, in case the screen size changes (eg you maximize/restore on desktop, or go from portrait to landscape on mobile).
You do that by listening for the resize event on the stage:
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, redrawScreen);
function redrawScreen(e:Event):void {
//resize everything as the window size has changed.
You the coder are in charge of providing different solutions for different screen sizes. You check the device size and then you present the content accordingly. All in all it is not that different from showing different content based on rotation. If you hope for a magical solution that would do all that for you in AIR you are out of luck cos there's none.
Messing with the stage scalemodes is not recommended (you should always use no scale on mobile) as you then give up completely the ability to compare the position of your displayobject according the the real physical device size (basically you won't know for sure if whatever you display is in the screen or completely out of it).
If you thought developing for mobile was easy (not just using AIR but using any technology) then sorry, it's not especially cos you have to handle all those sizes.
The basic principle on how to deal with it:
get the real device size.
calculate the real density/ratio.
Compare that size to the size of your app. (again scale mode to no scale)
Extract a general ratio (size of your app compared to size of device)
Use that ratio to either, scale and place your main container (a container that contain your entire app), hard: scale and place all your DisplayObject in your app.
Since the app ratio is maintained fill the blank space with whatever.
Your app is filling correctly the entire screen on any device.

Why does Google Chrome emulator show iPhone 6 at 375x667 resolution?

I'm trying to programmatically adapt my website's image sizes for differently sized devices. But now I am having trouble telling what sizes I actually need. In Google Chrome emulator, I'm seeing some of my images upsized, e.g. on iPhone 6 from 230x230 natural to 357x357 displayed. The image takes up nearly the entire width of the emulated screen, and looks just slightly degraded, suggesting iPhone 6's width isn't much larger than 357 pixels.
But Apple says the iPhone 6 has a resolution of 750x1334! If that were true, the image should look much worse, I would think.
I've found some contradictory information on iPhone 4 as well.
This site talks about iPhone 4 at 640x960 pixels. Chrome emulator again shows it at half those dimensions, 320x480.
This stackoverflow question says that "the iPhone screen is 320x480 definitely."
What am I missing here? Why do some sources (including Apple) supply dimensions that are twice what Chrome emulator (and my images) say?
Relax, you're about to understand this mess. Just notice that 2 * 375x667 = 750x1334.
A pixel is not a pixel
The key thing is: one device pixel is different from one CSS pixel.
They are the same in low pixel density devices like your computer screen (96 dpi). However, high pixel density devices like smartphones and printers (upwards of 160 dpi) try to obey the general W3C CSS3 spec understanding that one CSS pixel should always be close to 1/96th of an inch (or 0.26 mm) when viewed from usual distance (arm's length).
They don't obey the spec to the letter, since that would imply 1px being exactly 1/96th of one real inch in high DPI settings, which wasn't ever implemented in any browser AFAIK. However, they try to make their CSS pixels not so minuscule despite very high pixel densities by making one CSS pixel equal to two or more device pixels.
Chrome Device Mode works with CSS pixels, which is what you should use to design text, navbars, headings etc, but not high-resolution images. For these, read the next section.
If you didn't notice, the image above shows that Chrome Device Mode does show you the device scale (how many device pixels equal one CSS pixel).
Fixing image resolution
As you already know, this affects images negatively, since the browser scales the image as well. Your 230x230 CSS pixels picture becomes 460x460 device pixels, using the same quality. To fix that, use the srcset attribute to give the browser links to different resolution files of the same image.
Example (adapted from the link above):
<img src="wolf-400.jpg" srcset="wolf-400.jpg 400w, wolf-800.jpg 800w, wolf-1600.jpg 1600w">
An iPhone 6 will look at that and think "oh, I pretend to be 375px wide but I'm actually 750px, so I'll download wolf-800.jpg."
Just don't forget to use src="" for compatibility. Also, unless you use sizes="", the browser will default to the full width of the device.

Content Scaling with a non-dynamic world size in Corona SDK

I am using the Corona SDK to create a game in which I want a non-dynamic world size across all of the devices (i.e. 1440 x 960). However, the auto-scaling in Corona is not allowing me to do this consistently. For example, on the iPhone the screen moves two screens (480 * 2) pixels to the right (landscape mode), which is effectively 1440 px. However when switching to the iPad the scrolling is still moving two screen sizes to the right because it's viewing the iPad as 480 and not 1024 (the config file is set to 480 height and 320 width). Is there anyway to do this without turning off the content scaling? If I have to turn off content scaling, does that negate the advantages of the Corona SDK and the ability to code without thinking about the device?
The point of Corona content scaling is exactly to not code multiple values on the logic...
So you have to either ignore the device size (if your world is "2 screen wide" it will be "2 screen wide" in ANY device) or turn off the scaling and handle the screen size manually...
I would not use the second option unless you want to torture users of smaller phones, that will see only a very small area of your playfield.

What size image should I use for BlackBerry context menus?

The BB OS 5.0 supports images for context menus. The API documentation says the image will be scaled to fit a square set by the height of the menu font. I find that totally unhelpful.
The only way I can explain that method of calculation is due to screen resolution and DPI. But since the 5.0 OS is only valid on a handful of devices with similar screen sizes, I reckon they can specify the actual icon size they use.
I'd like to choose an icon size that's closest to the default menu font height so that the they look OK.
What size do you use? Do you even use this feature?
I haven't used it yet, but I would recommend using any square ratio maybe up to 64x64; the problem is that with new devices on the horizon (eg rumored tablet - with much bigger display) it won't necessarily be practical to target a specific screen size.
