How to use IPP7.1 & OpenCV 2.4.1 - opencv

Please say to me what steps I should follow for installing ipp7.1 on windows and use it in OpenCV2.4.2. I downloaded Ipp7.1 evaluation version and I used CMake 2.8 then I configured static OpenCV in CMake and Built all project in vs2008 without any problem.
For the static project I appended the following list for OpenCV & 3rdparty:
opencv_calib3d241.lib opencv_contrib241.lib opencv_core241.lib
opencv_features2d241.lib opencv_flann241.lib opencv_gpu241.lib
opencv_highgui241.lib opencv_imgproc241.lib opencv_legacy241.lib
opencv_ml241.lib opencv_nonfree241.lib opencv_objdetect241.lib
opencv_photo241.lib opencv_stitching241.lib opencv_ts241.lib
opencv_video241.lib opencv_videostab241.lib
libjasper.lib libjasperd.lib libjpeg.lib libjpegd.lib libpng.lib
libpngd.lib libtiff.lib libtiffd.lib zlib.lib zlibd.lib user32.lib
And then appended the following list for IPP static library:
ippac_l.lib ippcc_l.lib ippch_l.lib ippcore_l.lib ippcv_l.lib
ippdc_l.lib ippdi_l.lib ippi_l.lib ippj_l.lib ippm_l.lib ippr_l.lib
ippsc_l.lib ipps_l.lib ippvc_l.lib ippvm_l.lib
My project compiled without any problem.
I used the following code for a way to make sure that IPP is installed and working correctly. This function has 2 input arguments. First one is "opencv_lib" and it will be filled by the version of OpenCV. But my problem is with the second parameter. "add_modules" is always empty.
const char* opencv_lib = 0;
const char* add_modules = 0;
cvGetModuleInfo(0, &opencv_lib,&add_modules);
printf("\t opencv_lib = %s,\n\t add_modules = %s\n\n", opencv_lib,add_modules);
There is another problem too which I believe it refers to the previous problem. In the following code I've used cvUseOptimized(1) and cvUseOptimized(0) before a same loop code. But the odd point is that the proccessing time is actually equall for both!
double t1, t2,timeCalc;
IplImage *template_image = cvLoadImage ("c:\\box.png",0);
IplImage* converted_image= cvLoadImage ("c:\\box_in_scene.png",0);
CvSize cvsrcSize = cvGetSize(converted_image);
cout << " image match template using OpenCV cvMatchTemplate() " << endl;
IplImage *image_ncc, *result_ncc;
image_ncc = cvCreateImage(cvsrcSize,8,1);
result_ncc = cvCreateImage(cvSize(converted_image->width -template_image->width+1,
int NumUploadedFunction = cvUseOptimized(1);
t1 = (double)cvGetTickCount();
for (int j=0;j<LOOP;j++)
cvMatchTemplate(image_ncc, template_image, result_ncc, CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED);
t2 = (double)cvGetTickCount();
timeCalc=(t2-t1)/((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1000. * 1000.0);
cout << " OpenCV matchtemplate using cross-correlation Valid: " << timeCalc << endl;
NumUploadedFunction = cvUseOptimized(0);
t1 = (double)cvGetTickCount();
for (int j=0;j<LOOP;j++)
cvMatchTemplate(image_ncc, template_image, result_ncc, CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED);
t2 = (double)cvGetTickCount();
timeCalc=(t2-t1)/((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1000. * 1000.0);
cout << " OpenCV matchtemplate using cross-correlation Valid: " << timeCalc << endl;


How to send cluster in separated node ros pcl

Hi i'm new in pointcloud library. I'm trying to show clustering result point on rviz or pcl viewer, and then show nothing. And i realize that my data show nothing too when i subcsribe and cout that. Hopefully can help my problem, thanks
This is my code for clustering and send node
void cloudReceive(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& inputMsg){
pcl::fromROSMsg(*inputMsg, *inputCloud);
pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr tree (new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
std::vector<pcl::PointIndices> cluster_indices;
pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction<pcl::PointXYZRGB> ec;
ec.setMinClusterSize(200);//min points
ec.setMaxClusterSize(1000);//max points
if(cluster_indices.size() > 0){
std::vector<pcl::PointIndices>::const_iterator it;
int i = 0;
for (it = cluster_indices.begin(); it != cluster_indices.end(); ++it){
if(i >= 10)
std::vector<int>::const_iterator idx_it;
for (idx_it = it->indices.begin(); idx_it != it->indices.end(); idx_it++)
cloud_cluster[i]->width = cloud_cluster[i]->points.size();
// cloud_cluster[i]->height = 1;
// cloud_cluster[i]->is_dense = true;
cout<<"PointCloud representing the Cluster: " << cloud_cluster[i]->points.size() << " data points"<<endl;
std::stringstream ss;
ss<<"cobaa_pipecom2_cluster_"<< i << ".pcd";
writer.write<pcl::PointXYZRGB> (ss.str(), *cloud_cluster[i], false);
pcl::toROSMsg(*cloud_cluster[i], outputMsg);
// cout<<"data = "<< outputMsg <<endl;
cloud_cluster[i]->header.frame_id = FRAME_ID;
// i++;
ROS_INFO_STREAM("0 clusters extracted\n");
And this one is the main
int main(int argc, char** argv){
for (int z = 0; z < 10; z++) {
// std::cout << " - clustering/" << z << std::endl;
cloud_cluster[z] = pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
cloud_cluster[z]->height = 1;
cloud_cluster[z]->is_dense = true;
// cloud_cluster[z]->header.frame_id = FRAME_ID;
ros::NodeHandlePtr nh(new ros::NodeHandle());
pclsub = nh->subscribe("/pclsegmen",1,cloudReceive);
std::string pub_str("clustering/0");
for (int z = 0; z < 10; z++) {
pub_str[11] = z + 48;//48=0(ASCII)
// z++;
pclpub[z] = nh->advertise <sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> (pub_str, 1);
// pclpub = nh->advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("/pclcluster",1);
This isn't an exact answer, but I think it addresses your issue & may ease your debugging.
RViz can directly subscribe to a published point cloud, the one I'm assuming you're trying to see in the cloud_receive callback. If you set the Frame to whichever frame it's being published at, and add it from the available topics, you should see the points. (Easier than trying to rebroadcast it as different topics).
Also, I recommend looking at the rostopic command line tool. You can do rostopic list to check if it's being published, rostopic bw to see if it's really publishing the expected volume of data (ex bytes vs kilobytes vs megabytes), rostopic hz to see how frequently (if ever) it's publishing, and (briefly) rostopic echo to look at the data itself. (This is me assuming from your question it's more an issue with the data coming into your node).
If you're having trouble, not with data coming into the node, nor with the visualization of pointcloud data in general, but with the transformed data that's supposed to come out of the node, I would check that the clustering worked, & reduce your code moreso to just having 1 publisher publish something. You may be doing something weird. Like messing up your pointers. You could also turn on stronger compilation warnings for your node with -Wall -Wextra -Werror or step through the execution of it via gdb (launch-prefix="xterm -e gdb --args").
The solution is, i change the ASCII number into lexical_cast. Thanks for your response, i hope this can help other
for (int z = 0; z < CLOUD_QTD; z++) {
// pub_str[11] = z + 48;
std::string topicName = "/pclcluster/" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(z);
global::pub[z] = n.advertise <sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> (topicName, 1);

OpenCV VideoCapture set function does not change frame rate FPS?

Good afternoon everybody,
In OpenCV I'm having trouble getting the VideoCapture's set function to change the frame rate. Here is my test program, using the "768x576.avi" test video file from the "C:\OpenCV-3.1.0\opencv\sources\samples\data" directory
// VideoCaptureSetTest.cpp
#include<conio.h> // it may be necessary to change or remove this line if not using Windows
int main() {
cv::VideoCapture capVideo;
cv::Mat imgFrame;"768x576.avi");
if (!capVideo.isOpened()) { // if unable to open video file
std::cout << "error reading video file" << std::endl << std::endl; // show error message
_getch(); // it may be necessary to change or remove this line if not using Windows
return(0); // and exit program
char chCheckForEscKey = 0;
double dblFPS = capVideo.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS);
std::cout << "1st time - dblFPS = " << dblFPS << "\n"; // this prints "10" to std out as expected
bool blnSetReturnValue = capVideo.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS, 5);
std::cout << "2nd time - dblFPS = " << dblFPS << "\n"; // this also prints "10", why not "5" as expected ??!!
std::cout << "blnSetReturnValue = " << blnSetReturnValue << std::endl; // this prints "0" (i.e. false)
while (chCheckForEscKey != 27) {;
if (imgFrame.empty()) break;
cv::imshow("imgFrame", imgFrame);
chCheckForEscKey = cv::waitKey(1);
I'm using a very standard setup here, OpenCV 3.1.0, Visual Studio 2015, Windows 10, and the .avi file I'm testing with is the one that ships with OpenCV.
No matter what I attempt to set the FPS to, it stays at 10 and the set function always returns false.
Yes, I'm aware of the hack fix of setting the cv::waitKey() parameter to a larger value to achieve a certain delay, but this would then be computer-dependent and I may need to run video on various computers in the future so this is not an option.
Am I doing something wrong? Is the VideoCapture::set function known to not work in some cases? Has anybody else experienced the same results? I checked the OpenCV issue tracker and did not find anything to this effect. Is this a bug I should raise a ticket for? Anybody else with some experience with this please advise.

Understanding StereoMatching in Point Cloud Library

Situation: I am trying to get point cloud with pcl::AdaptiveCostSOStereoMatching, which uses two rectified images (pics are ok).
I used these tutorials to learn how to do this:
First tutorial
Second tutorial
Error: programm crashes in runtime when calling "compute" method of AdaptiveCostSOStereoMatching
Question: how to correctly pass images to "compute" method?
I tried:
1) Images converted by png2pcd
(command line: "png2pcd.exe in.png out.pcd")
2) Images converted with function below from cv::Mat
But no luck.
Function which converts cv::Mat to pcl::PointCloud
void MatToPointCloud(Mat& mat, pcl::PointCloud<RGB>::Ptr cloud)
int width = mat.cols;
int height = mat.rows;
pcl::RGB val;
val.r = 0; val.g = 0; val.b = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mat.cols; j++)
auto point =<Vec3b>(i, j);
//std::cout << j << " " << i << "\n";
val.b = point[0];
val.g = point[1];
val.r = point[2];
cloud->at(j, i) = val;
pcl::AdaptiveCostSOStereoMatching (compute)
// Input
Mat leftMat, rightMat;
leftMat = imread("left.png");
rightMat = imread("right.png");
int width = leftMat.cols;
int height = rightMat.rows;
pcl::RGB val;
val.r = 0; val.g = 0; val.b = 0;
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::RGB>::Ptr left_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::RGB>(width, height, val));
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::RGB>::Ptr right_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::RGB>(width, height, val));
MatToPointCloud(leftMat, left_cloud);
MatToPointCloud(rightMat, right_cloud);
// Calculation
pcl::AdaptiveCostSOStereoMatching stereo;
//stereo.setXOffest(0); Почему-то не распознается
stereo.compute(*left_cloud, *right_cloud); // <-- CRASHING THERE
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr out_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
stereo.getPointCloud(318.11220, 224.334900, 368.534700, 0.8387445, out_cloud, left_cloud);
Error information:
Output log: HEAP[App.exe]:
Heap block at 0000006B0F828460 modified at 0000006B0F8284A8 past requested size of 38
App.exe has triggered a breakpoint.
left_cloud (a right cloud looks like left_cloud)
Mini question: if AdaptiveCostSOStereoMatching really allows build point cloud from 2 images, how ACSSM doing this without insintric and excentic parameters?
Problem: I downloaded and installed old version of PCL without stereo.
After that, I downloaded stereo from other PCL pack and add this library to my PCL pack. And it worked incorrectly.
Solution: I compilled PCL 1.8 and my programm is ok now.
OS: Windows
IDE: MSVS 12 2013 x64
If you will try to compile PCL, these links can help you:
Good help with FLANN and VTK
Example to verify installation

OpenCV3.0 gold imread function doesn't work with absolute path on Ubuntu14.04

I use imread function by OpenCV3.0 gold on Ubuntu 14.04, and followed the web to installed OpenCV3.0 But the imread function dosen't work with absolute path.It can work like imread("a.jpg"),but not imread("\home\a\a.jpg") .I want to use the function to read image sequence.Here is my code:
char filename1[200];
char filename2[200];
sprintf(filename1, "/home/image_2/%06d.png", 0);
sprintf(filename2, "/home/image_2/%06d.png", 1);
//read the first two frames from the dataset
Mat img_1_c = imread(filename1);
Mat img_2_c = imread(filename2);
if ( ! || ! ) {
std::cout<< " --(!) Error reading images " << std::endl; return -1;
There are images in folder a,like 000000.png .When I run it ,it says"--(!) Error reading images".Can someone help me ?Thank you.

How do I get the RGB values of an Image?

I am taking a computer graphics class, and I need to work with textures, but I can't use any library to do it. I am stuck on loading the rgb values of the images I need to use (the images can be in any format, jpg, raw, png, etc..) so my question is, which is the easiest way to get the rgb values of an image (of any format) without using any libraries to get this values?? Here is what I found already on the site:
unsigned char *data;
File *file;
file = fopen("image.png", "r");//
data = (unsigned char *)malloc(TH*TV*3); //TH and TV are both 50
fread(data, TH*TV*3, 1, file);
int i;
//suposing I have a struct RGB for the rgb values
RGB.r = data[?];// how do I get the r value
RGB.g = data[?];// how do I get the g value
RGB.b = data[?];// how do I get the b value
Rather than iterating through every byte that you read in, you want to iterate every pixel which consists of 3 bytes. So replace i++ with i+=3.
RGB.r = data[i];
RGB.g = data[i+1];
RGB.b = data[i+2];
Try to use some framework like OpenCV there are several options to get the colors or to manipulate an image.
Here I found this example code:
cv::Mat img = cv::imread("lenna.png");
for(int i=0; i<img.rows; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<img.cols; j++) {
// You can now access the pixel value with cv::Vec3b
std::cout <<<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[0] << " ";
str::cout <<<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[1] << " ";
str::cout <<<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[2] << std::endl;
But please note that the code above is not very performance, but the code above should give you an idea how to read the pixels.
