Passing POCOs or EF objects to the Web project? -

Say I have a Visual studio solution with two projects: one web project, and one data project.
Does it really matter whether I pass the EF object from the data project to the web project, or do I need to explicitly define POCOs in the data project to pass to the web project?
It seems to me that needing to create POCOs instead of simply using EF objects adds yet another thing that needs to be done...and I don't particularly see the purpose.

If you're using Entity Framework 4, the EF objects are POCO objects, and so should be used in any situation where your Model matches your EF object (CRUD operations are the typical ones). However there will more than likely be situations whereby the standard POCO object doesn't encapsulate all of the fields that are needed for a View Model (typical ones I have this with are account pages where you have two password fields) and so you will need to create a Model for the page, which then passes the data into your EF POCO objects.
So if you're using DbContext (which creates POCO objects for you) there is no reason not to use those objects.

It's not a good practice to pass the EF objects directly to the web project. As the state changes occurring in the EF objects can directly reflect on the database. Because of this you should explicitly define POC objects for web project.(we can call this as Data Model or simply Model. The POC object used for retrieving data from the View can be called as View Model. In appropriate situations you can use the same POCO class as a Data Model as well a View Model)


Repositories calling existing stored procedures

Let's say I am developing a few ASP.NET MVC applications working with data in an existing database just over by stored procedures, no and never linq to entities or anything else. That database contains lots of schemas and all my web applications needs the different schemas as well.
Here is my point:
I have a x.Model project in my solution that contains my ADO.NET Entity Model to create return types for all of my stored procedures in my existing db.
I have x.Repository.y projects in my solution where y is the schema name in the database. These projects contains classes having functions to call the stored procedures from the appropriate schema by ADO.NET Entity Model's context. So I have to have reference of x.Model in these repository projects.
And I have ASP.NET MVC projects that uses the necessary injected repositories from x.Repository.y projects. I use some of these return types of stored procedures as models in my views, so I need a reference to x.Model project too. But in that case this reference gives all the context to client web applications. I don't want my whole or partial db entities is reachable in my web applications. I just want them to know about necessary repository classes.
Is it possible? How can I do that?
If I remove x.Model project and create the ADO.NET Entity Models containing just the appropriate schemas stored procedures in my x.Repository.y projects then the referencing web applications again knows about this schema's whole db entities.
Thanks in advance,
Maybe, better way to use Model First or Code First approach. So, you can describe pure (without references to DbContext and other Data classes) entities. Then, create mapping in x.Repository project. And referene your Model to ASP.NET MVC site. So, you will have only entities and repositories but mapping and DbContext will be hidden inside one reference (you can mark mapping classes as internal). mvc with entity framework database first domain model validations

I'm Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Application project, and I'm using Entity Framework Database First Approach, So I would like to make validations on generated model classes, I know if i make validations on them directly, then my model validations will be overwritten every time my domain models are regenerated.
So I made a research, and found two approaches to use for this scenario:
1- Using buddy classes (How to add validation to my POCO(template) classes).
2- Using ViewModels and Auto-mapping them to my Entities (Designing an MVC repository using ViewModels
I see some sort of redundant code in these two methods, so, my question is:
Which one of the two approaches is best to flow?
1) This is the correct solution for adding validation metadata for the Entity Framework objects. The validation will be triggered automatically by EF before calling SaveChanges()
2) This is an aproach for creating Data Transfer Objects from your EF objects. You normally do this when you want to return the objects to the client (like in JSON format) - and you don't want to expose all the EF specific properties (like navigation properties, primary keys etc)

Manually loading associations in EF model

I need to use parameterized table-valued functions to retrieve the data for an association (the TVFs abstract the actual database tables), but would like to use all the good stuff provided by the EF. So looking at the generated Navigation Property code from the EDMX, I see that the RelationshipManager wraps the population etc. of the association.
So my question: can I retrieve the results I need from the DB (via the TVFs) and attach them to the context before the generated calls to the RelationshipManager, and also stop the RM itself from accessing the database?
EF4 does not support TVF. TVFs are available only in .NET 4.5 where you can use them in Linq-to-entities queries. .NET 4.5 also by default uses POCO entities which are now strongly recommended where RelationshipManager is not used inside the entity (except dynamic proxies for lazy loading).

MVC3 remote validation on an entity from a refrenced assembly?

If I have an entity class defined in a separate assembly (like from Entity Framework), is it possible to add remote validation to a property?
If the class were defined in my MVC project I would simply add a Remote attribute to the property, but I can't do that when the class is defined in a separate assembly. I do have other data annotations defined in my EF project, but it doesn't make any sense to add a Remote annotation there.
I can probably just add the jquery validation rule to my view by hand, but I'd like to know if there's a way to let the MVC framework do it for me.
Every example I've found on the web assumes you're using an entity defined in your MVC project where it's easy to add remote validation. Is it a mistake to use my EF entities as my model classes in my views? It seems like a waste of effort to make new entities with all the same properties, and all the same data annotations as my EF classes, and have to translate back and forth between the two.
You can use ViewModels in your MVC project and add the remote attribute to your models there or if you are using entities in another assembly why can't you add the remote attribute to properties of those entities? I am not sure I see why it doesn't make sense to do that.
This is definitely a case for a separate view model class. If you want ASP.NET MVC specific features and entities in a separate assembly in the same time you must use a view model. To simplify mapping between the entity and the view model you can use AutoMapper.

Business Entities, Data Access Layer - Circular Reference

I am new to EF4 and are trying to follow the guidance as best I can, so I have choosen to go down the POCO route and have put the POCO classes in there own project. I have added repository classes in the DataAccess project and off course the DataAccess project reference the POCO project.
I am currently adding business functionality to the POCO classes and hit a snag where a particular method on one of the POCO objects creates a bunch of other POCO objects, which is cool. BUT, the POCO objects that it creates are already in the database so know I need my BusinessEntity project to reference the DataAccess project which of course is creating a circular reference.
Any guidance in this space would be much appreciated.
Hopefully I'm not misunderstanding your issue, but it kind of sounds like you may want to go with a DTO (Data Transfer Objects) type route. I am new to EF myself but am currently working on an EF, WCF, WinForms project. I have contract objects for my WCF service that I use to send data back to the client. I map properties from my EF Entities to my DTO objects in my business layer. I use DTOs because my client does not need all the properties of the EF Entity. Try this link. I found some really good stuff regarding project structure. Hope this helps.
