Some approach to work with big data cases -

At the company that I work we have some problems with performance loading the data of database.
Our ERP works with a big database and we need to make some complex queries.
We are using C# following the DDD pattern and in the front-end we are using ASP.NET MVC.
The example that I'm talking is that:
We have alot of lists (grids) in the system where the data is loaded by ajax. But everytime that a user enter in some page like that (an html page), we need to make a query in the database.
Its important to say that this data aren't only for "query". This data is constantly changed by the users.
My doubt is if you have any sugestion to how we can minimize this problem. I already have searching some solutions of cache in the server side, but I don't have any experience working with cache in high complex scenarios.
Very thanks,
Renan Cunha.


angularjs and ASP.NET MVC : best strategy for clientside models

I'm currently looking into client side model binding to HTML templates especially with angularjs. I was wondering what the best strategy is for retrieving clientside viewmodels from the server, e.g. a viewmodel containing not only the data for editing but also the data for select lists or drop down lists etc..
As I see it , one has several options
retrieve one viewmodel from the server using e.g. web api, containing ALL the data needed for the view model
render a client side viewmodel to javascript inside the server side html
retrieve data for the viewmodel using multiple web api calls, e.g one for the main data to be edited, and one for each additional data (select lists)
I didn't encounter many examples for option 1 as it seems that web api is used mostly for crud operations returning specific data for one type of object e.g. Person or Order
option 2 conforms to the practice of server side view models with mvc but I have not seen many examples using this technique in combination with angularjs
option 3 looks clean if one considers seperation of concerns, but has the disadvantage of multiple smaller ajax requests.
Could you share your thoughts and experiences ?
Personally, I use option #3. The app would make requests to "prepare the editor", such as populating dropdown lists, and requests to fetch the data you want to edit (or, if you are creating a new object, any default initial values). I think this separates concerns better than option #1, which ties together "model" data and "support" data.
But as you pointed out, this does make extra calls, and, if they are very numerous, can noticeably slow down the page. (or increase complexity; on a big form with lots of dependent fields, ordering may become important).
What I usually do is have the server provide a "combined" api (e.g. /editor/prepare-all) while also providing small pieces (e.g. /editor/prepare-dropdown-1, /editor/prepare-dropdown-2). When your editor loads, you use the combined one; if there are dependencies between fields, you can request only the data for the dependent fields (e.g. /editor/prepare-dropdown-2?dropdown1-value=123). I believe this has little impact on the server's complexity.
I would agree with st. never and have definitely used option #3 and I think combining $resource and Web API would be a perfect RAD combination. However, I've also worked on very complex screens where I've wanted sub-second response times so I've resorted to optimise the entire development 'column' - I develop using SQL Server as my backend database so I've used it's native support for XML to return structured XML from a stored procedure which I then serialise into a .Net Model (POCO) which I then pass to a Json serialiser for transfer to the browser. I might have some extra business processing to perform against the POCO but this still leads to a very simple code structure to transfer a fairly complex structure of data. Typically it's also very fast because I've made one call to the database and monitoring and optimising one stored procedure is very simple.

how to implement pagination correctly?

I am currently working on an MVC4 application that accesses a set of wcf services which delivers content.
I have a page that lists products. This page has a pagination feature called infinite scrolling, so as you scroll down the page, products are loaded.
I am wondering what is the best way to achieve such a pagination feature. The data source is sql server. Options as I see it are:
Paginate at the sql server 2012 layer - returning only the required recordset and feed it back up the stack through wcf and in to the MVC application to display
As option 1 but also include caching at the WCF layer so that the recordset is cached long term. This will mean though that a number recordsets will be stored in cache instead of one large one
Cache all the data, and paginate the cached items, returning the subset from the WCF services cached data
Note: I am using for caching.
So I am looking for feedback as to the best practice for this.
How big is your possible dataset? That I think would be the concern with caching, if it's feasible to hold it all in memory, then do option 3, I don't see the point of option 2, as if you cache for long term, you will most likely get to caching everything anyway. If you want to implement #2, I would cache for a short period of time (the timeframe would depend on how busy the site is).
When i tried this for test purposes i followed this guide:
I dont know if it's the best way of implementing infinite scroll but it's at least a proof of concept.

Rails MVC concept in practice

I am not actually asking a question but rather an suggestion(or recommendation) on how to write code to fit nicely into Rails MVC pattern. Hope rails veteran or anyone familiar with MVC can give me some feedbacks.
I have an web app that talks to a RESTful api app via ActiveResource. It can fetch and update contents using API calls. It works perfectly. However, the web app does not have any models. The way it works is when user triggers an action(index,view,edit etc), the controller will directly call the REST api to fetch/update data.
My question is: Is it a good practice to do it this way or should I create models and populate data in there instead of directly calling the api? I was wondering if it is just a pragmatic compromise to MVC. I have just started working with Rails(and MVC) so I am open to any ideas, comments or recommendations on this
It's a bit of a catch-22 question. (I did wrote a huge answer but then deleted because it will be too tedious to read)
If you mean, can you implement the MVC pattern without a model, then the answer is no. The M means Model.
If they mean, can you use the MVC without using a model, then the answer is "yes", but it is no longer MVC, you have obliterated the the M i.e. Model.
I would recommend you to read MVC pattern in detail and then try to understand what your application actually trying to do. is a very good place if you want to understand the design patterns.
A model is an object representing data or even activity, e.g. a
database table or even some plant-floor production-machine process.
A view is some form of visualization of the state of the model.
A controller offers facilities to change the state of the model.
Now in your case (it seems): you do have a data coming through via api so I would suggest populate the model properties and propagate it across.
Also Considering Pragmatic Compromise in MVC Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations. Omitting the use of Model in MVC do-not sound like a good idea, and it no longer remains MVC.
Having said that It seems from your point of view you are trying to say that Rails isn't necessarily strictly MVC hence why not use the way you want to :) but I will suggest to keep the integrity of MVC (and follow the purist approach).
Good read: jeff Atwoods: (Feel free to skip the part)
sums it all :) source is mentioned above.
"The model consists of application data and business rules" (wikipedia)
A model is essentially a table in your database locally.
If you're not storing any data, not validating any data, then you don't need a model.
If you want to clean up your code, maybe put some functions in a helper or in /lib

ASP.NET MVC - what's the equivalent of ViewState

I have an existing web-forms website that runs on a web-farm (multiple web servers, each request is NON-sticky).
One of the tasks is to retrieve a lot of data from a 3rd party webservice. This is an expensive process (in terms of time taken to respond). The optimal solution has been to initially grab all the data and stick it in the page's ViewState (as a List<Product>. We then have a grid that allows us to page through this list of products. For each request for the next page we don't have to re-visit the slow web service because we've already cached the data in the ViewState.
So, how would I accomplish this using MVC? If I were using classic ASP, I would serialize the list and hold it in a hidden field in the form.
But what is the preferred approach when using MVC? As mentioned, I'm using non-sticky sessions so can't rely upon caching on the server.
If I am to hold it in a hidden-field, then is it sensible to compress the data first (zip) to reduce the size of the page? Again, what's "best practice" here?
Many thanks for any/all advice
PS - I know there are similar posts out there (e.g. ASP.NET MVC and ViewState), but they don't quite provide the detail I require.
Caching, in my humble opinion, is the best way to deal with this; hit the webservice, cache the data, and use that for each subsequent request.
It is possible to share a cache across many web servers. The default behaviour is to hold it InProcess, but this is by no means fixed and can be configured to store it in a remote InProc cache, a database, or any other method of semi-persistant storage. AzureAppFabric caching comes to mind.
Second to that, as you mentioned is to dump all the data in a hidden field, but I dont like this idea for a number of reasons
Page bloat - you're submitting this data every time the page is changed
Lost data - you must submit a form for every navigation, forgetting to do this means loosing your data
To name 2.
Your strategy should depend on how volatile the data retrieved from the 3rd party service is going to be and how expensive it is to call it.
Volatile and expensive. I would go down the road of caching the data in a distributed cache such as Appfabric Velocity, or Memcached.
Non-Volatile and expensive. Cache a copy of it in memory on each server node.
Cheap. Hit the call every time you need it. Don't bother caching.
If the data set returned from the service is large, I would not pass this up and down every time you page through your grid data. Only retrieve the data for the current page and render it in your grid. Telerik have a good implementation for this or you could try and roll your own.

Combining Ruby on Rails and Backbone

I was wondering this for quite a while and haven't really found an answer for this yet.
Why would you use Backbone.js exaclty inside a Rails application? Is it to extend functionality, have a more MVC pattern for your JS, build better API's...?
At the moment I can't see a reason why you would want to use it for something, because I don't think I understand the concept of Backbone.js
The big advantage of rails is that you have one platform and one language that you use that will handle the server-code and can generate the client-code (using the views).
Undoubtedly this theoretical advantage quickly starts slipping once you want to improve your user-experience with javascript and jquery. So actually you still have to learn two languages.
But still: all your models, business-rules, ... is handled on the server-side in Ruby. This also means that the server always has to be reachable.
What a javacript/client MVC (like Backbone.js, Sproutcore, ...) can offer you is a more native application feel. A single web-page application, like e.g. Gmail.
Depending on your requirements there are some very valid use-cases for such a platform. E.g. in places or devices with low connectivity it could be very useful (with HTML5) to have a web-application that does not need to be "online" all the time. It could save data and edits to the local storage and sync back to the server/database when the device is back online.
But, there is a big disadvantage when developing client MVC applications in combination with Rails: you will have to do some double development (it is the same when you are using flex/silverlight). Your models will need to be defined both on the server and on the client. I can imagine that some improvements could be made, like on the client MVC you are actually using presenter-classes, which on the server-side could be stored in different models/tables. But still there will be duplication of logic, models, ...
So that's why I think that for most applications, at the moment, it is not wise to switch to some client MVC framework. It will be a lot more work.
But when you do need the look and feel of a real native application, or a one-page-web application, then a javascript client MVC framework is the way to go. And if you do need a client MVC framework, I would propose Sproutcore.
To simply ajaxify your current rails application (reduces load-time of every single page), take a look at pjax-rails.
(better late than never - hope this is useful to someone)
The description on backbonejs's website seems like a lot of words thrown together without much meaning. There is a big hype around it but what's all the fuss about?
The premise behind backbone is that modern day, single page web apps (think gmail) quickly become a very complex interaction between syncing dom elements, UI events and the backend. You could easily find yourself storing data within the dom elements, and then having to somehow extract the data again to update the database. If you don't structure your code very carefully, you'll quickly end up with spaghetti code full of complex bindings, or code without backbone.
Using backbone's models, collections and views gives you a well thought out structure to work within, allowing you to build large apps without being overwhelmed by their complexity. What's more, it ties in beautifully with a restful backend.
