Parsing response.getEntity(String.class) string to xml with DocumentHelper.parseText() in dom4j - xml-parsing

dom4j has no trouble doing
String text = "<person> <name>James</name> </person>";
Document document = DocumentHelper.parseText(text);
What I need is this
String text = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>"+
"<person> <name>James</name> </person>";
Document document = DocumentHelper.parseText(text);
But it throws an exception.
org.dom4j.DocumentException: Error on line 1 of document : parsing initialization error: org.gjt.xpp.XmlPullParserException: only whitespace content allowed outside root element at line 1 and column 1 seen

I find the problem. The before line below is the one that fails. The after line works.
Document output = DocumentHelper.parseText(response.getEntity(String.class));
Document output = DocumentHelper.parseText(response.getEntity(String.class).trim());


MaxentVariableSelection Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, : no lines available in input

I'm trying to run VariableSelection function in MaxentVariableSelection but stuck with the error saying
Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, :
no lines available in input
Here is the code I am using,
Any idea to solve this, please?

Saxonica - .NET API - XQuery - XPDY0002: The context item for axis step root/descendant::xxx is absent

I'm getting same error as this question, but with XQuery:
SaxonApiException: The context item for axis step ./CLIENT is absent
When running from the command line, all is good. So I don't think there is a syntax problem with the XQuery itself. I won't post the input file unless needed.
The XQuery is displayed with a Console.WriteLine before the error appears:
----- Start: XQUERY:
(: FLWOR = For Let Where Order-by Return :)
for $flightLeg in //FlightLeg
where $flightLeg/DepartureAirport = 'OKC' or $flightLeg/ArrivalAirport = 'OKC'
order by $flightLeg/ArrivalDate[1] descending
return $flightLeg
----- End : XQUERY:
Error evaluating (<MyFlightLegs {for $flightLeg in root/descendant::FlightLeg[DepartureAirport = "OKC" or ArrivalAirport = "OKC"] ... return $flightLeg}/>) on line 4 column 20
XPDY0002: The context item for axis step root/descendant::FlightLeg is absent
I think that like the other question, maybe my input XML file is not properly specified.
I took the samples/cs/ExamplesHE.cs run method of the XQuerytoStream class.
Code there for easy reference is:
public class XQueryToStream : Example
public override string testName
get { return "XQueryToStream"; }
public override void run(Uri samplesDir)
Processor processor = new Processor();
XQueryCompiler compiler = processor.NewXQueryCompiler();
compiler.BaseUri = samplesDir.ToString();
compiler.DeclareNamespace("saxon", "");
XQueryExecutable exp = compiler.Compile("<saxon:example>{static-base-uri()}</saxon:example>");
XQueryEvaluator eval = exp.Load();
Serializer qout = processor.NewSerializer();
qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.METHOD, "xml");
qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "yes");
qout.SetOutputStream(new FileStream("testoutput.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
Console.WriteLine("Output written to testoutput.xml");
I changed to pass the Xquery file name, the xml file name, and the output file name, and tried to make a static method out of it. (Had success doing the same with the XSLT processor.)
static void DemoXQuery(string xmlInputFilename, string xqueryInputFilename, string outFilename)
// Create a Processor instance.
Processor processor = new Processor();
// Load the source document
DocumentBuilder loader = processor.NewDocumentBuilder();
loader.BaseUri = new Uri(xmlInputFilename);
XdmNode indoc = loader.Build(loader.BaseUri);
XQueryCompiler compiler = processor.NewXQueryCompiler();
//BaseUri is inconsistent with Transform= Processor?
//compiler.BaseUri = new Uri(xqueryInputFilename);
//compiler.DeclareNamespace("saxon", "");
string xqueryFileContents = File.ReadAllText(xqueryInputFilename);
Console.WriteLine("----- Start: XQUERY:");
Console.WriteLine("----- End : XQUERY:");
XQueryExecutable exp = compiler.Compile(xqueryFileContents);
XQueryEvaluator eval = exp.Load();
Serializer qout = processor.NewSerializer();
qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.METHOD, "xml");
qout.SetOutputProperty(Serializer.INDENT, "yes");
qout.SetOutputStream(new FileStream(outFilename,
FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
Also two questions regarding "BaseURI".
1. Should it be a directory name, or can it be same as the Xquery file name?
2. I get this compile error: "Cannot implicity convert to "System.Uri" to "String".
compiler.BaseUri = new Uri(xqueryInputFilename);
It's exactly the same thing I did for XSLT which worked. But it looks like BaseUri is a string for XQuery, but a real Uri object for XSLT? Any reason for the difference?
You seem to be asking a whole series of separate questions, which are hard to disentangle.
Your C# code appears to be compiling the query
which bears no relationship to the XQuery code you supplied that involves MyFlightLegs.
The MyFlightLegs query uses //FlightLeg and is clearly designed to run against a source document containing a FlightLeg element, but your C# code makes no attempt to supply such a document. You need to add an eval.ContextItem = value statement.
Your second C# fragment creates an input document in the line
XdmNode indoc = loader.Build(loader.BaseUri);
but it doesn't supply it to the query evaluator.
A base URI can be either a directory or a file; resolving relative.xml against file:///my/dir/ gives exactly the same result as resolving it against file:///my/dir/query.xq. By convention, though, the static base URI of the query is the URI of the resource (eg file) containing the source query text.
Yes, there's a lot of inconsistency in the use of strings versus URI objects in the API design. (There's also inconsistency about the spelling of BaseURI versus BaseUri.) Sorry about that; you're just going to have to live with it.
Bottom line solution based on Michael Kay's response; I added this line of code after doing the exp.Load():
eval.ContextItem = indoc;
The indoc object created earlier is what relates to the XML input file to be processed by the XQuery.

Aspose: Text after Ampersand(&) not seen while setting the page header

I encountered a problem with setting the page header text containing ampersand like ‘a&b’. The text after ‘&’ disappears in the pdf maybe because it is the reserved key in Aspose. My code looks like this:
PageSetup pageSetup = workbook.getWorksheets().get(worksheetName).getPageSetup();
//calling the function
setHeaderFooter(pageSetup, parameters, criteria)
//function for setting header and footer
def setHeaderFooter(PageSetup pageSetup, parameters, criteria = [:])
def selectedLoa=getSelectedLoa(parameters)
String firstLine = selectedLoa.substring(0,110);
String secondLine = selectedLoa.substring(110);
secondLine = secondLine.substring(0,122)+"...."
selectedLoa = firstLine+"\n"+secondLine.trim();
def periodInfo=getPeriodInfo(parameters, criteria)
def reportingInfo=periodInfo[0]
def comparisonInfo=periodInfo[1]
def benchmarkName=getBenchmark(parameters)
def isNonComparison = criteria.isNonComparison?
def footerInfo="&BReporting Period:&B " + reportingInfo+"\n"
if (comparisonInfo && !isNonComparison){
footerInfo=footerInfo+"&BComparison Period:&B " +comparisonInfo+"\n"
if (benchmarkName){
footerInfo+="&BBenchmark:&B "+benchmarkName
//where I encounterd the issue,selectedLoa contains string with ampersand
pageSetup.setHeader(0, pageSetup.getHeader(0) + "\n&\"Lucida Sans,Regular\"&8&K02-074&BPopulation:&B "+selectedLoa)
//Insertion of footer
pageSetup.setFooter(0,"&\"Lucida Sans,Regular\"&8&K02-074"+footerInfo)
def downloadDate = new Date().format("MMMM dd, yyyy")
pageSetup.setFooter(2,"&\"Lucida Sans,Regular\"&8&K02-074" + downloadDate)
//Insertion of logo
def bucketName = parameters.containsKey('printedRLBucketName')?parameters.get('printedRLBucketName'):null
def filePath = parameters.containsKey('printedReportLogo')?parameters.get('printedReportLogo'): null
// Declaring a byte array
byte[] binaryData
if(!filePath || filePath.contains("null") || filePath.endsWith("null")){
filePath = root+"/images/defaultExportLogo.png"
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File(filePath))
binaryData = is.getBytes()
}else {
AmazonS3Client s3client = amazonClientService.getAmazonS3Client()
S3Object object = s3client.getObject(bucketName, filePath)
// Getting the bytes out of input stream of S3 object
binaryData = object.getObjectContent().getBytes()
// Setting the logo/picture in the right section (2) of the page header
pageSetup.setHeaderPicture(2, binaryData);
// Setting the script for the logo/picture
pageSetup.setHeader(2, "&G");
// Scaling the picture to correct size
Picture pic = pageSetup.getPicture(true, 2);
pic.setWidth(Math.abs(pic.getWidth() * (pic.getHeightScale() / 100)).intValue());
}catch (Exception e){
In this case, I get only ‘a’ in the pdf header all other text after ampersand gets disappeared. Please suggest me with a solution for this. I am using aspose 18.2
We have added header on a PDF page with below code snippet but we did not notice any problem when ampersand sign is included in header text.
// open document
Document document = new Document(dataDir + "input.pdf");
// create text stamp
TextStamp textStamp = new TextStamp("a&bcdefg");
// set properties of the stamp
// set text properties
textStamp.getTextState().setFont(new FontRepository().findFont("Arial"));
// iterate through all pages of PDF file
for (int Page_counter = 1; Page_counter <= document.getPages().size(); Page_counter++) {
// add stamp to all pages of PDF file
// save output document + "TextStamp_18.8.pdf");
Please ensure using Aspose.PDF for Java 18.8 in your environment. For further information on adding page header, you may visit Add Text Stamp in the Header or Footer section.
In case you face any problem while adding header, then please share your code snippet and generated PDF document with us via Google Drive, Dropbox etc. so that we may investigate it to help you out.
PS: I work with Aspose as Developer Evangelist.
Well, yes, "&" is a reserved word when inserting headers/footers in MS Excel spreadsheet via Aspose.Cells APIs. To cope with your issue, you got to place another ampersand to paste the "& (ampersand)" in the header string. See the sample code for your reference:
Sample code:
Workbook wb = new Workbook();
Worksheet ws = wb.getWorksheets().get(0);
String headerText="a&&bcdefg";
PageSetup pageSetup = ws.getPageSetup();
pageSetup.setHeader(0, headerText);"f:\\files\\out1.xlsx");"f:\\files\\out2.pdf");
Hope this helps a bit.
I am working as Support developer/ Evangelist at Aspose.

Reading File Path to a Variable

I want to use the variable that I passed to a function which contains a file path. However, I don't get it working.
For example, I have a path like "/samba-test/log_gen/log_gen/log_generator" and when I read this path to a variable it doesn't work as expected. Please refer to my explaination in the code. My comments
are tagged with the string "VENK" . Any help would be appreciated.
/* caller */
config_path = "/samba-test/log_gen/log_gen/log_generator"
def ReadWrite_Timeline(lp_readpath, lp_filterlist):
current_parent_path = lp_readpath
current_search_list = lp_filterlist
print(current_parent_path) >>>>>> VENK - PATH prints fine here as expected <<<<<<<<.
strings_1 = ("2e88422c-4b61-41d7-9cf9-4650edaa4e56", "2017-11-27 16:1")
for index in range(0,3):
print (current_search_list[index])
#outputfile = open(wrsReportFileName, "a")
for ext in filext:
print("Current_Parent_Path",current_parent_path ) <<<<<<VENK - Prints as Expected ""
#VENK - The above line prints as ('Current_Parent_Path', '/samba-test/log_gen/log_gen/log_generator') which is expected
#The actual files are inside the 'varlog' where the 'varlog' folder is inside '/samba-test/log_gen/log_gen/log_generator'
#possible problematic line below.
varlogpath = "(current_parent_path/varlog)/*"+ext >>>>>>>>>>> VENK- Unable to find the files if given in this format <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
print("varlogpath",varlogpath) >>>>>>>>>>>> VENK- varlogpath doesn't print as expected <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#VENK - The above line prints as ('varlogpath', 'current_parent_path/varlog/*.txt') which I feel is problematic.
#VENK - If I give the absolute path as below it works fine
#varlogpath = "/samba-test/log_gen/log_gen/log_generator/varlog/*"+ext
files = glob.glob(varlogpath)
for file in files:
fname_varlog = open(file, 'r')
for line in fname_varlog:
#if any(s in line for s in strings):
#s1 searches the mandatory arguments
#s2 searches the optional arguments
if all(s1 in line for s1 in strings_1):
#if all(s1 in line for s1 in strings_1) or all(s2 in line for s2 in strings_2):
#print (file, end="")
outputfile.write("10.[##### Summary of the Issue #####] -- Enter Data Manually \n")
#print (ext)
A path join to the variable 'current_parent_path' helped to resolve the problem (like below).
varlogpath = os.path.join(current_parent_path, "*"+ext)

How can I efficiently parse formatted text from a file in Qt?

I would like to get efficient way of working with Strings in Qt. Since I am new in Qt environment.
So What I am doing:
I am loading a text file, and getting each lines.
Each line has text with comma separated.
Line schema:
Fname{limit:list:option}, Lname{limit:list:option} ... etc.
John{0:0:0}, Lname{0:0:0}
Notes:limit can be 1 or 0 and the same as others.
So I would like to get Fname and get limit,list,option values from {}.
I am thinking to write a code with find { and takes what is inside, by reading symbol by symbol.
What is the efficient way to parse that?
The following snippet will give you Fname and limit,list,option from the first set of brackets. It could be easily updated if you are interested in the Lname set as well.
QFile file("input.txt");
if (! | QIODevice::Text))
qDebug() << "Failed to open input file.";
QRegularExpression re("(?<name>\\w+)\\{(?<limit>[0-1]):(?<list>[0-1]):(?<option>[0-1])}");
while (!file.atEnd())
QString line = file.readLine();
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match(line);
QString name = match.captured("name");
int limit = match.captured("limit").toInt();
int list = match.captured("list").toInt();
int option = match.captured("option").toInt();
// Do something with values ...
