Way to perform white labelling of IOS application - ios

My application is already on apple store, now I want to perform while labeling on that application. How can i do it.I have an idea that by creating different target with different app ID,I can achieve this but want to know the whole process in detail.Is white labeling is allowed by app store? After applying while labeling can I upload my multiple application with different app id?Is app store approve it?

No, Apple won't support automatic white labeling of APP thru API.


Is it possible to publish an app containing only a WebView on Appstore?

I want to make an app that will basically load an e-commerce site(Made by me). Is there any possibility to get rejected from the apple review team?
I've seen countless webview apps get published on the App Store. If you provide enough value to your potential users and customers, your app has high changes of getting on the App Store. (But your store should have a top mobile-optimized UI!)
If you want to increase your chances, you use a service like Gonative.io to add even more custom native features (tab bar, side bar, Biometrics etc.)
As stated in App Store review guidelines
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website.
So answer is yes.

Possible to have more than one app clip per app?

Say I want to build an app clip for my curbside pickup feature.
Is it possible to have another app clip for an unrelated in-store experience?
I can build both targets and run them just fine in Xcode, but when it comes to publishing, is this a possibility?
You can only have one App Clip target when you upload your binary to App Store Connect, however you can configure multiple App Clip Experiences within the one App Clip.
From the Apple documentation:
Some apps provide multiple experiences and App Clips can be configured to support each of them in a special way. For example, a restaurant app may support multiple restaurants. App Clips make it possible to create a unique experience for each restaurant through a single App Clip.
In your example, you could instead create separate schemes for your curbside pickup feature and unrelated in-store experience, both targeting your single App Clip target. Each scheme can specify its own Environment Variable for _XCAppClipURL so that you can test different invocations of your App Clip.
No. Only One App Clip per App.
You can use other experiences for that unrelated experience

iOS - what is involved in creating an entitlements enabled, "white label" iOS apps?

I'm currently exploring my options for offering the same app to multiple clients with different icons,name, etc.
The app uses push notifications through Parse.com. What steps are involved in creating a new "white label" iOS app from the same xCode project?
Create unique App IDs for each client?
Create new development/distribution profiles for each client?
Create a new xCode target for each client?
Register new app in Parse.com for each client?
Specify unique parse API keys for each target?
Create an App store entry for each white label app?
Write sales copy, upload screenshots?
Update X number of white label apps each time the app is updated?
I know that Apple offers "secret" APIs to developers that make money for Apple, has anyone heard of an easier way to white label a profitable app?
Yes, create multiple targets inside your project with distinct app IDs, and all of your versions can use the same shared code, with some sort of way to distinguish color schemes/themes/media for each version - I've created otherwise identical plists for each "flavor" with the same keys but different values identifying things like titles, image filenames, etc.
You'll need to create a unique APNS certificates for each as each cert is tied to a single app ID (I believe). Otherwise, your list is pretty good.
Been looking into this question and found the following on the Apple website:
The intent, it appears, is for ISVs to privately distribute custom (or customized) apps to enterprise customers. I doubt this program existed when #AlexStone asked his question. But the question is still highly relevant and, hopefully, Apple has a better answer for us now. Which leaves Android ...

iOS app, identical functionality and codebase, different UI

I have a situation where the app functionality required is identical for a number of clients. The clients, for marketing purposes, wish to have the app completely rebranded in their own respective company colors - which means different launch icon, display name, skins etc.
From a code perspective, this is fairly easy to handle, but from an App Store perspective, I am a little uncertain about whether each version needs to be submitted to Apple as a separate app or is there a way to submit a single version to the App store which embodies the different UI variations
The only thing that's not doable is the icon. Apps on the App Store are not allowed to change their icon.

Submission of Augmented Reality iOS Applications to App Store

I’m developing an AR application for iOS, for a range of toys. The concept of it is essentially that on the physical toy is a marker that the camera will detect, and overlay a 3D scene.
My question is regarding submission of AR applications to the App Store. What are the requirements around providing AR Markers for App Store approvers to test with?
You can put the image marker into any web server, then you can provide a link for Apple in Review notes. Apple requires demo marker to access its features.
I have developed an AR application which incorporates image detection feature. What I have done is that I have placed few sample images on an image hosting server and provided the link for the same as review notes to the reviewer while filling up the MetaData.
If you need to know which app I have developed, heres the link : Alive TOI.
Those images are active ever since I first uploaded the application.
Unfortunately, I cannot reveal those images but this is the tried and testified method. The proof is that I have an approved app on app store.
Hope this helps.
