Possible to have more than one app clip per app? - ios

Say I want to build an app clip for my curbside pickup feature.
Is it possible to have another app clip for an unrelated in-store experience?
I can build both targets and run them just fine in Xcode, but when it comes to publishing, is this a possibility?

You can only have one App Clip target when you upload your binary to App Store Connect, however you can configure multiple App Clip Experiences within the one App Clip.
From the Apple documentation:
Some apps provide multiple experiences and App Clips can be configured to support each of them in a special way. For example, a restaurant app may support multiple restaurants. App Clips make it possible to create a unique experience for each restaurant through a single App Clip.
In your example, you could instead create separate schemes for your curbside pickup feature and unrelated in-store experience, both targeting your single App Clip target. Each scheme can specify its own Environment Variable for _XCAppClipURL so that you can test different invocations of your App Clip.

No. Only One App Clip per App.
You can use other experiences for that unrelated experience


How can I automate the process of releasing the same iOS app with different branding?

Unique one but I'm sure there is a solution.
We run an app that will go onto be used by 100s of different businesses own customers.
A requirement for this is the app will need to appear in the App Store under different name + branding each time and every time.
The functionality within the app will be the same however it will be hitting different end points in places using different organisationIds.
How can we best make changes to this app such as adding features without uploading times to the app store?
Any recommendations?
We've had a look around at length but cannot seem to find a solution using Apples own products. Can't be the first to run into this surely. We specifically need this installed via the app store, can't just put the ipa file somewhere.

How to configure an App Clip without having an app on the Store

I'm currently working on a small app to demonstrate the usefulness of iOS 14's new App Clips. Since this is a proof of concept to demonstrate the power of App Clips, rather than an app meant for production, I do not have an app available on the Store.
Is it possible to configure an App Clip launch experience without having an App available on the App Store? The documentation I could find appears to require the creation of an App Clip on Apple Connect.
Without an app in the app store you can create an app clip that can be used in a very limited way. If a proof of concept is what you're after, maybe the app clip testing methods will do.
Generally there are 3 options:
Run the app clip project in Xcode. add the environment parameter _XCAppClipURL to simulate the invocation link.
Use the local experience. Create a local experience on the iPhone you'd like to simulate the app clip on. Then invoke the app clip using a QR scanner or whatever other method you'd like to use. You'll need to configure this for each device you want to use the app clip on.
Use TestFlight. For this you'll need to upload some app and the app clip to app store connect (The build is for an app and app clip together). You don't have to submit them to the store, uploading the build to app store connect is enough to get them on TestFlight (at least for closed testing).
more information can be found in Apple's documentation

iOS, how to support multiple languages properly

We currently have an English app on the AppStore and have decided to support another language. But I'm not sure where to start.
How should the app content be created to be able to support this? Should I just create two separate applications in their respective language and submit them both to the AppStore? Or do I have to create one app with some kind of mechanism that translates on the fly??
I somehow don't think that flooding the AppStore with multiple versions of my app would be the way to go (at least in the eyes of the Apple Review team).
Any ideas?
The usual way is to use the localization of iOS. You should not upload different apps!
See this link for a tutorial: How to localize an iPhone app

Way to perform white labelling of IOS application

My application is already on apple store, now I want to perform while labeling on that application. How can i do it.I have an idea that by creating different target with different app ID,I can achieve this but want to know the whole process in detail.Is white labeling is allowed by app store? After applying while labeling can I upload my multiple application with different app id?Is app store approve it?
No, Apple won't support automatic white labeling of APP thru API.

Load and delete an app programmatically

Is it possible on an iphone to programmatically load an app from another app?
I know that you can link to the app in the appstore but I would like to load an app by entering for example its name and it is loaded without leaving the app which sent the order.
And the same question for deleting an app programmatically. For example having a list of all apps in your device and by pressing on one of them it is deleted.
This would be impossible as the iOS sandboxes apps from changing any files not within it's app folder or modifying any other apps.
That is not possible on a non-jailbroken device, and for good reason. Depending on what you are selling though, you might want to consider the in-app purchase system Apple provides.
IF you only would like to load another App inside your App, I think you could try URL Schemes
