Ruby on Rails - How to manage multiple access to shared file - ruby-on-rails

I am quite new to Rails and I need to implement a project for my University. This project consists of a website that will use a binary file as database.
So I need to know a thread safe way to read and write this file, taking into consideration that the same file (database) will be used by multiple process (each time someone access the site, it should read and write data into the file).
Thanks in advance

There really isn't a graceful way to handle that. You're much better off taking a more traditional approach, with a SQL server like mySQL or PostgreSQL, which do basically that same thing.
I didn't realize you could use sqlite in multi-threaded mode. That would seem to satisfy both requirements...


Dynamic database connection in a Rails App

I'm quite new to Rails but in my current assignment I have no other choice but use RoR. My problem is that in my app I would like to create, connect and destroy databases automatically on user demand but as far as I understand it is quite hard to accomplish this with ActiveRecord. It would be nice to hear some advice from more experienced RoR developers on this issue.
The problem in details:
I have a main database (which I access with activerecord). In this database I store a list of my active programs (and some template data for creating new programs). I would like to create a separate database for each of this programs (when a user creates a new program in my app).
In the programs' databases I would like to store the state and basic info of the particular program and a huge amount of program related data (which is used to calculate the state and is necessary to have for audit reasons).
My problem is that for example I want a dashboard listing all the active programs and their state data. So first I have to get the list from my main db and after that I have to connect to all the required program databases and get the state data.
My question is what is the best practice to accomplish this? What should I use (ActiveRecord, a particular gem, etc.)?
Hi, thanks for your answers so far, I would like to add a couple of details to make my problem more clear for you:
First of all, I'm not confusing database and table. In my case there is a tool which is processing log files. Its a legacy tool (written in ruby 1.8.6) and before running it, I have to run an SQL script which creates a database with prefilled- and also with empty tables for this tool. The tool then processes the logs and inserts the calculated data into different tables in this database. The catch is that the new system should support running programs parallel which means I have to create different databases for different programs.(this was not an issue so far while the tool was configured by hand before each run, but now the configuration must be automatic by my tool) There is no way of changing the legacy tool while it would be too complicated in the given time frame, also it's a validated tool. So this is the reason I cannot use different tables for different programs, because my solution should be based on an other tool.
Summing my task up:
I have to crate a complex tool using RoR and Ruby 2.0.0 which:
- creates a specific database for a legacy tool every time a user want to start a new program
- configures this old tool on a daily basis to process the required logs and insert the calculated data into the appropriate database
- access these databases and show dashboards based on their data
The database I'm using is MySQL.
I cannot use other framework, because the future owner of my tool won't be able to manage/change/update it. So I have to go with RoR, which is quite painful for me right now and I really hope some of you guys can give me a little guidance.
Ok, this is certainly outside of the typical use case scenario, BUT it is very doable within Rails and ActiveRecord.
First of all, you're going to want to execute some SQL directly, which is fine, but you'll also have to take extra care if you're using user input to determine the name of the new database for instance, and do your own escaping. (Or use one of ActiveRecord's lower-level escaping methods that we normally don't worry about.) The basic idea though is something like:
create_sql = <<SQL
Although now that I look at ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Mysql2Adapter, there's a #create method that might help you.
The next step is actually doing different things in the context of different databases. The key there is ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection. Using that, and passing in the params for the database you just created, you should be able to do what you need to for that particular db. If the db's weren't being created dynamically, I'd put that line at the top of a standard ActiveRecord model so that that model would always connect to that db instead of the main one. If you want to use the same class, and connect it to different db's (one at a time of course), you would probably remove_connection before calling establish_connection to the next one.
I hope this points you in the right direction. Good luck!

Rails: Caching a Tree in memory on the server

I have a postgresql database which contains multidimensional data. What I did was I wrote a data structure that sorts all database rows into a tree format. Now the database is large and so I dont want to generate the tree every time a request comes in from a browser. What Id like to do is construct the tree once in a certain time period and persist it in memory on the server.
The tree is read only by the way. So now each time a request comes in the tree need not be generated new, its already there.
How can I make this happen. Im not an expert programmer, just a beginner and definitely new to web programming. So some of these concepts are new to me.
But if you could please point me in the right direction in terms of the concepts involved here, I can google the rest.
Or if you have actual links or examples that would be fantastic.
There are several ways to approach this problem. It depends on just how close to the application you want the variables. If you're really looking to have them right "on top" of the application, for fastest possible use, then you could look at using a global variable "$tree" and hooking in to the application flow. Other options might include memcached, which is still pretty darn close to the application. Redis would be a good option for an in-memory database that could be shared between instances of an application, as it is a NoSQL database that you query. Not quite as close to the application though.
Generally, those are your primary options. In-application variables that survive requests. Application frameworks that will help variables survive requests and provide you a querying mechanism. Or, an In-Memory databases that will allow you to store and query rapidly from multiple instances. Each is a viable option, though I'm pretty sure you'd get a lot of 'community' flack for using a straight up global variable (such practices are considered unclean for their lack of thread-safety and other such concerns).

Using SQLite as production database, bad idea but

We are currently using postgresql for our production database in rails, great database, but I am building the new version of our application around SQLite. Indeed, we don't use advanced functions of postgres like full text search or PL/SQL. Considering SQLite, I love the idea to move the database playing with just one file, its simple integration in a server and in Rails, and the performance seems really good -> Benchmark
Our application's traffic is relatively high, we got something like 1 200 000 views/day. So, we make a lot of read from the database, but we make a few writes.
What do you think of that ? Feedback from anyone using or trying (like us) to use SQLite like a production database ?
If you do lots of reads and few writes then combine SQLite it with some sort of in-memory cache mechanism (memcache or redis are really good for this). This would help to minimize the number of accesses (reads) to the database. This approach helps on any many-reads-few-writes environment and it helps to not hit SQLite deficiencies - in your specific case.
SQLite is designed for embedded systems. It will work fine with a single user, but doesn't handle concurrent requests very well. 1.2M views per days probably means you'll get plenty of the latter.
For doing only reads I think in theory it can be faster than an out-of-process database server because you do not have to serialize data to memory or network streams, its all accessed in-process. In practice its possible an RDBMS could be faster; for example MySQL has pretty good query caching features and for certain queries that could be an improvement because all your rails process would use this same cache. With sqllite they would not share a cache.

How should I (intelligently) store and archive large xml files for a data import

We've got a rails app that processes large amounts of xml data imports. Right now we're storing these ~5MB xml docs in Postgres. This is not ideal given that we use each xml doc once or twice for parsing. We'd like to have an intelligent way of storing and archiving these docs, but not overly complicate the retrieval process for the sake of space. We've considered moving the docs to Mongo (which we're also using), but then aren't we just artificially boosting the memory requirements of our Mongo db servers?
What's the best way for us to deal with this?
I would just store a link to the file in the DB if you use it only for parsing once or twice and then load the file from the given link. Another aproach is to use a XML DB, e.g. eXist.
You could try eXist, an XML database. If you are just archiving them, though, why not just store them in a directory tree?
You may want to look into DB2's PureXML capabilities. To play with it, you can download the free DB2 Express-C version here. For the record, IBM is also the only database provider officially supporting their Ruby driver and Rails adapter, so you wouldn't be on your own.
What harm are they doing where they are? They will take up 'space' wherever you put them.
If are confident you will never need them again then there is a case for archival to less expensive storage (eg tape?) - otherwise whatever you do will 'overly complicate the retrieval process'
You could consider compressing them in-place if you are not already doing so

Can I use a text file as my database in ROR?

I would like to use a delimited text file (xml/csv etc) as a replacement for a database within Ruby on Rails. Solutions?
(This is a class project requirement, I would much rather use a database if I had the choice.)
I'm fine serializing the data and sending it to the text file myself.
The best way is probably to take the ActiveModel API and build your methods that parse your files in the appropriate ways.
Here's a good presentation about ActiveModel and ActiveRelation where he builds a custom model, which should have a lot of similar concepts (but different backend.) And also a good blog post by Yehuda about the ActiveModel API
Have you thought of using SQLite? It is much better solution.
It uses a single file.
It is way faster than doing the serialization yourself.
It is zero configuration. Very simple to use.
You get ACID compliance, transactions sub selects etc etc.
MySQL has a way to store tables in CSV. It has some pretty serious limitations, but it sounds like your requirements demand something with some pretty serious limitations anyway.
I've never set up a Rails project that way, and I don't know what it would take, but it seems like it might be possible.
HSQLDB seems to work by storing data on disk as a SQL script that creates your database. It records changes in memory and a log file, and when you shut down it recreates a single SQL script again. I've not used this one myself.
HSQLDB doesn't appear to be one of the supported databases in Rails. I don't know what it would take to add support for a new database.
