Can I use a text file as my database in ROR? - ruby-on-rails

I would like to use a delimited text file (xml/csv etc) as a replacement for a database within Ruby on Rails. Solutions?
(This is a class project requirement, I would much rather use a database if I had the choice.)
I'm fine serializing the data and sending it to the text file myself.

The best way is probably to take the ActiveModel API and build your methods that parse your files in the appropriate ways.
Here's a good presentation about ActiveModel and ActiveRelation where he builds a custom model, which should have a lot of similar concepts (but different backend.) And also a good blog post by Yehuda about the ActiveModel API

Have you thought of using SQLite? It is much better solution.
It uses a single file.
It is way faster than doing the serialization yourself.
It is zero configuration. Very simple to use.
You get ACID compliance, transactions sub selects etc etc.

MySQL has a way to store tables in CSV. It has some pretty serious limitations, but it sounds like your requirements demand something with some pretty serious limitations anyway.
I've never set up a Rails project that way, and I don't know what it would take, but it seems like it might be possible.
HSQLDB seems to work by storing data on disk as a SQL script that creates your database. It records changes in memory and a log file, and when you shut down it recreates a single SQL script again. I've not used this one myself.
HSQLDB doesn't appear to be one of the supported databases in Rails. I don't know what it would take to add support for a new database.


Ruby on Rails - How to manage multiple access to shared file

I am quite new to Rails and I need to implement a project for my University. This project consists of a website that will use a binary file as database.
So I need to know a thread safe way to read and write this file, taking into consideration that the same file (database) will be used by multiple process (each time someone access the site, it should read and write data into the file).
Thanks in advance
There really isn't a graceful way to handle that. You're much better off taking a more traditional approach, with a SQL server like mySQL or PostgreSQL, which do basically that same thing.
I didn't realize you could use sqlite in multi-threaded mode. That would seem to satisfy both requirements...

Is there a better solution than ActiveRecord for batch data imports?

I've developed a web interface for a legacy (vendor) database using Ruby on Rails. The database schema is a complete mess, > 450 tables, and customer data spread over more than 20, involving complex joins, etc.
I've got a good solution for this for the web app, it works very well. But we also do nightly imports from external data sources (currently a view to a SQL Server DB and a SOAP feed) and they run SLOW. About 1.5-2.5 hours for the XML data import and about 4 hours for the DB import.
This is after doing some basic optimizations, which include manually starting the MRI garbage collector. And that right there suggests to me I'm Doing It Wrong. I've considered moving the nightly update/insert tasks out of the main Rails app and trying to use either JRuby or Rubinius to take advantage of the better concurrency and garbage collection.
My question is this: I know ActiveRecord isn't really designed for this type of task. But out of the O/RM options for Ruby (my preferred language), it seems to have the best Oracle support.
What would you do? Stick with AR and use a different interpreter? Would that really help? What about DataMapper or Sequel? Is there a better way of doing this?
I'm open to using Scala or Clojure if there's a better alternative (not limited to, but these are the other languages I'm playing with right now)... but what I don't want is something like DBI where I'm writing straight SQL, if for no other reason than that vendor updates occasionally change the DB schema, and I'd rather change a couple of classes than hundreds of UPDATE or INSERT statements.
Hopefully this question isn't 'too vague,' but I could really use some advice about this issue.
FWIW, Ruby is 1.9.2, Rails is 3.0.7, platform is OS X Server Snow Leopard (or optionally Debian 6.0).
Edit ok just realized that this solution will not work for oracle, sorry ---
You should really check out ActiveRecord-Import, it is easy to use and handles bulk imports with minimal amounts of sql statements. I saw a speed up from 5 hours to 2 minutes. And it will still run validations on the data.
from the github page:
books = []
10.times do |i|
books << => "book #{i}")
Book.import books
From my experience, ORMs are a great tool to use on the front end, where you're mostly just reading the data or updating a single row at a time. On the back end where you're ingesting lost of data at a time, they can cause problems because of the way they tend to interact with the database.
As an example, assume you have a Person object that has a list of Friends that is long (lets say 100 for now). You create the Person object and assign 100 Friends to it, and then save it to the database. It's common for the naive use of an ORM to do 101 writes to the database (one for each Friend, one for the Person). If you were to do this in pure SQL at a lower level, you'd do 2 writes, one for Person and then one for all the Friends at once (an insert with 100 actual rows). The difference between the two actions is significant.
There are a couple ways I've seen to work around the problem.
Use a lower level database API that lets you write your "insert 100 friends in a single call" type command
Use an ORM that lets you write lower level SQL in order to do the Friends insert as a single SQL command (not all of them allow this and I don't know if Rails does)
Use an ORM that lets you batch writes into a single database call. It's still 101 writes to the database, but it allows the ORM to batch them into a single network call to the database and say "do these 101 things". I'm not sure what ORMs allow for this.
There's probably other ways
The main point being that using the ORM to ingest any real sized amount of data can run into efficiency problems. Understanding what the ORM is doing underneath the hood (asking it to log all db calls is a good way to understand what it's doing) is the best first step. Once you know what it's doing, you can look for ways to tell it "what I'm doing doesn't fit well into the normal pattern, lets change how you're using it"... and, should it not have a way that works, you can look at using a lower level API to allow for it.
I'll point out one other thing you can look at with a STRONG caveat that it should be one of the last things you consider. When inserting rows into the database in bulk, you can create a raw text file with all the data (format depends on the db, but the concept is similar to a CSV file) and give the file to the database to import in bulk. It's a bad way to go in almost every case, but I wanted to include it because it does exist as an option.
Edit: As a side note, the comment about more efficiently parsing the XML is a good thing to look at too. Using SAX vs DOM, or a different XML library, can be a huge win in time to completion. In some cases, it can be an even bigger win than more efficient database interaction. For example, you may be parsing a LOT of XML with lots of small pieces of data, and then only use small parts of it. In a case like that, the parsing could take a long time via DOM while SAX could ignore the parts you don't need... or it could be using a lot of memory creating DOM objects and slow down the whole thing due to garbage collection, etc. At the very least, it's worth looking at.
Since your question is indeed "a bit vague", I can only recommend you optimizing the XML import by using XML Pull parsing.
Take a look at this:
I needed to import MySQL XML, and to be fair, using the XML Pull method improved the parse part in factor of around 7 (yes, almost 7 times faster than reading the entire thing in the memory).
Another thing: you are saying "the DB import takes 4 hours". What file formats are these DB exports you are importing?

Rails CMS: static files or database records?

I'm trying to figure out the cut-off with respect to when a "text entry" should be stored in the database vs. as a static file. Are there any rules of thumb here? The text entries will be at the most several paragraphs and have links to images and tables (and hyperlinks to other text entries). Some criteria for the text entry:
I'm thinking of using DITA as the content format
The text should be searchable
If the text is revised, a new version will be created
thanks in advance, Chuck
The "rails way" would be using a database.
The solution will be more scalable, therefore faster and probably easier to develop with (using migration and so on). Using the file system, you will have to build lots of functions on your own, that are already implemented for database usage.
You could create a Model (e.g.) Document and easily use existing versioning systems, like paper_trail. When using an indexed search, you can just have an has_many relation enabling you to realise the depencies between the models (destroy a model means to destroy the search index).
Rather than a cut-off, you could look at what databases provide and ask yourself if those features would be useful. Take Isolation (the I in ACID): if you have any worries that multiple people could be trying to edit an entry at the same time, a database would handle that well while you'd have to handle the locks yourself working with files. Or Atomicity: you might want to update two things at once (e.g. an index page and an entry page) and know they will either both succeed or both fail.
Databases do a number of things beyond ACID, such as taking advantage of multiple datatypes, making querying easier, and allowing for scaling. It's a question worth asking since most databases end up having data stored in a bunch of files on disk. Would you end up writing a mini-database if you used files yourself?
Besides, if you're using rails you mind as well take advantage of its ActiveRecord functionality, and make it possible to use the many plugins that expect a database.
I'd use a database for even a small, single user rails app.

How should I (intelligently) store and archive large xml files for a data import

We've got a rails app that processes large amounts of xml data imports. Right now we're storing these ~5MB xml docs in Postgres. This is not ideal given that we use each xml doc once or twice for parsing. We'd like to have an intelligent way of storing and archiving these docs, but not overly complicate the retrieval process for the sake of space. We've considered moving the docs to Mongo (which we're also using), but then aren't we just artificially boosting the memory requirements of our Mongo db servers?
What's the best way for us to deal with this?
I would just store a link to the file in the DB if you use it only for parsing once or twice and then load the file from the given link. Another aproach is to use a XML DB, e.g. eXist.
You could try eXist, an XML database. If you are just archiving them, though, why not just store them in a directory tree?
You may want to look into DB2's PureXML capabilities. To play with it, you can download the free DB2 Express-C version here. For the record, IBM is also the only database provider officially supporting their Ruby driver and Rails adapter, so you wouldn't be on your own.
What harm are they doing where they are? They will take up 'space' wherever you put them.
If are confident you will never need them again then there is a case for archival to less expensive storage (eg tape?) - otherwise whatever you do will 'overly complicate the retrieval process'
You could consider compressing them in-place if you are not already doing so

Object database for Ruby on Rails

Is there drop-in replacement for ActiveRecord that uses some sort of Object Store?
I am thinking something like Erlang's MNesia would be ideal.
I've been investigating CouchDB and I think this is the option I am going to go with. It's a toss-up between using CouchRest and ActiveCouch. CouchRest is pretty mature, and is used in the CouchDB peepcode episode, but it's not a drop-in replacement for ActiveRecord, which is a bit of a disadvantage.
Suffice to say CouchDB is pretty phenomenal.
Update (November 10, 2009)
CouchDB hasn't really worked for me. CouchDB doesn't really support arbitrary queries (queries need to be written and compiled ahead of time). It also breaks on very large datasets.
I have been playing with MongoDB and it's really incredible. Schema-less JSON data store with queries and indexing.
I've even started building a management tool for it called Ming.
Try Maglev!
AciveCouch purports to be just such a library for CouchDB, which is, in fact, written in Erlang. I wouldn't say it's as mature as ActiveRecord though.
That is the closest thing I know of to what you're asking for.
Madeleine is an implementation of the Java Prevayler object store
I'm currently working on a ruby object database that uses mysql as a backing store (hence it's called hybriddb) that you may be interested in.
It uses no SQL or migrations, you just save your objects to the database, it also tries to work around the conventional problems with object databases (speed, finding objects quickly, large object graphs) transparently.
It is still an early version so take care. The code is here The development branch has support for transactions and I'm currently adding basic validations.
I have a web site with some tutorials etc.
Any comments are welcome there.
Apart from Madeleine, you can also see:
But it depends on scale too. Mnesia is known to support large amount of data, and is clustered, whereas these solutions won't work so well with large amount of data.
If amount of data is not huge, another options is:

