Can't delete a symlink using ANT Script - ant

I am trying to delete a symlink using the below line :
<symlink action="delete" link="/path/of/link/symlink"/>
It throws an error saying:
Could not create tempfile in /directory/where/symlink/points
The /directory/where/symlink/points is supposed to be read-only. Is there a way in which I could just delete the symlink ?

Symlinks pointing to read-only resources may be deleted using the <delete> Ant task.
<target name="delete-symlink">
<delete file="/path/of/link/symlink" followsymlinks="false"
removenotfollowedsymlinks="true" />
From the <delete> Ant task documentation:
removeNotFollowedSymlinks Whether symbolic links (not the files/directories
they link to) should be removed if they haven't been
followed because followSymlinks was false or the
maximum number of symbolic links was too big. Since
Ant 1.8.0


ant copy task hanging when the source file is missing

In one of our build script, we have following simple copy task added ->
<copy todir="${targetdir}"
This copy task started hanging when the glassfish jar name got changed (version upgrade which are not in our control) at the source location. I was expecting it to error out causing the build failure in that case. Actually at first I was not able to figure out at what particular step build was hanging. Then when I added "-debug" to the ant command and I realized its successfully completing a step prior to this copy task and still there was no trace of copy command that is hung. When I updated the new jar name, it worked fine and build was successful which proved that the copy task is hanging because of filename got changed. To make it easy to debug next time, I added an echo statement like below just prior to that copy task ->
<echo message="Copying glassfish jar to ${targetdir}.."/>
But I am still confused as to why it didn't give error with build failure? I am using Apache Ant version 1.7.1. Could this be a bug? How else I can avoid this situation in future with just the copy task (without using * in the jar name)? TIA
That worked for me. Well, didn't work for me. I got the error message. I am using Ant 1.8 and Ant 1.9.2. I didn't try it with Ant 1.7, but I doubt it's a bug.
Try to use the -v parameter in Ant:
$ ant -v target
And be prepared for a longwinded output. This will give you information what's going on with Ant, and may explain why it's freezing. There's a few things you could do: Use a fileset to specify the file.
<copy todir="${targetdir}">
<fileset dir="${sourcedir}/modules">
<include name="glassfish*.jar"/> <!-- Will catch any glassfish.jar -->
Of course, if the file doesn't exist, you won't get an error or even a warning. However, a <fail/> before will detect the issue:
<fail message="missing file ${sourcedir}/modules/glassfish.jaxb.xjc_1.0.0.0_2-1-12.jar">
To force the build to quit, an alternative way
<available file="${sourcedir}/modules/glassfish.jaxb.xjc_1.0.0.0_2-1-12.jar"
<fail message="you message" unless="glassfish.jaxb.xjc.jar.present"/>
just a few lines less :)
If you want to dig into it, try this:
write a simple build file, which contains only one target with copy, and put it to the same place of your main build file.
<target name="test-copy">
<!-- here use an old (wrong) file name -->
<copy todir="${targetdir}"
run it, check if it fails or hangs.
If this simple build file works, it's very possible that something else in your main build file is causing the bug.

How to delete a symlink using Ant?

I am trying to delete a symlink in ant script using the below line :
<symlink action="delete" link="/path/of/link/symlink"/>
But it is showing an error:
Could not create tempfile in /directory/where/symlink/points
The /directory/where/symlink/points is supposed to be read-only.
Is there a way in which I could just delete the symlink and not mess up other things? It's a part of a big script.
Symlinks pointing to read-only resources may be deleted using the <delete> Ant task.
<target name="delete-symlink">
<delete file="/path/of/link/symlink" followsymlinks="false"
removenotfollowedsymlinks="true" />
And this is from the delete Ant task documentation:
removeNotFollowedSymlinks Whether symbolic links (not the files/directories
they link to) should be removed if they haven't been
followed because followSymlinks was false or the
maximum number of symbolic links was too big. Since
Ant 1.8.0
Hope it works.

How to create temporary directory in ant?

I'd like to create a temporary directory in ant (version 1.6.5) and assign it to a property.
The command "mktemp -d" would be ideal for this, but I cannot find similar functionality from inside ant
I can't find any official function in the docs apart from the tempfile task which apparently only creates files, not directories.
I'm considering using exec to call tempfile and get the result, however this will make my build.xml dependent on UNIX/linux, which I'd like to avoid.
Background: I'm trying to speed up an existing build process which builds inside networked filesystem. The build already copies all the source to a temporary directory, however this is on the same filesystem. I've tested changing this to /tmp/foo and it gives a worthwhile speed increase: 3mins vs 4mins.
You could combine the tempfile task with the system property to get a file path to use to create a temporary dir:
<project default="test">
<target name="test">
<tempfile property="temp.file" destDir="${}" prefix="build"/>
Note that the tempfile task does not create the file (unless you ask it to). It just sets a property which you can use to create a file or dir.
This task sets a property to the name of a temporary file. Unlike, this task does not actually create the
temporary file, but it does guarantee that the file did not exist when
the task was executed.
Output in my environment:
[echo] C:\Users\sudocode\AppData\Local\Temp\
[echo] C:\Users\sudocode\AppData\Local\Temp\build1749402932
The answer above only hints at how to create a temporary directory. The point is that merely returns a string. A more complete answer is
<target name="temptest" description="test making tempdir">
<tempfile property="mytempdir" destdir="${}"/>
<tempfile property="mytempfile" destdir="${mytempdir}"/>
<format property="now" pattern="MMMM dd yyyy"/>
<copy tofile="${mytempfile}">
<string value="today=${now}"/>
<property file="${mytempfile}"/>
<echo message="It it now ${today}"/>

ant zip; exclude all sub-directories and files

When creating a zip from ant, how can I exclude all sub directories and files from a given directory?
I have tried the following but it doesn't seem to prevent them from being included in the zip
<target name="zip">
<zip destfile="C:\Projects\example\builds\.zip"
From reading the documentation, and from reading the ant definitive guide I would assume that **\ should exclude any directory, and *.* would exclude any file of any extension
I want to include the logs directory, but nothing inside it.
I would recommend the following:
Change the name of your destfile to "C:\Projects\example\builds\"
Set your basedir to "C:\Projects\example\"
Change your excludes value to "C:\Projects\example\logs\**\*" (that means any file)
Another option might be to use the project-defined basedir, and change all your paths to relative UNIX-like values.

Ant delete task

I have several files with name abc* and i want to delete all those files. is it possible using ant task. For eg. my directory structure is:
so from this, i need to delete all abc* files. So if i use ant it should delete following:
it should leave directory with abc*
Can somebody help me.
<target name="testingdelete" >
<fileset dir="." includes="**/abc*"/>
should work.
It deletes all files with abc* and leaves behind directories named abc. It will delete from all sub-directories as well.
