Ant delete task - ant

I have several files with name abc* and i want to delete all those files. is it possible using ant task. For eg. my directory structure is:
so from this, i need to delete all abc* files. So if i use ant it should delete following:
it should leave directory with abc*
Can somebody help me.

<target name="testingdelete" >
<fileset dir="." includes="**/abc*"/>
should work.
It deletes all files with abc* and leaves behind directories named abc. It will delete from all sub-directories as well.


How to exclude empty directories from zipfileset

I have an ant target for creating zip like this -
<zip destfile="${dist}/">
<zipfileset prefix="product/install" includes="docs/resources/**,docs/*.*" excludes="docs/build.bat,docs/*.xml,docs/resources/*.html"/>
Now, how do I ensure that empty directories don't get included in this zipfileset.
Eg: docs/resources directory only has html files, all of which I have excluded above. How do I make sure docs/resources folder doesn't get included.
Should I be checking for this manually everytime? or is there an option like includeEmptyDirs="false"?
I think there isn't an option for this in zip task, see documentation.
But what you can do is to make a copy with excludes/includes, and define to exclude the empty directories and then call the zip task on the copied folder:
<copy todir="tmp2" includeEmptyDirs="false">
<fileset dir="tmp1" excludes="**/*.txt"/>
Documentation of copy

How to delete a zip/jar file automatically after extraction

After extracting a zip or jar file,is there a way to delete the source zip/jar file automatically in ant
Not that I know of, but you should be able to use the delete task:
<unzip src="" dest="somedir"/>
<delete file=""/>

listing all files and subdirectories using ant

I am trying to create a rpm package using ant task for that I need to create specfile which will have all the file names in the following format
%attr(0755, root, root) %dir dir1
%attr(0755, root, root) %dir dir1/dir2
%attr(0755, root, root) %dir dir1/dir2/dir3
%attr(0500, root, root) dir1/file1
%attr(0500, root, root) dir1/dir2/file1
I have such directory structure created during my build process but using ant I am not able to list all the files and directories which I can then write into my specfile
following is what I have tried to list the files but it does not differentiate between files and directory , moreover I need some way to iterate over the list.
<fileset id="dist.contents" dir="${nativePackageDir}" includes="**"/> |
<property name="prop.dist.contents" refid="dist.contents"/> | <target name="javaobject-library" depends="props">
<dirset id="dist.contents" dir="${nativePackageDir}" includes="*"/>
<property name="prop.dist.contents" refid="dist.contents"/>
Using dirset instead of fileset should fix your problem.
You simply have to write in java an ant task implementation, to which you'll provide as parameters the input directory and the path of the specfile you want to be written.
I find it better and more manageable to have reusable ant tasks in java, instead of having gigantic ant xml files.

Delete all files and folders via Ant FTP task

How to delete all files and folders inside specified remote folder in Ant?
I've tried the following:
<ftp server="${}" userid="${ftp.user}"
password="${ftp.pass}" remotedir="${ftp.remotedir}" action="del">
<include name="**/*"/>
it deletes all files, but not folders.
(if I write here <include name="*.txt"> instead it works as expected - deletes all txt files, but what if I want to delete all files and folders?)
You should use another command: rmdir.
This command does not remove folder specified in the remotedir parameter.
The sample based on information from
<ftp action="rmdir"
remotedir="${ftp.parentdir_for_remotedir}" >
<include name="${ftp.remotedir}/**"/>
The quote from site:
The directory specified in the remotedir parameter is never selected
for remove, so if you need to remove it, specify its parent in
remotedir parameter and include it in the pattern, like
Also worth noting is that rmdir will fail if there are anything but empty folders in the fileset specified.
From the same site:
As an example suppose you want to delete everything contained into
/somedir, so invoke first the task with action="delete", then
with action="rmdir" ...

How to iterate over Directories in Ant

I've a root directory and it contains many directories,in turn each sub-directory contains many directories and so on.For example if "A" is a root directory it contains sub-directories "A.a","A.b",so on... and each directory("A.a","A.b",etc) contains many directories.I want to copy the inner directories of "A.a" , "A.b" ,etc.. to other directory structure similar to the "A".Instead of copying the each directory I want to use loop that iterates every directory and it's sub-directories(even files).How to do that...Please help me out as I'm new to Ant...
For copying, use 'copy' and 'fileset':
<copy todir="./destination/dir">
<fileset dir="./source/dir">
<include name="**/*" />
The include directive inside the fileset will cause Ant to review each directory recursively.
Other tasks that involve files and directories (such as move for ftp) will also accept filesets.
