When opening old .xls files in Office 2010 all events regarding changes no longer get caught, filesystemwatcher is still monitoring the file because if i open it from the Temp folder an event will be fired but it's connection to Excel when it is initially opened seems to be lost.
Has anyone seen this before? Searching through google i've not turned up much.
Does anyone else have this problem or is my Delphi cursed somehow?
I'll have a bunch of forms and files open in tabs in the editor and I'll be typing away and then suddenly everything stops - my .pas file has, seemingly at random, become read-only.
Sometimes I can just right-click the tab at the top and uncheck "Read-Only" and continue, but sometimes this option is checked and greyed-out (disabled), meaning I can't uncheck it and I can't make any further edits to the file. This too seems to be random.
In the latter case, the only solution is to save the file in question, which works, despite Delphi's assertion that the file is read-only, close its tab in the editor, and re-open it. Not catastrophic, really, but it's starting to become annoying.
Could it be that I am hitting a keyboard command combination accidentally to do this or is this a bug in Delphi?
I'm in Delphi 2010, Windows 7. Doubt it's anything to do with installed packages, but if anyone wants the list I'll generate it and attach it here.
Skip to last paragraph for quick Solution :)
Yes! this just happened to me. I was typing a line of code... a line in Intraweb's ServerController.... OnBeforeDisbatch.. anyways. I was typing..
and then I typed a Space... so If <---- then space... and then the IDE autofilled in
If True then
after the above line was in the system all hell broke loose.... hell being that the file would stay in a read-only mode....
I edited the file manually and removed the line
if True then
and all is good.
just to update: I do believe it is file size... 125K and then bang. at least on the server controller... IW10/Delphi 2010
update again... 8 hours later...
I reduced my source file (iwservercontroller) from 125k to well under 80k and all was good. then now right when I first press the control key to paste over a value the file goes read-only!! like wow....
going to reduce file again..
Minutes later...
after shutting down d2010 and reloading project... I have narrowed down the problem to using the "paste" command.... the second I tried to paste a clipboard value read-only occurred... but a harddrive hit occurred for a instant before the read-only activated!
Final solution!!! I got it! I couldn't believe there is a "Read Only" option in the Right Click Menu.... Click on the left side Pane where the check box is when the Read-Only appears! no more need to restart IDE and reload everything etc etc...
All fixed... whoo hoo
Nope... not all fixed... 3 hours later... I reactivate IDE and I am just about to paste in some data and then the file goes in read only (not explorer's file attributes) and the Pop up menu value is now grayed out!! like wtf!!
Full day later.. trying everything.. I have a solution!! first time I got it to go off read-only without using the PUM/insert Key
simply just access the unit in question that is causing read-only and do a single character change with a outside app. (ultraedit) and save. upon saving d2010 will detect outside changes and go switch back to insert-mode even with the pop up menu is disabled.... whoo hoo...
* Final Solution *
Things are all good now and not a single read-only but the solution is not too elegant in terms of keeping my text edit habits in check.. but if you open settings and change the editor to keep insert mode on you will be laughing to the bank... at least things are all good for me now.
Delphi2010-->Options-->Editor Options-->["Insert Mode"] check that option.
Seems since i have had the above checkbox clicked not a single Read-only.... good luck.
This happened once to me. I think it's a bug, I can't find an existing report for it and when you find repeatable steps the please create QC report for it.
This happens to us all the time - once a file gets over a certain size/complexity Delphi starts randomly going read only - sometimes accompanied by freezing for several seconds.
We think it's something to do with the syntax highlighter failing on certain constructs - certainly it comes and goes in waves, and I've had times where I've been reduced to editing a file in notepad just to get some work done.
It happens on units with no related DFM, so it's not a component doing it, and it's not storage related (Delphi isn't writing to the disk when it fails).
Yes, this just started happening to me after I installed Model Maker 11. I think the Model Maker plug-in might be monkeying around with the read only setting of a source file. (I've been using Delphi 2010 for a year now without this issue ever happening, all of a sudden it started right around the time I got MM11.) I haven't tried uninstalling MM11 yet though. So --- do you have ModelMaker 11?
I've seen it many, many times in Delphi 7 which rules out some of the explanations others have suggested.
I haven't seen it on 2010 but I haven't done all that much with 2010.
I also see a switch to "readonly" for pas files in the D2010 editor. None of the above suggestions have always worked for me. I am transferring a large project from D6 to D2010 and am making many necessary changes. On way to overcome the problem for a file that has been marked "readonly" and where (right-click in the editor "[ ] Read Only") has been greyed out, is to close the file and reopen it.
I have left my Delphi IDE open on my work computer overnight with a project open. Just now, I connected to my work computer via Windows Remote Desktop, and was prompted...
Module [file path.pas]'s time/date changed. Reload?
The same message appeared for each and every file in the project which was open.
Should I be worried about this? Did anything really change? I checked the source and nothing is different.
It just so happens that Daylight Savings Time has just ended, where all areas which observe it have just gone back an hour in time. The Delphi IDE does not know this, and therefore the date/time of all the files open will be an hour different from reality.
I expect that a lot of people will be seeing this today or tomorrow, or whenever they get back to their IDE which was left open during the time change.
I recently posted this question about my inability to get Delphi 2010 working with remote debugging. I have not had any success and decided to post up a simple step-by-step test technique that might highlight what I'm doing wrong. THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT to me - I've used Delphi since V1.0 and earn my living from it. Being stuck like this is a pain and its keeping me on Delphi 7.
Anyway, here goes.
Ensure that Delphi 2010 has updates 4&5.
Fire up Delphi 2010, then File | New | VCL Forms App. Put a button on the form, put 'ShowMessage( 'hello' ) in the button OnClick event. Save the project and its unit in a local folder "C:\scratch". Build the project, run it, click the button, 'hello' appears, all fine.
On a networked PC (, create a new folder "c:\DebugTest" and share it with R/W access.
On install the Remote Debugger from the latest download on the Embarcadero Website (RemoteDebugger_upd2.exe). CLick rmtdbg140.exe to run. Accept the 'un-block' message from the firewall.
Edit the DEBUG build configuration compiler settings with Output directory=\\DebugTest and unit output directory = c:\scratch - see
Edit the Linking settings to set Debug Information=True, Include remote debug symbols=True. See
Leave compiling settings at defaults. See
Do a full build. The relevant project exe 'project2.exe' and 'project2.rsm' appear in the remote folder \\DebugTest. Blue dots are visible in Unit2 in the IDE.
Set a breakpoint on the 'ShowMessage' line (the button OnClick event).
Use 'Run' | 'Load Process' with Remote path=c:\DebugTest\Project2.exe, Remote Host= and Working directory=c:\DebugTest see
Click 'Load'. The visible breakpoint is immediately disabled, the project starts running and opens the CPU window and stops. Pressing f9 cause the exe to run fully on the remote machine, the button works, you just cannot debug it.
I've tried various 'obvious' things like firewall off but all to no avail. Could some kind person suggest further ideas?
Many thanks.
Well, for me the problem has now been solved, although as a 'work around' and after significant interaction with Embarcadero and an upgrade to XE (which also did not work).
It would appear that the remote debugger is flaky (or possibly just picky) in its ability to load rsm (remote symbols) files - they are still looking into why mine wont load. My rsm file is big at around 50Mb although this is no problem for Delphi 7's remote debugger.
The work around involved upgrading to Delphi XE and then choosing the compiler link option 'Place Debug Information in separate TDS file'. This seems to create a tds file onthe remote target instead of a rsm file and breakpoints then work fine.
I've submitted my rsm and tds files to Embarcadero for investigation as to why this happens.
What Windows OS? Maybe run rmtdbg140.exe as admin.
I run D2010 remote debugging on XP versus XP. My How-To is at http://blog.runbits.com/post/Remote-debugging-Delphi.aspx
I had this problem. Installing Update 4 for Delphi 2010 solved my problem. It is also listed in the list of fixed problems of Update 4.
It is imperative to have correct time zone and clock on remote system. In my case I set up remote debugging and when I load process the breakpoints turned green. I checked remote system timezone and clock, set it right and remote dubugger worked again.
I am testing one application that handles files (stored in SQL Server using FILESTREAM). It is a Delphi 32bit application.
Opening an XLS document stored in the database (originally saved with Office 2003) gives an error from Excel 2010 64bit. Is there some known compatibility issue of Office 2010 64bit with 32bit applications?
Error messages and workflow
When opening the file Excel gives one of the following error messages:
Impossible to open the file FILE because of problems in contents
Impossible to open the file because some parts are missing or not valid
Opening a file on machine A with Office 2007 opens the file with no problems. Opening the same file on machine B with Office 2010 produces the error message. Opening again on machine A there is also an error message! In all these steps I am just reading from the database, not writing. So why does this can happen?
How do I open the documents?
SELECT query to get 'DOCUMENT' varbinary(max) field for the specific ID_Document.
Extract from database using
TBlobField(sqlQuery.FieldByName('DOCUMENT')).SaveToFile(sDestinationPath + FileUniqueName + .zip');
Copy file from one path to another using Windows.CopyFile
Unzip file using TZipforge component
Set attribute of unzipped file to ROM using FileSetReadOnly function.
Open document using ShellExecute(0, 'open', PWideChar(FIleName), '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL);
As you can see there is nothing that writes back to the database. Once the file is extracted from TBlobField it is even copied to another place before unzipping and opening it.
Possibly broken installation
Office has been reinstalled and now everything works, the problem of corruption was due to a conflict with an open Office installation that asked "do you want to fix the office installation?". Anyway the problem still remains, because I cannot understand what happened. How can I corrupt a file in the database if I extract it in a folder and open it from the folder without writing anything back to database?
Office 2010 64-bit should have no problems with files created with its 32-bit version. The files (.docx, .xls) are bitness independant.
I have some questions:
How do you open your files?
Can you show some code?
Are you sure that you are only reading the file from the database?
Do you give your files the right extension? Saving a .xls as .xlsx will cause problems when opening the file.
Check if your SQL server database is corrupt. Check disk where database is for errors. Reinstall SQL server.
Solved: it was a bug in my program. There was an error in the logic that persisted the document status and by mistake sometimes Is_File_Compressed was set to False, even if it is true.
Thanks for the support.
I installed Embarcadero RAD Studio (Delphi 2009). When the IDE ran for the first time, it downloaded updates and ran the MSI automatically. Accidentally I pressed cancel, instead of ok.
So I thought of reopening the studio so that it may check for updates. But this time it didnot happen !!
So, I used "Check for updates" from menu options. Surprising it gave me "RAD sudio is upto date".
What is the location of these downloaded update files on the system? Where do these files get saved after auto download?
Registered users can download the updates here:
You can also get a number of "freebies" there including the TMS Smooth Controls, the InfoPower Essentials, and Marco Cantus "Delphi 2009 Handbook" as a PDF.
In the following location
<\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data{65B1AA84-C1DF-4A2E-A28C-E242BD7DE4B3}>
there is a file InstalledUpdates.dat , open the file in notepad, and you can see the entries of updates installed.
Remove the entries from the file and save it.
Now click on "Check for updates". It brings up the screen giving available updates and then you can proceed further.
Note that updates screen asks to download again, but it doesnt download, as updates are already downloaded and on clicking next it proceeds to screen where it asks for install updates.
Thanks & Regards,
I had this problem also, you don't have to reinstall Delphi!
I can't remember the exact location, but you have to find were the update started downloading the update (I don't remember if it is on the Documents folder or the user folder) and execute the update manually.
Try searching for BDS, Codegear or RadStudio under you User's folder, I'm sure you will find the temp location, from there you can just execute the update and it will resume.
Another tip about Delphi updating that confused me for a while: When installing help update 2, I got kind of a popup under. Some question was asked (by the separate installer), but it wasn't modal, and switching to and from the IDE didn't bring it up.