MVC scaffolding like feature in Java servlet -

With MVC 3.0 and visual studio 2010 I can generate views easily by selecting the Controller action ( right click + scaffolding ), so I select the type of View (details,list,edit...) and I can even select the Entity/List that the view will use as datasource.
The questions is: Is there such thing working with Java JSP and servlet with eclipse where I don't have to manually change web.xml?

There's something wrong here. Comparing ASP.NET MVC with JSP/Servlets is really like comparing apples with oranges. ASP.NET MVC is a fullworthy component based MVC framework, but JSP is a barebones view technology and Servlet is just a barebones HTTP controller API. There is absolutely no means of a comparable component based MVC framework here with JSP/Servlet.
You need to look for a component based MVC framework in Java side. From the standard Java EE API, JSF is been offered.
However, as to the tooling, there are as far as I know no "Scaffolding" plugins for JSF available in Eclipse which does bottom-top code generation all the way from DB until with the JSF view. Closest what you can get in Eclipse is generating JPA entities from DB, but it stops here.
Netbeans has a JSF CRUD generator though.
See also:
What is the difference between JSF, Servlet and JSP?
What is the main-stream Java alternative to ASP.NET / PHP
Recommended JSF 2.0 CRUD frameworks


Ajax ToolKits and MVC

Can I Install Ajax controls ToolKits in Mvc project When I working in Razor!
When I work on razor there is no ant tools Like Web form instead when you select html.cs after create new project in MVC
You cannot. ASP.NET MVC does not support the Ajax toolkit because they are designed for WebForms projects. As the commentor above mentioned, there are other ways to add reusable code to an MVC application.

DevExpress ASP.NET MVC standalone Filter

I am new to Dev Express controls and I'm currently trying to work with the Dev Express Filter. In the ASP.NET WebForms edition of Dev Express, the Filter was a separate control which could be configured on it's own. From what I saw so far, for the ASP.NET MVC the Filter is part of the GridView helper.
Is it possible to use only the Filter in a ASP.NET MVC app?
Any links of suggestions are welcomed!
Thank you!
The Filter Builder is not available as a standalone MVC Extension (Implement an analog of ASPxFilterControl).
It is only available as a part of the MVC GridView Extension.

.net mvc equivalent to JSF ui:include

I am moving from a JSF project to a .net project. One of the great things about facelets is the ability to use <ui:include> to modularise your html into small fragments that are easier to manage and reuse.
So far, I have not yet seen anything in .net MVC that can give this same flexibility.
Any advice/suggestions?
IF you are using mvc 3 or 4, you can use in the view #Html.renderpartial, even if you using from controller there is a PartialViewResult

Side-by-Side Asp.Net and MVC Razor

We have an existing ASP.Net Web Application. I would like to create an ASP.Net MVC Razor Application where the two applications will work together. A single Master Page would contain menu items that can call .aspx pages as well as Razor .cshtml pages.
I have seen an example using MvcContrib Portable areas utilizing Routing. This particular example has .aspx pages in both (the MVC was not Razor).
Is there an example out there that will show the two running side-by-side and the MVC is Razor? It would be best if I could download a visual Studio Solution so that I can run this.
I am not sure if the MvcContrib way is the latest and best way to achieve this.
I do not want to go Hybrid!
You don't need any other external librarry. You can always convert the existing ASP.NET web forms Project to be a Hybrid one which uses webforms and MVC. You need to add the required MVC assembly references and make some changes to the web.config and you are all set. Scott has a simple and awesome blog post about this where he explains how to do the conversion.
I scribbled a note about how to enable the MVC specific Context menu( Add Controller / Add View) in the hybrid project after conversion here

.NET MVC + Dojo (Other Framework) for mini-ERP

We are about to develop a mini-ERP web-app. We need the app to be browser agnostic with rich user interface which should be 'enterprise-ready'!. Something like the latest openERP.
We are planning on using the .NET MVC 3 and Dojo for our project.
So our major queries are:
Are there any Htmlhelpers for Dojo. Any opensource implementation where we can get some idea.
Will the app be slow if we use Dojo? In our previous project we integrated Dojo with PHP and had to make the web-app SPA (single page application). This is because on each request, the declarative markup was processed by dojo. So larger the no. of widgets, longer the processing. We had not tried the Dojo build feature then. Will that make it fast? Or do we have to go with the Single Page Application? What are the pro/cons of SPA?
Note: We are open to using any other competitive JS Framework. Bonus point if we get some ready implementation with .NET MVC (for reference).
I have developed ERP application using ASP.NET MVC 2. It is not so advanced but it gets the job done.
Here are some points concerning its implementation:
It is not SPA
For the UI I have used jQueryUI and jqGrid, which perform very well
AJAX form submission using jQuery Form Plugin
We are using ASP.NET MVC4 in our ERP project. These features are related with the architecture .
JQuery Layout
SlickGrid (a open source grid control with very rich functions and plugins)
JQuery Dialog
WebApi (not WCF)
Dapper (not EntityFramework)
We combine many plugins working together, and one team member is familiar with CSS and DIV layout. There are some challenges if you haven't rich experience with javascript and UI layout. Finally, we have completed the project, it is amazing.
