Jquery Mobile on J2ME - jquery-mobile

I'm developing J2ME. Is it possible using Jquery Mobile for web app in J2ME?
Reviewed according to jquery mobile web support, unwritten for J2ME.
Thanks Advance :)

Absolutely not, there is no way to run JavaScript in a J2ME app.

I found this scriptme project, but have never used it.
According to the site: "ScriptME is an open-source implementation of EcmaScript based on FESI Project written entirely in Java for the J2ME Platform. It is typically embedded into Java applications to provide scripting to end users."
There is also the minijoe, which I also did not use...
"MiniJoe is a "Minimal Javascript Object Environment" that is based on MIDP. MiniJoe consists of a Javascript compiler and interpreter. Both components are written in Java suitable for CLDC 1.1 devices."


What technology stack does Autodesk FormIt use?

Autodesk's FormIt software exists on Windows,Web,Android and IOS.
Does anyone know what technology stack they are using?
For Desktop is C++ with Qt Framework. For Android is Java and for Web is HTML5 and JS
Because app is made for multiple platforms not means use same language in all. Only way to do that is using HTML5/JS in all platforms and that is not used in this case.

Rikulo built using JQuery not itself?

I'm wondering,
In definition Rikulo
Rikulo is a free and open source Dart framework for creating incredible cross-platform web and native mobile applications using HTML5.
But why the web is built by JQuery not itself?
Is that Rikulo is to young yet so it builts with JQuery?
BTW, the "compiler" Dart Editor use a lot of RAM ~500M it cost a lot!!!
Rikulo is written in Dart, not JS, so jQuery is not applicable here. IMO, Dart's API covers well what jQuery provides, though Dart is young and not as stable as jQuery yet.

Starting point to develop Metro UI style application for Printers in Windows 8?

Currently we have an application which allows the user to include/remove the pages, images and text(which is given to the printer, using hooking we are getting the printed document and then processing it).
Now we want to develop the same for Metro UI style application for Windows 8.
So what is the starting point to develop the above said application using XAML and C#?
Should we need to learn HTML5, Javascript to develop Metro UI style application?
If you are familiar with Javascript and HTML, then using Javascript could be what you want. Microsoft claims that Javascript, C++ and C# are just different projections of WinRT APIs. So theoretically, if you can write the app in C#+XMAL, then you should also be able to write it in Javascript+HTML5.
So the question is really which language you are more proficient in or which language do you prefer to use.
Visual Studio 11 Express Beta and Windows 8 Consumer Previews are available for free at this point, so there is no cost for you to start your development.
Here is a bundle of Consumer Preview samples:
Here is a link for the printing API:
Hope this will get you started on your application.

What is RhoMobile for?

I do not understand. I have to download xcode and bunches of other stuff to make it work. I don't understand what I'm getting. Is it that I can use Ruby instead of Objective-C and it compiles down to a native app? Thanks.
Rhomobile, selected Best Startup at Interop 2009, lets developers use HTML and Ruby to create native iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Symbian, and Android applications.
The development in it is called rhodes.
Rhodes is a free and open source MVC-based framework written in Ruby under the MIT license for building native cross-platform mobile development applications. Rhodes enables developers to harness their traditional web skills such as HTML, HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, instead of in Objective-C or other complex native device OS language, to create a native app, and porting the app in cross operating systems such as Android, Appleā€™s iPhone and iPad, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Symbian and HP/Palm's Linux-based WebOS.
Download rhoStudio. Using the rhoStudio you can create your iOS, android,BB,WP application easily.
What you have to do is to code in simple html, javascript and if you want to use MVC architecture you have to use Ruby for that. As it is build on Ruby framework.
Good thing is it also supports HTML 5.
Once you build the project you can transform into any of your favorite device application.
with just only couple of commands.
I just coded in html in rhoStudio and now I can run the same application in my Xcode also. its fun.
At the same time of development you can run your project for other devices too.
The ruby that you write is compiled to Ruby bytecode and the compiled bytecode is executed as a resource by Rhodes and compiled to native code. A rubyVM interpreter is integrated into the application.

BlackBerry J2ME vs HTML Javascript framework like PhoneGap

A client wants a blackberry application for listening live radio for his radio station. We focused on iPhone development. I know Java language have done several projects. However haven't tried yet J2ME. Which do you recommend J2ME or HTML Javascript framework like PhoneGap or any other cross platform framework? What are the advantages and disadvantages of them? Thanks.
If you are comfortable with Java Swing or other Java UI programming then going with native is probably a great idea.
If you are more comfortable with HTML, JavaScript and CSS then use PhoneGap. If you are planning on deploying your application to more than one platform then definitely use PhoneGap. PhoneGap also allows you to write native BlackBerry Java code and integrate that with the HTML / JS code in case the specific APIs you need are not exposed.
With the imminent release of BlackBerry OS 6 things should get a lot better on that platform for both PhoneGap (since the browser is now WebKit based) and for native Java programming.
There are many other comparisons between PhoneGap and X on stackoverflow, though most other cross platform frameworks don't support BlackBerry.
J2ME: Blackberry supports this (and is fact still the BB's core), however it's a rapidly aging platform. You can't do many interesting things in BB without the proprietary APIs.
Phonegap: Haven't used it myself but I've heard so-so things about it. High footprint, lowest-common-denominator etc.
