I have 3 table customer (customerid,name), customerbooking(bookingid,customerid), transact(transacted,bookingid,typeoftransaction)
I want to fetch the name of the ‘customer name’ who has the maximum typeoftransact=’current’. Customer table is linked to customerbooking via customerid, and customerbooking is linked to transact via bookingid. Using join I am able to get the individual records, but unable to get the Max value
Please try this to meet your scenerio
, Count(BookingID)
FROM Customer C
INNER JOIN customerbooking CB ON CB.CustomerID = C.customerId
INNER JOIN transact T ON T.bookingid = CB.BookingId
WHERE T.Typeoftransaction='current'
Hope this helps
I have a data flow with a Union on two tables then joining the results of the Union to another table. I keep receiving the following error when I try debugging the pipeline or previewing the data.
DF-JOIN-002 at Join 'Join1'(Line 40/Col 26): Only 2 join condition(s) allowed
I'm basically trying to build a pipeline to automate this query:
SELECT DISTINCT k.acct_id, s.Id, Email, FirstName, LastName FROM table_3 s
( (SELECT acct_id, event_date FROM table_1)
UNION (SELECT acct_id, event_date FROM table_2)) k
ON k.acct_id = s.Archtics_acct_id__c
WHERE event_date = 'xxxx-xx-xx'
enter image description here
I figured it out after some time. I had to delete the Join activity and add it again. It was still linked to another source. Even though only two sources were selected in the join settings
I would like to join tables . Could you please help?
Select Number, OwnerId from DNIS.numbers
select ID,Name from DNIS.owners
Thank you.
Normally, SQL servers allow you to join tables from different databases as long as the former all belong to them. Here is an example showing you how to do this (all you have to do is to explicitly write the database names associated to each table in the query):
SELECT N.Number, N.OwnerId, O.ID, O.Name
FROM DB1.[dbo].DNIS numbers N
JOIN DB2.[dbo].DNIS owners O ON O.ID = N.OwnerId
You can also use the following syntax:
SELECT N.Number, N.OwnerId, O.ID, O.Name
FROM DB1..DNIS numbers N
JOIN DB2..DNIS owners O ON O.ID = N.OwnerId
In order to accomplish that you will have to specify the table and column names in your join statement, like so:
SELECT db1.tablename.column, db2.tablename.column
FROM db1.tablename INNER JOIN db2.tablename
ON db1.tablename.id = db2.tablename.id;
I have the following code and output:
SELECT CustomerCategoryName, COUNT(a.CustomerID) AS CustomersInThisCategory
FROM Sales.Customers AS a
RIGHT JOIN Sales.CustomerCategories AS b on a.CustomerCategoryID = b.CustomerCategoryID
GROUP BY CustomerCategoryName
ORDER BY CustomersInThisCategory DESC
This generates the following output:
When I add the following COUNT aggregate funcation and Inner Join:
SELECT CustomerCategoryName, COUNT(a.CustomerID) AS CustomersInThisCategory, COUNT(c.OrderID) AS Orders
FROM Sales.Customers AS a
RIGHT JOIN Sales.CustomerCategories AS b on a.CustomerCategoryID = b.CustomerCategoryID
INNER JOIN Sales.Orders AS c ON a.CustomerID = c.CustomerID
GROUP BY CustomerCategoryName
ORDER BY CustomersInThisCategory DESC
The output changes to:
I am not sure as to why the CustomersInThisCategory column is changing to the same as the Orders column? I'm also not sure why the results in the first ouput with 0 values are being removed in the second query as I still have the Right join present.
Any feedback would be much appreciated.
For your first query, count ( distinct a.customerId) should give you the unique customer ids in a category.
Regarding your second question, right join is performed before inner join. So the inner join will splice the records, for which a match is not found.
Hope my answer helps.
I have a sql query that I'd like to optimize. I'm not the designer of the database, so I have no way of altering structure, indexes or stored procedures.
I have a table that consists of invoices (called faktura) and each invoice has a unique invoice id. If we have to cancel the invoice a secondary invoice is created in the same table but with a field ("modpartfakturaid") referring to the original invoice id.
Example of faktura table:
invoice 1: Id=152549, modpartfakturaid=null
invoice 2: Id=152592, modpartfakturaid=152549
We also have a table called "BHLFORLINIE" which consists of services rendered to the customer. Some of the services have already been invoiced and match a record in the invoice (FAKTURA) table.
What I'd like to do is get a list of all services that either does not have an invoice yet or does not have an invoice that's been cancelled.
What I'm doing now is this:
dbo.BHLFORLINIE.LeveringsDato AS treatmentDate,
dbo.PatientView.Navn AS patientName,
dbo.PatientView.CPRNR AS patientCPR
INNER JOIN dbo.PatientView
ON dbo.PatientView.PersonID = dbo.BHLFORLOEB.PersonID
ON dbo.HENVISNING.BhlForloebID = dbo.BHLFORLOEB.BhlForloebID
ON dbo.BHLFORLINIE.FakturaId = FAKTURA.FakturaId
(dbo.BHLFORLINIE.LeveringsDato >= '2017-01-01' OR dbo.BHLFORLINIE.FakturaId IS NULL) AND
dbo.BHLFORLINIE.ProduktNr IN (110,111,112,113,8050,4001,4002,4003,4004,4005,4006,4007,4008,4009,6001,6002,6003,6004,6005,6006,6007,6008,7001,7002,7003,7004,7005,7006,7007,7008) AND
((dbo.FAKTURA.FakturaType = 0 AND
dbo.FAKTURA.FakturaID NOT IN (
)) OR
dbo.FAKTURA.FakturaType IS NULL)
Is there a smarter way of doing this? Right now the added the query performs three times slower because of the "not in" subquery.
Any help is much appreciated!
You can use an outer join and check for null values to find non matches
SELECT customer.name, invoice.id
FROM invoices i
INNER JOIN customer ON i.customerId = customer.customerId
LEFT OUTER JOIN invoices i2 ON i.invoiceId = i2.cancelInvoiceId
WHERE i2.invoiceId IS NULL
I am having to convert code written by a former employee to work in a new database. In doing so I came across some joins I have never seen and do not fully understand how they work or if there is a need for them to be done in this fashion.
The joins look like this:
From Table A
Join(Table B
Join Table C
on B.Field1 = C.Field1)
On A.Field1 = B.Field1
Does this code function differently from something like this:
From Table A
Join Table B
On A.Field1 = B.Field1
Join Table C
On B.Field1 = C.Field1
If there is a difference please explain the purpose of the first set of code.
All of this is done in SQL Server 2012. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
I could create a temp table and then join that. But why use up the cycles\RAM on additional storage and indexes if I can just do it on the fly?
I ran across this scenario today in SSRS - a user wanted to see all the Individuals granted access through an AD group. The user was using a cursor and some temp tables to get the users out of AD and then joining the user to each SSRS object (Folders, reports, linked reports) associated with the AD group. I simplified the whole thing with Cross Apply and a sub query.
GroupMembers table
SSRSOjbects_Permissions table
Name (AD group name)
The query needs to return each individual in an AD group associated with each report. Basically a Cartesian product of users to reports within a subset of data. The easiest way to do this looks like this:
G.GroupName, G.UserID, G.Name, G.AccountType, G.AccountTypeDesc,
[Path], PathType, RoleName, RoleDesc
GroupMembers G
cross apply
[Path], PathType, RoleName, RoleDesc
Name = G.GroupName) S;
You could achieve this with a temp table and some outer joins, but why waste system resources?
I saw this kind of joins - it's MS Access style for handling multi-table joins. In MS Access you need to nest each subsequent join statement into its level brackets. So, for example this T-SQL join:
SELECT a.columna, b.columnb, c.columnc
FROM tablea AS a
LEFT JOIN tableb AS b ON a.id = b.id
LEFT JOIN tablec AS c ON a.id = c.id
you should convert to this:
SELECT a.columna, b.columnb, c.columnc
FROM ((tablea AS a) LEFT JOIN tableb AS b ON a.id = b.id) LEFT JOIN tablec AS c ON a.id = c.id
So, yes, I believe you are right in your assumption