Joining two tables in WQL/SCCM - join

I think I'm being really stupid here.
I'm using vbscript. I've connected to an SCCM server
Set locator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set connection = locator.ConnectServer("SERVERNAME", "Root\SMS\SITENAME")
I then have a WMI WQL query:
Set Collections = connection.ExecQuery("SELECT LastStatusTime,AdvertisementID,
FROM SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus
INNER JOIN SMS_Advertisement
ON SMS_Advertisement.AdvertisementID = SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus.AdvertisementID
WHERE LastStateName = 'Succeeded'
AND LastStatusTime > '2012-09-25'")
FOR each Collection in Collections
I think there's a gap in my understanding of WQL. I seem to be able to join these two WQL "tables" in this query, but I can only return values from SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus.
If I try to return anything from SMS_Advertisement, the table I've joined, I just get an error.
Can you join "tables" in WQL - if they even are tables? Or do I have to have a nested query? Or is there another way of returning data from two tables?

WQL doesn't support JOINs, but you can use MOF to define WMI classes that contain data from multiple classes. See here:
Creating a New Instance from Old Properties

The WQL language is just a subset of SQL and doesn't supports the JOIN statement, instead you can use the ASSOCIATORS OF in some cases.

WQL does support joins. Here is a sample working query, which lists the names of devices which match with collection names. Works in SCCM 2012.
select SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_Collection as Systems on Systems.Name = SMS_R_System.Name

I had a similar issue when trying to use JOIN statements in my PowerShell SCCM / ConfigManager queries and found this to be a great solution:
I believe the methods could translate to other languages too.


Generic itab in JOIN in SELECT?

I have a generic table in global area and i want to use it in SELECT from. Is this possible or is there a way do this ?
Example Code:
CLASS-DATA: mo_data TYPE REF TO data.
CREATE DATA mo_data LIKE lt_data.
ASSIGN mo_data->* TO <gt_data>.
<gt_data> = lt_data.
SELECT data~matnr,
FROM zmm_ddl_mbew AS mbew
INNER JOIN #<gt_data> AS data ON data~matnr EQ mbew~matnr
INTO TABLE #DATA(lt_mbew).
If the Generic table you are asking about is an internal Table which the code snippet suggests, then
No i dont think you cant build a join to work on 2 different sources.
Unless there are some new kernel developments, the select statements are converted to DB SQL statements.
ABAP 7.5 documentation of Select statement refers to the from "data_source" as dbtab,View or cds_entity as possible sources.
Even if it was possible there are still other generic options that may make more sense. If the source internal data is small enough, then you can build a generic where clause to solve the problem.
Select from DBTAB where (string_cond).
If the size of the internal table is so large that you end up with half the data in memory and half on a DB, there may be a better generic solution anyway.
No, it is not possible. From the SELECT datasource help:
If the FROM clause is specified statically, the internal table cannot be a generically typed formal parameter or a generically typed field symbol. Objects like this can only be specified in a dynamic FROM clause and must represent a matching internal table at runtime
The above rule remains valid whether itab joined with dbtab or not.

Joining 2 large relations in Rascal

I'm trying to join two relations in Rascal, much like a SQL join, with the following code:
rel[loc,loc,loc] methodInvocationsWithClass = {arround 40000 tuples};
rel[loc,loc] declaredClassHierarchy = {around 20000 tuples};
{ <from,to,class,super> | <from,to,class> <- methodInvocationsWithClass, <sub,super> <- declaredClassHierarchy, class == sub };
While this does exactly what I need it appears it only works well on small relations and doesn't scale well.
Is there perhaps a more efficient alternative way to accomplish this?
Indeed, we have the join keyword for this. Also lots of other useful relational operations are supported. Either by keywords or functions inside the Relation module.

How do I join multiple hive queries?

I am trying to join a simple query with a very ugly query that resolves to a single line. They have a date and a userid in common but nothing else. Alone both queries work but for the life of me I cannot get them to work together. Can someone assist me in how I would do this?
Fixed it...when you union queries in hive it looks like you need to have an equal number of fields coming back from each.

Dynamics CRM OData query filtering on expanded attributes only works if no results come out?

I have a requirement to fetch Price List Item records which adhere to the following requirements:
Filter by a specific PriceList
Filter by a specific currency
Filter by the Name of the related Product containing a given string
I got the first two points working no problem, but it feels like expanding doesn't cope well with filtering. I started from a "straight" query on Product entity:
.../ProductSet?$filter=substringof('sometext', Name)
Equivalent SQL (targeting the corresponding CRM filtered views for clarity):
SELECT * FROM FilteredProduct WHERE ProductNumber LIKE '%sometext%'
The above query works, I can tweak it and have no issues. However, if I attempt to move on to ProductPriceLevel (thus expanding the relationship with Product, which is product_price_levels) I end up with this:
.../ProductPriceLevelSet?$expand=product_price_levels&$filter=substringof('sometext', product_price_levels/Name)
Equivalent SQL (again, targeting the relevant filtered views):
SELECT * FROM FilteredProductPriceLevel PPL JOIN FilteredProduct P
ON PPL.ProductId = P.ProductId WHERE P.ProductNumber LIKE '%sometext%'
Which has two different outcomes I see:
If the $filter has no matches, it works fine and returns an empty result set
If the $filter matches something, I get an error
code: -2147220970
message: The result selector of the 'Join' operation must return an anonymous type of two properties.
AFAIK that's what happens when you hit a limitation of LINQ-to-CRM regarding using .Where() on multiple entities at once... doesn't seem relevant!
What's wrong with my query ?
NOTE: The CRM 2013 I'm using is On-Premise, without any update rollup / service pack.
ALSO NOTE: The equivalent SQL, as can be expected, works perfectly
I don't think CRM OData supports adding a filter on a joined entity. Try reversing the entity you're actually starting with, and add a path to the referencing entity:
P.S. If you have linqPad, this is the query I used to generate this:
from p in ProductSet
where p.ProductNumber.Contains("sometext")
select new { p.product_price_levels }

Map a Rails Custom SQL Query to an ActiveRecord Model

I'm setting up a custom query that uses a range of OR statements in conjunction with BETWEEN statements and a final GROUP BY id HAVING COUNT(*) >= #{tolerance}. Not to mention INNER and LEFT join operations.
I would assume that it would not be possible to setup using active record. So I used the Model.connection.select_all() command to fire a query. This works, but how do I not map all of the rows to that specific model?
Rails is pretty powerful especially if you are using Rails 3 & ARel. So I wouldn't be surprised if you actually could write your query using rails.
However, there will always be times when writing raw SQL is desired.
To do that, instead of Model.connection use Model.find_by_sql(QUERY_STRING).
This way the query will get parsed for you automatically just make sure you only select "model.*"
