about the use of inject in ruby - ruby-on-rails

please somebody if you can explain the 3 rd line of this code. This method is to subtract an array of numbers starting from 2nd no. subtracted from 1st and the 3rd no. subtracted from the resultant and so on...
def subtract(*numbers)
sum = numbers.shift
numbers.inject(sum) { |sum, number| sum - number }

What inject does is takes some initial value (sum) and applies some operation to it for each element of your enumerable. So here, we take 1, and subtract the first element from 1, and the subtract the second element from that result, etc...
So below we have 1 - 2 = -1, then -1 - 3 = -4.
>> numbers=[1,2,3]
=> [1, 2, 3]
>> sum = numbers.shift
=> 1
>> numbers
=> [2, 3]
>> numbers.inject(sum) { |sum, number| sum - number }
=> -4


How to optimize the program with two for loops

I have a following programm
def calc_res(a)
n = a.length
result = 0
for i in 0 .. (n - 1)
for j in i .. (n - 1)
if (a[i] != a[j] && j - i > result) then
result = j - i
return result
which return following output
irb(main):013:0> calc_res([4, 6, 2, 2, 6, 6, 4])
=> 5
but it is taking time if array size is too large e.g. [0,1,2,3,.....70000]
can any one suggest me how can I optimize it.
If I have understood the problem you are trying to solve (from code)
def calc_res(a)
last_index = a.length - 1
index = 0
while a[index] == a.last do
index = index + 1
break if index == last_index
last_index - index
It checks items from start if they are equal to items from end, end it moves the index toward the last element. As I understood you search for max length between different elements.
For you problem with [4, 6, 2, 2, 6, 6, 4] it will have one iteration and return 5, for the problem with [1...70000] it will have zero iterations and will return the difference in positions for those two (size of the array - 1)
My understanding is that the problem is to find two unique elements in the array whose distance apart (difference in indices) is maximum, and to return the distance they are apart. I return nil if all elements are the same.
My solution attempts to minimize the numbers of pairs of elements that must be examined before an optimal solution is identified. For the example given in the question only two pairs of elements need be considered.
def calc_res(a)
sz = a.size-1
sz.downto(2).find { |n| (0..sz-n).any? { |i| a[i] != a[i+n] } }
a = [4,6,2,2,6,6,4]
calc_res a
#=> 5
If sz = a.size-1, sz is the greatest possible distance two elements can be apart. If, for example, a = [1,2,3,4], sz = 3, which is the number of positions 1 and 4 are apart.
For a, sz = a.size-1 #=> 6. I first determine if any pair of elements that are n = sz positions apart are unique. [a[0], a[6]] #=> [4,4] is the only pair of elements 6 positions apart. Since they are not unique I reduce n by one (to 5) and examine all pairs of elements n positions apart, looking for one whose elements are unique. There are two pairs 5 positions apart: [a[0], a[5]] #=> [4,6] and [a[1], a[6]] #=> [6,4]. Both of these meet the test, so we are finished, and return n #=> 5. In fact we are finished after testing the first of these two pairs. Had neither these pairs contained unique values n would have been reduced by 1 to 4 and the three pairs [a[0], a[4]] #=> [4,6], [a[1], a[5]] #=> [6,6] and [a[2], a[6]] #=> [2,6] would have been searched for one with unique values, and so on.
See Integer#downto, Enumerable#find and Enumerable#any?.
A more rubyesque versions include:
def calc_res(a)
last = a.last
idx = a.find_index {|e| e != last }&.+(1) || a.size
a.size - idx
def calc_res(a)
last = a.last
a.size - a.each.with_index(1).detect(->{[a.size]}) {|e,_| e != last }.last
def calc_res(a)
last = a.last
a.reduce(a.size) do |memo, e|
return memo unless e == last
memo -= 1
def calc_res(a)
return 0 if b = a.uniq and b.size == 1
a.size - a.index(b[-1]).+(1)

What's a good way to create a string array in Ruby based on integer variables?

The integer variables are:
toonie = 2, loonie = 1, quarter = 1, dime = 0, nickel = 1, penny = 3
I want the final output to be
"2 toonies, 1 loonie, 1 quarter, 1 nickel, 3 pennies"
Is there a way to interpolate this all from Ruby code inside [] array brackets and then add .join(", ")?
Or will I have to declare an empty array first, and then write some Ruby code to add to the array if the integer variable is greater than 0?
I would do something like this:
coins = { toonie: 2, loonie: 1, quarter: 1, dime: 0, nickel: 1, penny: 3 }
coins.map { |k, v| pluralize(v, k) if v > 0 }.compact.join(', ')
#=> "2 toonie, 1 loonie, 1 quarter, 1 nickel, 3 penny"
Note that pluralize is a ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper method. Therefore it is only available in views and helpers.
When you want to use your example outside of views, you might want to use pluralize from ActiveSupport instead - what makes the solution slightly longer:
coins.map { |k, v| "#{v} #{v == 1 ? k : k.pluralize}" if v > 0 }.compact.join(', ')
#=> "2 toonie, 1 loonie, 1 quarter, 1 nickel, 3 penny"
Can be done in rails:
hash = {
"toonie" => 2,
"loonie" => 1,
"quarter" => 1,
"dime" => 0,
"nickel" => 1,
"penny" => 3
hash.to_a.map { |ele| "#{ele.last} #{ele.last> 1 ? ele.first.pluralize : ele.first}" }.join(", ")
Basically what you do is convert the hash to an array, which will look like this:
[["toonie", 2], ["loonie", 1], ["quarter", 1], ["dime", 0], ["nickel", 1], ["penny", 3]]
Then you map each element to the function provided, which takes the inner array, takes the numeric value in the last entry, places it in a string and then adds the plural or singular value based on the numeric value you just checked. And finally merge it all together
=> "2 toonies, 1 loonie, 1 quarter, 1 nickel, 3 pennies"
I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for, but I would start with a hash like:
coins = {"toonie" => 2, "loonie" => 1, "quarter" => 1, "dime" => 0, "nickel" => 1, "penny" => 3}
then you can use this to print the counts
def coin_counts(coins)
(coins.keys.select { |coin| coins[coin] > 0}.map {|coin| coins[coin].to_s + " " + coin}).join(", ")
If you would like appropriate pluralizing, you can do the following:
include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
def coin_counts(coins)
(coins.keys.select { |coin| coins[coin] > 0}.map {|coin| pluralize(coins[coin], coin)}).join(", ")
This is just for fun and should not be used in production but you can achieve it like
def run
toonie = 2
loonie = 1
quarter = 1
dime = 0
nickel = 1
penny = 3
Kernel::local_variables.each_with_object([]) { |var, array|
next if eval(var.to_s).to_i.zero?
array << "#{eval(var.to_s)} #{var}"
}.join(', ')
run # returns "2 toonie, 1 loonie, 1 quarter, 1 nickel, 3 penny"
The above does not implement the pluralization requirement because it really depends if you will have irregular plural nouns or whatever.
I would go with a hash solution as described in the other answers

Easiest way to find divisors of 60 in Ruby on Rails

Other than hardcoding or using the Math module, Is there any way I can find divisors of 60 in Ruby on Rails. Any helper methods/regular expression that I can make use of? Thanks for your help.
One of the easiest ways to achieve this would be to create a list of numbers between 1 and 60, and then only select the ones that divide 60 with no remainder.
To expand on SteveTurczyn's answer, we can do:
(1..60).select { |n| 60 % n == 0 }
The (1..60) part creates an enumerator (which in this case we can think of as an array of the numbers between 1 and 60).
Then you want to take this array, and select only the elements are divisors of 60.
We can use the modulus operator %, which gives us the remainder left over when we divide a number by another (e.g., 5 % 2 returns 1). Of course, if there is no remainder, then we know that the number divided cleanly, and is therefore a divisor of that number (i.e., if a % b == 0, then b is a divisor of a).
So what we want to do, is use the above as a criteria for selecting elements out of the array of numbers between 1 and 60, which we are able to do with the Array#select method.
If we have something, like an array (technically, I think, an Enumerable), we can use #select and a block to pull out only the elements that satisfy whatever criteria we specify in the block.
The { |n| 60 % n == 0 } is the block we are passing to #select, which will return true whenever 60 % n is 0 (each n is an element from the array of numbers 1 through 60). Array#select only returns the elements in the array for which the block evaluates to true- which is how SteveTurczyn's solution works.
This will give you the array of divisors
(1..60).select { |n| 60 % n == 0}
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60]
For small numbers it's okay to use the brute force search, but for large numbers this approach doesn't suite. You can speed up your method significantly by selecting divisors as pairs.
Some examples with benchmarks:
require 'benchmark'
n = 10_000_000
def brute_force(n)
(1..n).select { |i| n % i == 0 }
def faster_way(n)
(1..Math.sqrt(n)).each_with_object([]) { |i, arr| (n % i).zero? && arr << i && n/i != i && arr << n/i }
Benchmark.bm do |x|
x.report { brute_force(n) }
x.report { faster_way(n) }
# Benchmark output
user system total real
0.799491 0.001417 0.800908 ( 0.802341)
0.000580 0.000002 0.000582 ( 0.000581)
As you can see the second approach is 1376 times faster for n = 10_000_000.

Creating a range from one column

I have a column called "Marks" which contains values like
Marks = [100,200,150,157,....]
I need to assign Grades to those marks using the following key
<25=0, <75=1, <125=2, <250=3, <500=4, >500=5
If Marks < 25, then Grade = 0, if marks < 75 then grade = 1.
I can sort the results and find the first record that matches using Ruby's find function. Is it the best method ? Or is there a way by which I can prepare a range using the key by adding Lower Limit and Upper Limit columns to the table and by populating those ranges using the key? Marks can have decimals too Ex: 99.99
Without using Rails, you could do it like this:
marks = [100, 200, 150, 157, 692, 12]
marks_to_grade = { 25=>0, 75=>1, 125=>2, 250=>3, 500=>4, Float::INFINITY=>5 }
Hash[marks.map { |m| [m, marks_to_grade.find { |k,_| m <= k }.last] }]
#=> {100=>2, 200=>3, 150=>3, 157=>3, 692=>5, 12=>0}
With Ruby 2.1, you could write this:
marks.map { |m| [m, marks_to_grade.find { |k,_| m <= k }.last] }.to_h
Here's what's happening:
Enumerable#map (a.k.a collect) converts each mark m to an array [m, g], where g is the grade computed for that mark. For example, when map passes the first element of marks into its block, we have:
m = 100
a = marks_to_grade.find { |k,_| m <= k }
#=> marks_to_grade.find { |k,_| 100 <= k }
#=> [125, 2]
#=> 2
so the mark 100 is mapped to [100, 2]. (I've replaced the block variable for the value of the key-value pair with the placeholder _ to draw attention to the fact that the value is not being used in the calculation within the block. One could also use, say, _v as the placeholder.) The remaining marks are similarly mapped, resulting in:
b = marks.map { |m| [m, marks_to_grade.find { |k,_| m <= k }.last] }
#=> [[100, 2], [200, 3], [150, 3], [157, 3], [692, 5], [12, 0]]
#=> {100=>2, 200=>3, 150=>3, 157=>3, 692=>5, 12=>0}
or, for Ruby 2.1+
#=> {100=>2, 200=>3, 150=>3, 157=>3, 692=>5, 12=>0}
You can make use of update_all:
Student.where(:mark => 0...25).update_all(grade: 0)
Student.where(:mark => 25...75).update_all(grade: 1)
Student.where(:mark => 75...125).update_all(grade: 2)
Student.where(:mark => 125...250).update_all(grade: 3)
Student.where(:mark => 250...500).update_all(grade: 4)
Student.where("mark > ?", 500).update_all(grade: 5)

Select method with args separated by double-pipes only checking first element... Alternative?

I have a bit of broken legacy code I have to fix. Its purpose was to take a large array and return elements that have a particular sector number.
Here's a simplified version of the code in the app. Goal: return any instance of 1 or 3 in array:
array = [1,1,2,2,3,3].select{|num| num == (1 || 3) }
But the return value is simply #=> [1, 1] when the desired return was #=> [1, 1, 3, 3]
Basically, what I'm looking for is the Ruby equivalent to the following SQL query:
SELECT num FROM array
WHERE num IN (1, 3);
Ruby 1.8.7, Rails 2.3.15
Do as below to meet your need :
array = [1,1,2,2,3,3]
array.select{|num| [1,3].include? num }
# => [1, 1, 3, 3]
See why you got only [1,1].
1 || 3 # => 1
1 || 3 will always returns 1, thus num == 1 is evaluated as true when select is passing only 1. As a result you got [1,1].
