Can I place iAd ADBannerView middle of the iPad app? - ios

I could place iAd ADBannerView as a subview of a view , which sits at the middle of the screen.
So effectively the ad view will be at the middle of the ipad app.I did not change the size of the ADBannerView.
My questions are
1, will apple reject my app?
2, Can my ADBannerView receive ads from iAd network..
Thanks in advance

You should try it out. After you open your app, you will see a test ad, if you click it it will tell you if it is working ok.
Otherwise, three is no rule that I know of about the placement of the ad, you can place it wherever you like, the middle is fine.


Disable invite banner

When I invite a player to a turn based match in iOS Game-Center a Game Center banner is shown on top of the screen in the receiving side (at least most of the times, the functionality seems to be shaky).
I don't want a banner, but I want to handle that invite programmatically instead. Is that possible? The problem is that I can't control the banner. In some views I just want to ignore it.

How to pause iAd banner?

I want to simply pause the iAd banner in my app. When the user double clicks the home button to go to the multitasking screen, I made it so the app pauses itself which works perfectly fine. But the iAd banner keeps animating itself which looks kind of weird. A live iAd banner in a frozen app...
So how can I programmatically pause an iAd banner (ADBannerView)?
Or should I just remove it until the app is in the foreground again?
Since it's just a UIView, it's probably best to just set it's 'hidden' property to YES in viewWillDisappear (or viewDidDisappear) and then unhide it in viewWillAppear.
Another approach would be to grab a screencapture of the rectangle representing the banner, overlay an UIImageView on top of the banner and display the screen cap there. But I think that's a bit overkill.

How long does an iAd banner have to be on the screen to successfully make an impression

I'm going to be using iAds in my app and I hoped to put it inside a scroll view so the user sees one only occasionally without having a clunky banner. However, I recently read that an ad has to be on the screen for a certain amount of time to make an impression. Does anyone know how long it has to be on the screen?
If it a small banner like 320x50 you can show it somewhere all the times (usually bottom or top).
If it is a full-screen banner, I recommend showing it not more often than 30 seconds.
Also, if it is a game, maker sure you only display it in specific states, otherwise the users will get annoyed and write bad reviews.

ADmob : Places in a square in the center of the screen - Iphone

Hy guyz, i'm new with adMob and till now i managed to create a singleton class of admob and calling it as the header and footer of all my view controllers.
But the thing is, i am supposed now to create a middle screen advertisement spot in the center of the screen. After reviewing the adMob documentation, i thought it couldn't take place since it is NOT a InterStitial ad and it's not a simple banner ad.
Any ideas how to create it ?

admob with uiwebview iOS

I have a problem with the admob ad covering my webView content. I´ve understood there´s something that can be done with making webview and bannerview siblings, but I have an In-app purchase from which the user can remove the ads. Does anyone have any idea how to make the bannerview appear above the webView and if the user buys the in-app purchase, I want the webview to cover the entire screen again.
As you mentioned, you can have the bannerView and UIWebView be sibling views. If a user completes the purchase, you can programmatically remove the bannerView from your Window.
