ADmob : Places in a square in the center of the screen - Iphone - ios

Hy guyz, i'm new with adMob and till now i managed to create a singleton class of admob and calling it as the header and footer of all my view controllers.
But the thing is, i am supposed now to create a middle screen advertisement spot in the center of the screen. After reviewing the adMob documentation, i thought it couldn't take place since it is NOT a InterStitial ad and it's not a simple banner ad.
Any ideas how to create it ?


How to request AdMob Interstitial before transition to display the ads immediatelly

I've been using AdMob integration (interstitial ads) in my project.
My project has the following structure:
-Main Screen
-Choose Level
-Play Screen
Is there anyway to request the interstitial ads in the Main Screen, and once the user enters the category or play screen the interstitial ads would be available to show?
Currently the example provided by AdMob only shows code for a single page, which is to load and cache in the page itself. I would like to create an object or singleton in my App Delegate which would persist across all my View Controllers.

Can you preload admob DFPBannerView on iOS

Can you preload admob DFPRequest on iOS? I know you can for interstitials, but was wondering about DFPBannerView
Create one GADBannerView and one request inapplicationDidFinishLaunching, listen to the GADBannerView's delegate method to know when it's loaded, and then present it on any view you desire. applicationDidFinishLaunching would be the earliest you could make your request. Check this example using an ADBannerView and Swift. The implementation would be the same.
No, you can't do it for banners. Once you call LoadAd() for a banner ad unit, your banner ad starts loading and refreshes after a set interval (what you've set on the dashboard, or the default), if any.
There is no way to preload admob banner ads like interstitial.

How to resize iAd in app?

I don't want a banner and want to create my own size for iAd. Preferably, a square. Is there any possible way to shape iAd into a square and still put it in my app?
No, sorry. All the ads iAd serves are created for specific dimensions and would look pretty bad if you made them square. I would also guess that Apple would reject your app for using iAd incorrectly.
You may be able to find a different mobile ad company that does allow square ads. There are plenty of other companies to choose from.
If you don't want to do a banner, you should look into interstitials or check out Kiip and their ad format. You'll generally find much higher ecpms with interstitials and kiip anyway.

GameCenter Notifications Obtrusive to iAd view

I am displaying an iAd Banner at the top of my game and game center notifications are covering the iAd. Is there any GameKit framework delegate code that will let me know when a GameCenter banner is sliding onto my view so I can also slide my iAd down and then back up so the advertisement isn't covered.
No, there is no delegate method that notifies you when a Game Center banner will appear. Also keep in mind that what you're trying to do can disturb the user's game experience. I can tell you from personal experience that ads are pretty useless when users don't play your game regularly. 'Less is more' definitely applies to the implementation of mobile ads.
However, there are some methods/properties that can disable the game center banners. This gives you the opportunity to create your own custom Game Center UI. This information be found in Apple's Game Center Programming Guide: .
Keep in mind that this is no small undertaking. You'll have to handle all the Game Center features, like achievements and challenges, separately. But it's your best shot at handling the obtrusiveness of Game Center notifications.
If you don't want to write your own Game Center UI, consider placing your iAd banner at the bottom in parts where the notifications are most intrusive.

Can I place iAd ADBannerView middle of the iPad app?

I could place iAd ADBannerView as a subview of a view , which sits at the middle of the screen.
So effectively the ad view will be at the middle of the ipad app.I did not change the size of the ADBannerView.
My questions are
1, will apple reject my app?
2, Can my ADBannerView receive ads from iAd network..
Thanks in advance
You should try it out. After you open your app, you will see a test ad, if you click it it will tell you if it is working ok.
Otherwise, three is no rule that I know of about the placement of the ad, you can place it wherever you like, the middle is fine.
